After saying goodbye to the head ancestor, Lu Shaoqing stepped into the portal, and the white light in front of his eyes flashed.

Before Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes, Xiao Yi’s surprised voice sounded in his ears, “What is this place?” Is it the demon world?

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes, and everywhere he saw it, there was gray all around.

Suddenly, Lu Shaoqing almost thought that he had returned to the northern desert of Cold Star.

But fortunately, the cold star north desert there, gray not to say, but also give people a heavy pressure.

And now, although the surroundings are gray, there is no flying sand and dust, but a hazy feeling.

It’s like being in a gray mist.

Xiao Yi asked curiously, “Second Senior Brother, is this the Demon Realm?”

Lu Shaoqing’s face was depressed, and his divine sense swept away, and he found that there was nothing around him, and his divine sense could not detect anything useful.

The sharp gaze could not see far, looking into the distance, gray, like another world.

Although there is a sense of contact under the feet, it is not dirt.

The divine sense swept over, and it was impossible to tell what it was.

Lu Shaoqing squatted down, touched it, and found that what he was stepping on was actually a layer of mist.

It can be easily broken off and dissipated into mist in an instant.

Lu Shaoqing stood up depressedly, not knowing what the hell he had come to.

Xiao Yi immediately came over and asked again, “Second Senior Brother, how is it?” Is it the demon world? ”

Yarn!” Lu Shaoqing said angrily.

Although the demon world does not have much contact with the human world, there are also some humans who have been there, and there are also records about

it, the climate environment of the demon world is similar to that of the human world, and it is much better than Cold Star.

Now, the surrounding area is gray, the aura is pitiful, and the environment is worse than that of Cold Star.

Lu Shaoqing pulled out the piercing disc and yelled at the piercing disk, “Broken plate, what is this place?” ”

You’re lost again, aren’t you?”

The boundary did not dare to appear, hiding in the boundary plate, revealing a grievance emotion, “Maybe, maybe I remembered, I remembered the wrong coordinates, and my memory is not good.”

“Maybe?” Lu Shaoqing was even more angry, knocking on the boundary plate and continuing to roar, “It’s funny, you are a broken plate, you are a magic weapon, you think you are a human?” Bad memory? Lu

Shaoqing was so angry, “I do things thoughtfully, I never drop the chain, I am known as a reliable Xiaolangjun, why are you foodies unreliable?” ”

The piercing plate was knocked so loudly that the boundary wanted to cry without tears.

The baby is bitter in his heart, and the baby can’t say what he has bitterness.

It could only endure Lu Shaoqing’s roar at it with tears in its eyes.

After Lu Shaoqing roared for a long time, he knocked on the boundary plate, “Quickly find out the coordinate point for me.”

“Now, right away, take me here right away.”

This kind of place is not reliable at first glance, and it is very dangerous at first glance.

Hurry up, Master’s side can’t wait.

The boundary disk was silent for a moment, and then said that it could not feel any coordinate points here, even if it went home.

You have to find the right place.

Lu Shaoqing was crazy and cursed, “I really want to smash you.” ”

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If a person is not familiar with the ground, he has no choice but to continue in the direction pointed by the boundary plate.

The surroundings were gray, as if in a thick fog, and without the sun and moon, it was impossible to find something that could determine the direction.

Divine sense is also useless, if it is not for the guidance of the boundary plate, even Lu Shaoqing will have to be a headless fly and run around.

Ji Yan followed coldly, “Unreliable guy.”

Lu Shaoqing immediately turned around and scolded angrily, “Shut up, you are reliable, you lead the way.” ”

Speed up!” “We don’t have time to waste here.” ”

Master is in danger, and Ji Yan can’t wait to find Shao Cheng as soon as possible.

“You think I want to,” Lu Shaoqing scolded, “This place is very weird, give me stability.” ”

Although it does not give people a sense of danger, this kind of place is strange no matter how you look at it, who knows if there will be any danger hidden inside.”

Lu Shaoqing also wanted to find Shao Cheng as soon as possible, in case he encountered danger here, let alone save the master, it was difficult to say whether he could keep it.

Ji Yan calmed his face and walked to the front with the Wuqiu sword in his hand.

Xiao Yi wanted to say something, but the expressions of the two senior brothers were terrifyingly gloomy, and she could only shrink her head and follow closely behind the two with the three little ones.

The speed of the three people is not fast, but it is not slow, and they have walked hundreds of thousands of miles in a few days.

However, the front is still gray, and there is no scene in sight.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but muttered in his heart, wouldn’t he go the wrong way?

Just as Xiao Yi muttered in his heart, Ji Yan suddenly spoke, “Not yet?”

Lu Shaoqing patted the boundary plate floating in front, and the boundary jumped out from it, and said cautiously, “There is still a little distance.”

“Still a little distance?” Ji Yan said impatiently, “How many times have you said this?”

“What are you in a hurry?” Lu Shaoqing shouted, “You are anxious, I am also anxious.”

Seeing this, Xiao Yi hurriedly dissuaded, “Senior brother, second senior brother, don’t be anxious.”

Xiao Yi knew that Ji Yan and Lu Shaoqing were concerned about Shao Cheng, and both of them looked anxious.

“Urgent?” Lu Shaoqing immediately denied, “I’m not in a hurry, it’s him who is in a hurry.” Ji

Yan snorted, “You’re not in a hurry, you’ll get the coordinate point wrong?” ”

It’s a waste of time here.”

Lu Shaoqing was unhappy, “Ah, yes, you kind of take a step first.” ”

Two senior brothers…” Xiao Yi tried to dissuade again.

“Shut up!” The two drank in unison, and Xiao Yi immediately shrunk his neck.

The two senior brothers are already like a volcano about to erupt, so shut up.

Suddenly, Ji Yan’s figure suddenly flashed, like a streamer rushing straight into the distance.

“Senior brother?”

No, the husband and wife will not be angry at this time when they quarrel, right?

The place is scattered, but no one can be found.

It’s not like the style of the master brother.

“Bastard, I shouldn’t have taken you when I came out!”

Lu Shaoqing scolded his mother here, with a wave of his hand, Xiao Yi suddenly felt an invisible force enveloping him, and the next moment his speed increased, and he also turned into a streamer chasing the plan in front of him……

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