Hu Xue entered the door and saw that there were actually few guests here, and he felt that something was wrong.

“What’s wrong?” It was still curious Xiao Yi who was the first to speak.

She held Da Bai with her left hand, held Xiao Hei in her right hand, and had to stare at Xiao Bai who couldn’t calm down.

She, the spirit pet shovel officer, is very busy.

But no matter how busy she is, she can’t hide her curious heart.

“There are too few people.” Hu Xue whispered to Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi, “Every elegant building in Qi City will be overcrowded, and sometimes you have to queue up to enter.

“Today seems very abnormal.”

Lu Shaoqing glanced at it, in the hall, there were all the subordinates of the Fengya Lou coming and going, and all of them were beautiful girls.

However, they also carry obvious ontological characteristics.

The strength is very vain, and at a glance, I know that I did not cultivate it myself.

It seems that they all use elixirs or other means to quickly obtain the realm that can be transformed.

And the realm of these people may only be this realm for a lifetime, and it is difficult to further improve.

These subordinates weaved through the hall, cleaning up the tables, removing the wine and food on them, and putting on new ones.

Looking at the steaming drinks, it seemed that the previous guests had just left.

Such an abnormal appearance made Hu Xue worry in her heart.

He had been away from Qi City for too long, and what happened here had nothing to do with him.

Therefore, at the moment, he had no idea what was happening here in Fengya Lou.

What’s more, from entering the door until now, there is not even a single person who receives it.

What about Turtle Gong? What about the small town?

“Senior, why don’t we leave first?”

In the face of the unknown, the best way is to retreat and wait and see.

“How about we’ve been to other elegant buildings?”

Lu Shaoqing disagreed, “People are old and tired, and they can’t go anymore, so be it.” ”

People are old and weak?

Why don’t you say you have osteoporosis?

Hu Xue’s side was so depressed that she vomited blood.

Sure enough, none of the senior guys are easy to talk to.

When Hu Xue was depressed here, he saw Lu Shaoqing step forward and directly grabbed a little girl and asked, “Where am I sitting?”

The little girl was stunned, and Hu Xue was also stunned.

No, do you think people know you?

Come here, ask with a big grin, are you a guest of honor here?

You old antique is coming for the first time, do you understand the rules?

Just when Hu Xue secretly despised Lu Shaoqing in her heart, a figure suddenly came out from behind, “Gongzi, your position is over there, please!” ”

A woman dressed in a dark red long dress, showing snow-white shoulders on both sides, holding a silk scarf and waving gently.

Her eyes were able to seduce the soul, and she looked at Lu Shaoqing with a smile.

“Over there? Good!

Lu Shaoqing seemed to have expected it for a long time, and without any surprise, he walked straight to the position the woman said.

In front of the hall, in almost the best position, there is a square table with several kinds of wine and food, full of color and aroma.

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The woman twisted her posture, with a variety of styles, but in Xiao Yi’s eyes, she was full of anger.


Xiao Yi couldn’t help but mutter, fiercely despised.

The fox refines its shape, and also has to make the chest so big?

It’s abominable.

After Lu Shaoqing sat down there, the woman turned around and shouted at Hu Xue, “Hu Xue, what are you still stunned for?”

“Don’t you hurry up and serve Gongzi?”

The tone was commanding, and Hu Xue was not put in his eyes.

Xiao Yi looked sideways at Hu Xue next to him, and Hu Xue’s expression was ugly.


Hu Xue nodded and revealed the identity of the woman, “Her name is Hu Mei, she is from the fox clan, she is the same generation as me, and the purity of her bloodline is even lower than mine.”

Xiao Yi was strange, “Why can she be here, but you were kicked out?”

Hu Xue’s expression became complicated, and she slowly spoke, explaining the reason, “She is a woman.” ”


The female fox always has a greater role than the male fox.

A clan member like Hu Xue with impure blood, driven out of Qi City, can make a show to the world.

Hu Mei and these clansmen can better play their role in places like Fengya Lou and do their best for the clan.

After Xiao Yi and Hu Xue came over, Hu Mei’s eyes looked at Hu Xue with a smile, “It’s been a long time, it’s been hundreds of years since we last met, right?”

“I really envy people like you who can wander outside.”

The voice is beautiful, but the mocking meaning in it cannot be concealed.

Hu Xue snorted coldly, too lazy to answer Hu Mei’s question.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the two and asked Hu Xue, “You put her on, and then lift your pants to not recognize people?” ”

I heard that foxes are lewd and promiscuous, do they not care about these close relatives?

Lu Shaoqing stared at the two, secretly guessing.


Hu Xue wanted to vomit blood.

Hu Mei’s face also turned red.

The right hand was holding the silk scarf deadly, if it weren’t for the order from the clan, she would have entertained Lu Shaoqing, and she didn’t know the details of Lu Shaoqing, otherwise she would have let people come and kill Lu Shaoqing.

Few of these stinky beasts are good things.

Hu Mei hated it in her heart, but she was worthy of being the boss of Fengya Lou, she suppressed the unhappiness in her heart, and after a little two breaths, she continued to wave the silk scarf, seemingly brushing in front of Lu Shaoqing intentionally or unintentionally, and the fragrance was fragrant.

“Gongzi said and laughed, me and him are cousins.”

“Oh, cousins,” Lu Shaoqing nodded, revealing a stunned look, “So that’s the case, your attitude just now made me think that he was a negative man.”

Xiao Yi sat in front of the table, looking at the delicious food above, and the three little ones around him were already drooling, and they all looked delicious.

“Second Senior Brother, is this what we ordered?”

“I was invited.”

Hu Mei laughed again, and said to Xiao Yi enthusiastically, “Miss Xiao, that’s right, this is a few of you.”

“It’s all the best wine and food in our Fengya Building…” As

he spoke, laughter suddenly sounded outside, “Haha, Hu Mei, where is this raucous fox of yours?”

Then, a few young people broke in….

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