Hu Xue took Lu Shaoqing and they went to find a place to live and settle down.

Lu Shaoqing’s side was indignant, “Robbery, 50,000 spirit stones a day, isn’t there a beast control here in Qi City?”

Then said to Hu Xue, “You won’t kill the bargain?”

“Just let it be slaughtered, no, you are too weak.”

Hu Xue looked at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly, and in his heart, ten thousand grass and mud horses rushed past.

The longer he had contact with Lu Shaoqing, the more difficult it was for Hu Xue to admire Lu Shaoqing.

The broken mouth, shameless, and faceless personality is really difficult for people to associate him with the word master.

It’s still good for the senior Ji next to him, and the appearance of the superior person is fully displayed.

Even Senior Xiao is, although there are many problems, but he is cute, sweet, and not annoying.

“Do you want to call the police?” Lu Shaoqing continued to squeak in Hu Xue’s ear, “You can’t let profiteers bully people like this.

“Senior, if you feel sorry for my spirit stone, why don’t you give it?”

Lu Shaoqing immediately shut up and snorted, “Oh, this weather is so good, you can go out and around.” Changing

the subject, without the slightest abruptness, “Where can I find out the news?” Such

a natural and smooth change of topic, Hu Xue felt uncomfortable in her heart.

Is it necessary to become a master, shamelessness and shamelessness are the first priority?

Staring at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly for a long time, Hu Xue waited until the blood qi in his body calmed down before asking, “I don’t know what news the senior wants to inquire about?”

Lu Shaoqing made an excuse, “After many years of retreat, I have been deeply derailed from this world, and I have to listen to some fresh intelligence news to integrate myself into this world as soon as possible.”

Hu Xue had some doubts in her heart, but she didn’t have too many doubts.

He had lived in Qi City before, and after thinking about it, he said, “To inquire about intelligence, it is best to be the Tiger Tower!” ”

Tiger Tower?”

Xiao Yi immediately leaned over, “What?” Is it a building opened by a tiger?

Hu Xue nodded, “That’s right, the four royal families all have their own industries in Qicheng, restaurants, tea houses, and so on.

“The Tiger Building is a restaurant opened by the Tiger Clan, the largest and most lively place, and the young generation of the royal family and other powerful people like to go there to party.”

Lu Shaoqing touched his chin and speculated, “According to that, there should be a fox building, right?”

Xiao Yi immediately exhaled, “Second Senior Brother, you are not allowed to drink flower wine. ”

Drinking flower wine, I have to squat in front of the door, it’s not good at all.

Lu Shaoqing ignored Xiao Yi and stared at Hu Xue, waiting for his answer.

Hu Xue nodded, “The fox clan has indeed opened a few, but it is not called the fox building, but the Fengya building.”

“I wipe, worthy of being a fox, and it looks much more cultured than a tiger.”

Lu Shaoqing affirmed this, “This name is also very suitable for me, elegant beast, you should go to the elegant place, decide, go to the elegant building.” ”

I’ve grown so big, I haven’t seen a vixen, and I’ve never seen a vixen dancing.

Come here, don’t go to see, heaven can’t tolerate.

Xiao Yi directly rolled his eyes and huffed, “Second Senior Brother, I want to tell Master.” ”

Really, you want to drink flower wine in the human world, and you have to drink flower wine when you come to the demon world?

“Say, since you decided to make a small report, I won’t take you there.”

On the contrary, Junior Sister still wants to manage Senior Brother?

Xiao Yi immediately changed his words, “Don’t, Second Senior Brother, my mouth is the strictest, and I won’t tell Master if I kill me.”

Hu Xue next to him was speechless.

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What about positions?

What about temperance?

Watching Xiao Yi pull Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, he smiled pleasantly, like a puppy.

Hu Xue couldn’t help but guess, could it be that Xiao Xue’s predecessor was from the dog family?

“Hey, what’s the fuss? Lead the way. Lu Shaoqing waved at Hu Xue to bring him back to his senses.

“Second Senior Brother, take him along?” Xiao Yi was puzzled, he wanted to inquire about Xiaohong’s news, and bring Hu Xue, wouldn’t he let him know?

At that time, it may make Hu Xue doubt their identity.

Lu Shaoqing squinted at Xiao Yi and asked, “At that time, will you give money?” ”


When Hu Xue heard this, it was like turning around and going back to his room on the spot, out of sight, and did not want to face Lu Shaoqing.

Do you want to continue to brush my fox fur?

Go to that kind of place and want me to treat you?

I’ve grown so big, hundreds of years old, and I haven’t seen a so-called senior like you.

“Senior,” Hu Xue was reluctant to go to the fox clan’s place, “let’s go to the tiger tower.”

“There are many people there, and there are many news spread, and it is a suitable place for seniors.”

“No, just go to the Fengya Building.” Lu Shaoqing had already made up his mind.

If nothing else, just to see the vixen dancing, you must also make a trip.

The embarrassment on Hu Xue’s face was even greater, “Senior, it’s better for me to show you the way.” ”

How?” Lu Shaoqing could see Hu Xue’s embarrassment, “Do you have a hard time?

“Well, not forcing you.”

Hu Xue was overjoyed in her heart and secretly said, it seems that the senior is not a vexatious person.

“Thank you seniors for your understanding.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed and said to himself, “When the time comes, I don’t know what will happen.”

“An old antique like me, who has been isolated from the world for so long, can’t help but kill a few royal ladies when the time comes, what should I do?”


Hu Xue was suddenly taken aback.

His gaze couldn’t help but fall on Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei will hang on Da Bai’s body, pulling Da Bai’s arm and swinging.

White and tender, chubby, a three or four-year-old child, looks very cute.

However, beneath the cuteness lies cruelty.

One kick can kick a late Yuan Infant to death, in case she suddenly kicks several people to death like this.

Not to mention the late Yuan Infant period, even if it is the Jiedan period, the royal family lineage in the foundation building period is enough to make Qi City explode.

If you don’t follow it, you can’t do it.

Follow and have the opportunity to dissuade it, do not follow, wait for the pot to fall from the sky.

Otherwise, follow along, know what happened, even if you want to die, you can die to understand, right?

Hu Xue finally took Lu Shaoqing, Xiao Yi and San Xiao out depressed, and Ji Yan was alone in the inn.

After slowly hurrying along the way and enjoying the bustle of Qi City, a group of people came to the Fengya Building.

However, after coming to the Fengya Building, Hu Xue felt that something was wrong, “Senior, something is wrong…”

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