Several soldiers guarding the door froze, and Hu Xue froze.

Atavistic grade bloodline, how long has it been since I heard of it?

Xiao Yi hugged Da Bai excitedly and rubbed her head, “Haha, Da Bai is awesome.” When

Dabai heard that his bloodline purity was atavistic level, he couldn’t help but show a proud gaze.

He even grimaced proudly at Xiaobai.

Xiao Bai rubbed his nose depressedly.

“Okay, let’s go inside.” Lu Shaoqing frowned, and the sluggish reaction of the soldiers made Lu Shaoqing feel bad.

“Return, atavistic bloodline!”

“Oh my God, I’m seeing it for the first time!”

“I actually encountered the existence of the atavistic bloodline here, is this the favor of the beast god?”

The soldiers guarding the city looked in awe in the direction where Lu Shaoqing and his group disappeared, and were amazed.


entering the city, Lu Shaoqing asked Hu Xue, “How?” Atavistic bloodlines are rare?

Hu Xue had only come to his senses until now, and he looked at Dabai’s eyes with deep amazement.

“It’s not only rare, it’s simply rare, I haven’t heard of an atavistic grade bloodline appearing for a long time.”

“Even if it is the most concubine clan of the four major royal families, no one is the bloodline of the atavistic level.”

After Hu Xue finished speaking, his gaze couldn’t help but fall on Lu Shaoqing, Ji Yan, and Xiao Yi.

Whether it is Dabai or Xiaobai, it is not the main speaker.

The real person who spoke was the third senior brother and sister of Lu Shaoqing.

Along the way, Hu Xue observed countless times, but he couldn’t see what the essence of Lu Shaoqing and the three was.

Dabai’s bloodline level is atavism, and Xiaobai’s bloodline level is excellent.

So what will be the bloodline level of Lu Shaoqing’s three?

Outstanding? Or atavism?

That murderous little girl, what is her bloodline level?

The identity of Lu Shaoqing and his group made him curious.

Lu Shaoqing heard that the four royal families didn’t seem to have the bloodline of the atavistic level, and couldn’t help but disdain, “Such a dish, do you also want to call yourself a royal family?”

“This big cat was picked up by my junior sister and is a stray cat.”

A stray cat has an atavistic bloodline that the royal family does not have, and those royal families are not vegetables, what is it?

Da Bai wrinkled his nose and protested dissatisfiedly, “I’m not a stray cat.” ”

Even if it’s a wanderer, it has to be a stray tiger.

Hu Xue was speechless again.

The only one who dares to say royal dishes is Lu Shaoqing in front of him.

Could it be that his essence is a leopard clan?

Only the leopard tribe can be so arrogant and bold.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but worry when she heard that the atavistic bloodline was so scarce, and she took Dabai’s hand, “Will it cause trouble?”

Hu Xue hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded affirmatively, “Yes, the body of the Great White Senior is a tiger clan, and after the tiger clan knows about it, it will definitely send someone.”

“Even,” after a pause, Hu Xuecai said, “even, they will ask the Great White Senior to return to the clan.” ”

The same kind in the world is a family, as long as the blood is pure, they can become their people.

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Hu Xue’s tone couldn’t help but become envious, “When the time comes, become a tiger clan, and with your pure bloodline, you may be able to become our king in the future.” ”

Becoming the king of the beast race can be described as ascending to the sky in one step, the future can be expected, and the achievements are limitless.

However, after Hu Xue finished speaking, she obviously saw the disdainful expression on Da Bai’s face, as if becoming the king of the beast race was not attractive to her at all.

Xiao Yi also had a similar expression, Xiao Yi was very disdainful, “Wang? Awesome? ”

Sensing everyone’s dislike of the king, Hu Xue felt very hurt, are you still not a beast race?

Don’t you know how powerful the king of the beast race is?

He straightened his chest slightly, as if talking about his king made him proud, “Several seniors, don’t underestimate the king, become the king of the beast race, you can have countless resources, and your strength can advance by leaps and bounds.”

“Not only can you benefit yourself, but your friends and clansmen will also benefit.”

After Hu Xue finished speaking, Xiao Yi still despised, “Cut!” Almost

with the disdain that erupted from his nostrils, Hu Xue was even more injured.

Just when he wanted to continue talking about how powerful the king of the beast race was, Lu Shaoqing spoke, “Okay, don’t talk about these little things, let’s find a place to live.” ”

Small, trifle?

Hu Xue’s face turned red, and it took a long time to breathe a sigh of relief, and he gently patted his chest, “Senior, do you want to go to the royal court to receive the bounty?”

“No hurry, let’s settle down first.”

He thought about it, but there was no evidence that he had injured the stupid bird, and it was useless for him to go, but it was easy to arouse suspicion.

He said to Hu Xue, “Take us to your fox clan to live first.”

However, Hu Xue smiled bitterly, “Senior, my blood is not pure, and the clan has no intention of recognizing me, and I can’t even enter the gate now.”

“So, where do we live?”

“Residence Inn.”

Lu Shaoqing showed a look of embarrassment, “Residence inn? ”

Don’t seniors want to stay in the inn?” Hu Xue’s face is strange, you shouldn’t think about what kind of blessed place to live, right?

“It’s not, I just feel sorry for your spirit stones, after all, the guest house also needs a lot of spirit stones.”

Hu Xue was about to vomit blood again, and he really wanted to complain in the face of Lu Shaoqing.

You are such a powerful senior, is it good to say this? No blush at all.

I paid the toll along the way, and now I have to pay the accommodation fee?

What are you and me?

Fat sheep overgrown with hair?

I’m a fox, not a fat sheep, can you stop me alone?

Although Hu Xue is not a demon beast who feels sorry for the spirit stone, it is inevitable that Lu Shaoqing will catch him and be depressed.

Depressed to depressed, the spirit stone still has to come out.

When Hu Xue took Lu Shaoqing to settle down, a piece of news also quickly spread among the many forces in Qi City.


“Atavistic grade bloodline? Are you kidding? ”

The bloodline of the atavistic rank has appeared? Or our Tiger Clan?

“Beast God shelter, this is our Tiger Clan’s wandering clansmen, we must take her back to recognize her ancestors!”

“A tiger clan with atavistic bloodline appears? And a companion who is someone from our ape clan? Excellent Grade Bloodline?

“Go, find out, what is their origin?”

“Hmph, we can’t let the Tiger Clan continue to gain power.”

“Hehe, if Qi City is not calm, what benefits can we fox clans get from it….”

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