“Oops!” Hu Xue’s face was ugly, “The nearest Tang City has been occupied by the Flying Bird Clan. ”

Tangcheng, the closest city to Yuancheng.

Lu Shaoqing frowned, “Can’t go over?”

Hu Xue shook his head, but he didn’t worry too much, and smiled, “Senior, don’t worry, we can detour.” However

, when Hu Xue tried it one by one, whether it was Tangcheng in the northwest of Yuancheng, or several cities in the north, south, and southwest of Yuancheng, they were all occupied by the bird tribe.

In other words, Yuancheng is cut off here.

Teleporting over, it will only fall into the encirclement of the bird clan and become a turtle in the urn.

Unless you walk over, but in this way, it consumes too much time.

Hu Xue also had no way, no more smile, and looked at Lu Shaoqing with a bitter face, “Senior, what should I do?”

Hu Xue’s heart was uneasy, and his expression was hesitant, “The birds don’t know what crazy they are, they all occupy the city, this is something that has not happened before.”

“There is no other way but the teleportation array?”

Lu Shaoqing frowned, he would only hate that there was no coordinate point of Qi City, otherwise he would directly open the door and go over, where there are so many troublesome things.

“Or fly over!” Hu Xue said the second way.

“Waste of time!” Before Lu Shaoqing could speak, Ji Yan spoke first.

He took the spirit stone out, waved his big hand, directly activated the teleportation array, and then stepped into the teleportation array and disappeared.


Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing cursed while catching up, “Frizzy…” Hu

Xue was dumbfounded, standing in place and watching Xiao Yi disappear into the teleportation array one by one.

After a few breaths, he gritted his teeth and hurried to follow.

I couldn’t help but complain in my heart, Senior Mu Yong said it well, frizzy, I don’t know if this kind of thing is urgent?

Although it seems to be more reliable than Muyong’s senior, this senior Ji is not reliable at all.

It is also said that it is a senior brother, despised.

Hu Xue had no choice but to follow them.

As soon as the light flashed, Mu Yong heard Lu Shaoqing’s scolding voice in his ears.

“Do you know you’re doing this too much?”

Hu Xue nodded secretly in her heart, it was indeed too much, putting everyone in danger.

Lu Shaoqing’s words continued to come, “Do you think you are rich? ”

Is the spirit stone wasted like this? You want to come over, you let the old fox activate the teleportation array for the spirit stone, can you die?

“You have a lot of spirit stones, you can’t spend it, you will give it to me, do you know that waste will be struck by lightning?”

“Plop!” Hu Xue couldn’t stand up steadily, and fell down directly.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and saw Hu Xue lying on the ground, his face was stunned, “What are you doing?” Can you get dizzy when you make a teleportation array? You fox should not be vain, right?

Hu Xue got up and burst into tears.

I thought you were blaming your senior brother for acting impatiently, but I didn’t expect that you were blaming him for messing with spirit stones.

Hu Xue asked Lu Shaoqing with a crying face, “Senior, you asked me to follow you, are you thinking of spending my spirit stone?”

“yes, or what do you think I like about you?” You are not a female fox. Hu

Xue wanted to cry, so honest, not even perfunctory.

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I thought that I was extremely smart, and my performance satisfied my predecessors, and I was taken in.

Unexpectedly, it was people who fancy their own money bags.

Just when Hu Xue was sad and depressed, there was an angry shout not far away, “What kind of person?

“Who is it?”

“Who else can it be, it must be our own people.”

“Haha, did you come so soon?”

Then several demon beasts of the bird tribe appeared in everyone’s sight.

They hovered overhead, staring at the teleportation array here.

The breath emitted is all in the realm of the Jiedan period, and it has not yet been able to take shape.

“Oh, no,” suddenly an eagle falcon with sharp eyes saw Hu Xue, “It’s a walking beast!” ”

Haha!” When the birds next to him heard this, they immediately laughed, “I threw myself into the net.” ”

No, they have several shapeshifts, hurry up and inform the elders…” Then

found Lu Shaoqing’s group, six incarnations existed, at least at the beginning of the Yuan infancy stage, frightened several birds hurriedly set out to warn.

The shrill sound of birdsong echoed over Tangcheng.


Ji Yan snorted coldly, and the whole person was like a sharp sword about to be unsheathed.

“What for?” Lu Shaoqing stopped it immediately, “You treat me honestly.” Then

he motioned for Dabai Xiaobai to make a move.

However, as soon as Da Bai Xiaobai revealed his breath, he startled countless birds.

The terrifying aura made the birds in the city rise up one after another.

And from a distance, several streamers rushed over, feeling the breath of big white and little white, turned around at the first time, and fled here without looking back.

The strongest here is only the Yuan Infancy Period, feel the breath of the Transformation God Period, if you don’t escape, do you wait for death?

The bird tribe lived up to their reputation, the speed was unparalleled in the world, just a few breaths, the bird tribe here in Tangcheng fled at the first time and became an empty city.

Hu Xue looked at the empty city, and didn’t know what to say for a while.

“Go,” Lu Shaoqing nodded in satisfaction, and said to Hu Xuedao, “What are you still stunned for?” Let’s go…”

Hu Xue was speechless, and had to take out his spirit stone to activate the teleportation array.

In this way, they teleported over station by station, and some cities fell into the hands of the bird tribe on the way, and some were still in the hands of the beast tribe.

But no matter who controlled the city, they couldn’t stop Lu Shaoqing and them from rushing.

The birds occupied the city but were suddenly taken away by the terrifying aura, and it took a lot of effort, killing and wounding many people to capture more than a dozen cities, and before they could cover the heat, they were frightened and fled.

This anomaly was naturally received by the high-level of the Bird Clan.

“Does the beast beast know our plan?”

“Impossible, maybe just by chance.”

“Is it called accident that so many cities have been gained and lost?”

“We can’t even see people, where the hell did they come from?”

“No matter what, the plan remains the same, and continuing to implement it is a matter of the prince’s plan, and there is no room for failure.”

“That’s right, once successful, there will be no day to turn over…”

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