A young man at the head dressed in brocade and full of pride walked in with a big stride.

Several young people following behind him were also human-like.

But some also show two canine teeth in their mouths, and their faces are ugly.

Some also carry a dog’s tail, and some have paws on their hands.

They are all dogs with incomplete shape.

Seeing these people, without Hu Xue’s introduction, Lu Shaoqing could also guess who they were.

Hu Mei greeted him, “Quan Gongzi, what kind of joke are you telling, come, sit down quickly, the wine and dishes have already been prepared for you…”

Hu Xue introduced the person to Lu Shaoqing in a low voice.

“He is Quan Congsheng, the dog clan’s Quan Congsheng, and the cousin of Quan Du, the prince of the dog clan.”

The current king of the walking beast tribe is from the dog clan, so now the power of the dog tribe is like the sky.

Even the tough tiger tribe and ape tribe were suppressed so much that they couldn’t lift their heads.


Lu Shaoqing only replied to this.

His attention is on the food in front of him.

The food of the human world has been tried, and the food of the demon world has also been tried, but the demon world has not been tried.

See what these animals can make.

And Hu Xue’s side almost sprayed again.

Didn’t you hear what I said?

Are you going to have nothing but oh words?

Lu Shaoqing tasted it casually, then put down his chopsticks.

Although it’s okay, it’s not comparable to human food.

However, the three small things of the big white are eaten and gobbled up, and the wind is swept up.

It didn’t take long to eat the food on the table.

Such a gobbling behavior made Hu Xue want to stand farther, and he felt very humiliated.

Hu Xue affirmed in her heart that this must be an old antique that had been in retreat for a long time, and she ate it after leaving the customs.

“Dad, I still want it!”

Xiao Hei knocked on the plate and licked his lips, indicating that he was not full.

“Boss, hurry up and serve, how can this be enough?”

Hu Xue wanted to cover her face, it was too humiliating.

Hu Mei was informed that Haosheng served Lu Shaoqing and his party, and although she despised it in her heart, she still obediently let people continue to serve.

Hu Xue persuaded in a low voice, “Gongzi, how about we find a private room?”

“There are few people in the private room, the hall here, when the time comes, there will be people, I am afraid of making a noise.”

“The private room is so expensive, you don’t feel sorry for the spirit stone, I still feel sorry.” Lu Shaoqing decisively refused.

Hu Xue couldn’t wait to escape his spirit stone, so that Lu Shaoqing knew that he could afford the cost of the private room.

Following Lu Shaoqing and his party here, Hu Xue was afraid that he would become a joke in Qicheng.

At that time, no amount of spirit stones could make up for his wounded soul.

Quan Congsheng, who came here, sat down, held a glass of wine, and looked at Lu Shaoqing with a smile, but did not do anything.

Lu Shaoqing refused to change positions, and Hu Xue still had no way but to be depressed.

He could only stay depressed on the sidelines, like a subordinate.

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Then, many people came one after another.

These people Hu Xue all recognized, all of them were people from the major forces in Qi City, and gradually filled the hall.

Although it is not a royal family, its strength cannot be underestimated.

Do you want to do any activities?

After seeing so many people coming, Hu Xue secretly guessed in his heart.

Shouldn’t your group be in the wrong place?

I knew I should have taken them somewhere else.

But Hu Xue soon discovered that something was wrong.

These people who came, their attention was all on Lu Shaoqing and his group.

These people come here, according to their character, there are no boxes, they are too lazy to enter the door.

Now they were willing to sit down in the hall, and their eyes fell on Lu Shaoqing and his group from time to time.

It was for Lu Shaoqing and his group, and as for the reason, Hu Xue could also guess.

It is nothing more than the bloodline of the big white and the little white.

Especially the atavistic grade bloodline of Dabai, the tiger clan will not give up anything.

Could it be that he had already expected this step, so he would sit here with a big grin?

Hu Xue looked at Lu Shaoqing, who was indifferently knocking on the spirit beans there, and couldn’t help but feel a cold breath in his heart, if so, the city was too deep.

Hu Xue became more and more suspicious in his heart that Lu Shaoqing’s body was a fox like him, otherwise he would not have such a meticulous mind.

However, Hu Xue also guessed that Lu Shaoqing should have other ethnic bloodlines, otherwise why would he be so arrogant and shameless.

There are many people coming, and everyone is from here in Qi City, and they are familiar with each other.

Soon the hall was filled with laughter from everyone, and the drinks were exchanged and staggered.

At the same time, we talked about various important things.

“Have you heard? Recently, the flat-haired beasts have been very rampant, and they have taken the initiative to attack us, encroaching on many of our cities.

“Of course I heard, but why is that?”

“Brother, is there any news coming out of the royal court?”

Quan Congsheng laughed triumphantly, “Hey, I heard that Fengcheng had an internal fighting, and that red flat hair was blacked out and disappeared.”

“It is said that they did it themselves.” Now deliberately blame us and take advantage of this opportunity to attack us and divert attention.

When everyone heard this, they were furious, and slapped the table and scolded angrily, “What a vile flat-haired beast!

“Depict and shameless flat hair, damn it!”

“Haha, so that red-haired beast is really dead?”

Immediately someone laughed, “Good death, a mongrel with impure blood should have died a long time ago.” The

person who said this was a big black man, with a hideous look and a deep hatred in his tone.

Xiao Yi’s brows furrowed when he heard this, he was really a beast.

She asked Hu Xueheihan’s identity unpleasantly.

Hu Xue introduced the black man in a low voice.

The black man is the son of the bear clan, the murderer, and the bear clan was also one of the royal families thousands of years ago. At that time, the bear clan had a genius, very strong, and overwhelmed all the bear clans of his generation.

Even if the bloodline is not pure, he was elected as the patriarch by the bear clan, and he thought that he could lead the bear clan to a higher level.

As a result, the strength of the bear clan was greatly damaged, and finally he withdrew from the ranks of the royal clan.

“Therefore, the bear clan hates people with impure bloodlines…”

As Hu Xue’s words fell, two more people walked in outside the door….

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