Hu Xue pointed to a city in the distance that seemed to blend into the sky, and said in a proud tone, “There is the royal city of our beast race, Qi City!” ”

For Hu Xue and these beast races, the royal city is their holy place.

After a long journey, Lu Shaoqing and his group finally arrived here in Qicheng.

Looking at the majestic and tall city in the distance, Lu Shaoqing had to sigh in his heart, it turned out that the demon race could also build such a tall and majestic city.

The cities I saw along the way before were simple and simple, and I thought that the demon race did not have the major of architecture here.

Everyone flew towards Qi City and soon came to Qi City.

I have to say that as the royal city of the beast race, Qi City is tall and majestic, and the city wall is towering, which is not far behind the holy city of the demon race.

The area was larger, and Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense swept over, feeling that Qi City seemed to be larger than the scope of the Holy Land.

However, there were fewer people in Qi City than on the other side of the Holy Land.

But think about it, according to what Hu Xue said, those whose bloodlines are not pure enough are not allowed to stay in Qi City.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “This is also a good way to control the population.”

Hu Xue whispered beside Lu Shaoqing, “Several seniors, when the time comes to enter the city, you must keep a low profile, do not make trouble in the city, let alone conflict with the royal family.” ”

There are four royal families in Qi City.

Tigers, foxes, apes and dogs.

The four royal families have survived the scourge of the torrent of time and passed the test of history, and their strength is unfathomable.

It is the existence that rules hundreds of millions of walking beast races.

The current king is from the Tiger Clan.

Offending the royal family in Qi City, there is no good ending.

No matter how strong the river dragon is, it can’t fight the ground snake.

Lu Shaoqing deeply agreed with Hu Xue’s words, “Must, you must keep a low profile.”

“I’m a person who doesn’t like anything, so I like to keep a low profile.”

That being said, Hu Xue looked at Lu Shaoqing’s nonchalant expression, and it was unreliable to look at it.

After thinking about it, Hu Xue simply made Wang Ze’s identity clearer, “Wang Ze is a member of the Tiger Clan, although he was driven out of Qi City because of his impure bloodline due to his origin.

“If you put aside your bloodline, he can also be regarded as a descendant of the Tiger Clan.”

“I wipe!” Lu Shaoqing was surprised, “Why didn’t you say it earlier?” ”

Sincerely, huh?”

Hu Xue wanted to vomit blood again.

He looked at Lu Shaoqing resentfully, I want to say that your own daughter kicked people to death.

As I told you later, you just snorted, didn’t pay attention to it at all, and shaved people’s storage rings clean.

Are you really a demon race?

Only greedy and shameless Terrans would think of throwing the pot at this time, right?

Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan, “The royal family or something, it’s dangerous to listen to, why don’t we go back?”

Ji Yan stared at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly, and finally simply strode forward and walked straight to the city gate.

“Look, my senior brother is a log, there is no interest at all, do you fox clan have fox spirits?”

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“Introduce a few and ask them to help me tune him.”

Hu Xue was speechless, and he shook his head decisively, “No.

“Less garlic, you are also a member of the royal family, and you are still pretending to be with us here?”

Hu Xue was shocked and looked at Lu Shaoqing in horror, “You, you know that I am from the fox clan?

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “Do you still need to guess?”

“You’re about the same as Wang Ze, right?”

Hu Xue was even more shocked, looking at Lu Shaoqing, facing Lu Shaoqing’s deep eyes, for a moment, Hu Xue felt as if she had been stripped naked and looked at all over.

He’s also from the Fox Clan, right?

Hu Xue couldn’t help but have such a thought in her mind.

“Detection? What detection? Ji Yan’s voice came over, a calm tone, but it made people feel that he would strike at any time.

Hu Xue reacted and hurriedly said to Lu Shaoqing, “I forgot to say, when entering Qi City, you must check the bloodline, and if the bloodline is not enough, you are not allowed to enter.”

Xiao Yi pointed to the streamers that streaked overhead from time to time, some people walked in the wind, some people sat on spaceships, and some simply sat on birds and flew into the city, “What about them?”

Hu Xue said with envy in her tone, “They are from Qi City, and they don’t need to be tested.

Then he whispered, “Even if the blood is not pure, as long as someone carries it, there is no need to test it.”

“Hurry up, less grinding there, roll if you don’t want to go in.”

The soldiers guarding the door did not have a good tone, and directly shouted at Lu Shaoqing and his group.

Lu Shaoqing asked Hu Xue, “As long as one person passes the test, right?”

Hu Xue nodded, “That’s right.

“Xiaobai, there you go!”

Lu Shaoqing ordered, Xiao Bai carried the nerve brick and came to the gatekeeper with a little vigilance.

I saw a soldier take out a disc and signal Xiao Bai to drop a drop of blood on it.

I saw the light on the disc shining for a while, and after the soldier glanced at the results, he seemed to be shocked, and then his attitude changed one hundred and eighty degrees, his body bent slightly, and said, “Ape race, bloodline, excellent!” The

gatekeeper next to him was also surprised and saluted Xiaobai.

Hu Xue couldn’t help but be surprised, the bloodline of the excellent level, could it be that it had anything to do with the ape clan?

The high-grade bloodline is already very outstanding in the royal family, and the excellent bloodline is the concubine of the concubine lineage.

It shows that from the ancestors to this generation, there has not been too much foreign blood doping, maintaining absolute purity.

Lu Shaoqing nodded secretly, the bloodline of the excellent grade is not bad.

“Let’s go, let’s go in.”

There is an excellent bloodline that can take a few of them in and stay in Qi City for a long time.

However, Xiao Yi suddenly spoke, “Let Dabai also test.” The

little girl’s white eyes showed a bit of longing, and she also wanted to know if her bloodline was pure or not.

“Go,” Lu Shaoqing didn’t care, “I’m afraid that the result will disappoint your big cat.” Da

Bai stepped forward, and after some operation, the results of the blood test came out, but the soldier holding the disc screamed.

The voice was terrified, and he stammered, “Blood, bloodline, return, atavism…”

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