Han Zhang stood by and quietly watched Mu Yong issue orders one by one.

Although he knew that Mu Yong and the Holy Lord were inextricably linked, he was not the same person as him.

But Han Zhang had to admit that Mu Yong was excellent.

The movement of hundreds of thousands, millions of people, under his command, was orderly and properly arranged.

From the moment he came to Taocheng, everything went steadily under Muyong’s arrangement.

This is also why the people below are willing to obey Mu Yong’s command, not only because of Mu Yong’s identity, nor because Mu Yong represents the Holy Lord.

More were impressed by Mu Yong’s ability.

This time Zhongzhou sent troops to Yanzhou, Mu Yong’s current arrangement, even Han Zhang had to admire.

Many of the cultivators were geniuses, but that was just a genius in cultivation.

There are very few cultivators who know how to line up troops, but Mu Yong not only understands, but also the best one.

After Mu Yong arranged everything and everyone else retreated, there were only two people left, Han Zhang and Mu Yong.

Mu Yong looked at Han Zhang, smiled slightly, and was gentle, “Master Han Zhang, is there something wrong?”

Han Zhang groaned, as if thinking about how to speak, and after a moment, he slowly spoke, “Master Muyong, the Holy Lord’s plan, can’t you really tell me?”

Mu Yong shook his head slightly, revealing a somewhat apologetic smile, “Lord Han Zhang, please forgive me.”

“When the time is right, I will definitely tell Lord Han Zhang truthfully.”

Seeing that Mu Yong refused to say, Han Zhang did not force it, but changed to another question.

“What’s going on with the Star Point?”

Han Zhang’s expression became serious, “The slaughter of the Terran cultivators has already gone too far, and now the Dian Xing Sect has been slaughtered, doing so will only make it impossible for our Saint Race and Terran Race to ease up.”

“Do you really think our holy race is invincible?”

Mu Yong’s smile disappeared, and he seemed a little depressed, and then said the inside story, “If my guess is correct, the person who destroyed the Star Sect is Lu Shaoqing.” ”

Lu Shaoqing?” Han Zhang was stunned, “What does it have to do with him?”

Mu Yong took a deep look at him and smiled again, “Because Lord Long Jian and Lord Lu went to the Star Sect mainly to deal with Lu Shaoqing.

Mu Yong’s smile seemed unfathomable to Han Zhang, as if he was calculating something, which made Han Zhang can’t help but feel a little afraid in his heart.

“What the hell is going on?”

“It’s very simple,” Mu Yong’s smile disappeared again, becoming fierce, and his words said with a thick murderous aura, “I thought that Lu Shaoqing couldn’t be sent in Lingxiao, and it happened that the Dian Xing faction and the Lingxiao faction were not far away, I asked the two adults to go to the Dian Xing faction, put pressure on the Dian Xing faction, let the Dian Xing faction lead Ji Yan away, and use Ji Yan as bait to lure Lu Shaoqing over.”

“My purpose was to kill Lu Shaoqing, but what I didn’t expect was that Lu Shaoqing had already left the Lingxiao faction and entered Yanzhou instead.”

“If Master Han Zhang, you had let me tell me earlier that Lu Shaoqing was in the refining period, my plan would definitely succeed.”

When Mu Yong said this, he showed a regretful expression, if he knew that Lu Shaoqing was refining the void, he would definitely send another master of the refining void period.


Han Zhang’s face also changed slightly, “You want to kill Lu Shaoqing?” Is this what the Holy Lord means?

“It’s not the meaning of the Holy Lord, the Holy Lord wants Lu Shaoqing to surrender, but I want him to die.”

The calm tone revealed a firm killing intent.

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“You can also see that he can help those monsters open the passage, he is not only the scourge of our holy race, but also the scourge of the human race, so the best way is for him to die, and our world can truly achieve peace.”

Han Zhang fell silent.

Mu Yong has some point.

Lu Shaoqing is too strange, and it is indeed strange to open the passage for monsters to appear.

It can also be scary.

Seeing that you are not good, I opened a back door in your house, so that the beast could break into your house at any time, and no one could stand it.

“Is killing Lu Shaoqing also part of the Holy Lord’s plan?”

Mu Yong smiled slightly, “No, this is my plan.

“Unfortunately, it fell short.”

Although Mu Yong had some regrets, he could not see his frustration, but instead appeared more confident, “He can also be regarded as a great favor to us this time, allowing us to quickly occupy Yanzhou and advance the Holy Lord’s plan.”

“Moreover,” Mu Yong’s confident smile widened, “I have already thought of how to deal with him.”

Han Zhang reminded, “I won’t help you deal with Lu Shaoqing.” ”

Such a terrible teenager, try not to provoke him.

Mu Yong smiled, “Don’t worry, you don’t need to make a move, hmph, slander me?” In the future, I will make you regret it.

Han Zhang was speechless, and he could hear a strong resentment from Mu Yong’s last words.

It seems that he was bullied, and after the bully left, he dared to put down cruel words and say that he would take revenge in the future.

However, Han Zhang also got useful information from Mu Yong’s words just now.

He stared at Mu Yong, “The true target of the Holy Lord is Zhongzhou? If

so, it makes sense why they are the only ones coming.

There were not a few of the Holy Land’s lineages, and none of the Holy Lord’s three apprentices, but Pai Mu Yonglai.

Mu Yong smiled slightly and did not speak, but the smile already said many things.

Han Zhang didn’t understand even more, Zhongzhou was different from Yanzhou and Dongzhou.

Zhongzhou is the most expansive, the most environmentally pledged and the richest in resources among the thirteen states.

The strength of the Middle State is that even the other twelve states combined are no match for it.

The Holy Race can appear in Taocheng as it is now, and use Taocheng as a starting point to attack Qizhou, Yanzhou, and Dongzhou.

Moreover, the Saint Race was able to succeed because Tao City was a three-way area, so they had an opportunity.

But if you want to deal with Zhongzhou in this way, don’t dream.

There are countless people in Zhongzhou, but they will not easily give such an opportunity to the Saint Family.

What exactly is the Lord’s plan?



Ou Qing, who shrouded himself in a black robe, said to Qiya, “Let’s start!” ”

The transmission array under their feet suddenly lit up…

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