Both of them are tall and mighty, and they come in together.

One looked indifferent, with a fierce look and a proud expression, as if the chosen child had descended, looking down on everything in the mortal world.

The brownish-yellow hair made him look domineering and majestic.

The other is just the opposite, white hair and white eyebrows, a smile on his face, a little cunning, hands slender above the knee, but with a sense of harmony.

After the two came in, they stood quietly, but the wind blowing in outside carried a strong sense of oppression.

Everyone also quieted down.

Then they stood up and saluted the two men at the door.

“Wang Ligongzi!”

“Yuan Patrol Gongzi!”

Many people showed shock on their faces, but they didn’t expect that the Tiger Clan and the Ape Clan would actually send these two.

Hu Xue had already spoken to Lu Shaoqing and his party about the current princes of the four royal families.

That is, the candidate prince of the beast race.

One of the four royal families.

Wang Li, the prince of the Tiger Clan.

Yuan Xun, the prince of the ape clan.

After the two came in, their eyes patrolled the audience like electricity, and finally fell on Lu Shaoqing and his party.

Hu Xue instantly felt unparalleled pressure.

As if being targeted by natural enemies, his body couldn’t help but tremble.

After Xiao Yi noticed it, with a gentle wave of his hand, Hu Xue’s pressure instantly dissipated.

Hu Xue couldn’t help but cast a grateful gaze at Xiao Yi.

It’s still a good person in senior Xiao, that guy, no matter how you look at it, it’s not reliable.

Wang Li and Yuan Xun strode over, while the others held their breath and stared at the two of them.

Soon, Wang Li and Yuan Xun came to Lu Shaoqing’s table, and their eyes did not fall on Lu Shaoqing, but on Da Bai and Xiao Bai respectively.

Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yina didn’t even look at each other.

Wang Li stared at Dabai like a sharp long sword.

However, Dabai ignored it and calmly ate the things on the table.

Yuan Patrol stared at Xiao Bai, Xiao Bai felt uncomfortable, and after being stared at by Yuan Patrol for a while, he turned his head impatiently and looked back angrily.

Baring his sharp teeth, he said unpleasantly, “Look at what? ”

Haha,” Yuan Xun smiled, not angry, but found it very interesting, “Your name is Xiaobai, right?” Come back to the clan with me.

“Don’t waste your blood and talent outside.”

With an excellent bloodline, even if there is no blood relationship, as long as you are willing to belong to the clan, you can become a concubine.

As for the bloodline of the atavistic grade.

Yuan Xun’s gaze couldn’t help but fall on the big white next to him.

He couldn’t help but flash envy in his eyes.

The atavistic bloodline, without cultivation, can crush the clansmen of the same generation just by relying on the purity of the bloodline.

With cultivation, it is not impossible to reach the height of the ancestors in the future.

The tiger tribe has made a lot of money this time.

Yuan Xun secretly said in his heart.

After Yuan Xun spoke, Wang Li also slowly spoke, “Follow me back.” The

tone was cold, like an order.

Da Bai stopped, raised his head, and was very disdainful, “How old are you?” ”

Being subdued by Xiao Yi with a few spirit beans, following Xiao Yi all the way, Da Bai has long been not the little white tiger he was back then.

Although Wang Li’s aura was very powerful, this kind of power seemed very ridiculous to Dabai.

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With Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan around him, Dabai has long understood a truth.

The real masters are very low-key.

Wang Li in front of him can’t wait to show all his strength, no matter how powerful such a person is, he can’t go anywhere.

Even if Wang Li’s aura was stronger than his own, Dabai was not panicked at all.

Dabai said how old you are, let the people around you gasp for air.

Wang Li is the prince of the tiger clan, domineering, when has he been treated like this?

Wang Li was stunned at first, there were still people in Qi City who dared to speak to him like this?

As the top prince of Qi City, it was the first time someone had spoken to him like this.

Wang Li’s anger gradually climbed.

“Good, good,……,” Wang Li glared angrily, “It seems that you are living too comfortably outside, so that you don’t know that the sky is high and the earth is thick.” The

powerful aura greatly increased the pressure in the hall, and some low-strength demon beasts were already lying on the ground and shivering.

“Come back with me!”

Wang Li shot directly, and a big hand grabbed towards Dabai’s head.

There is no intention of pitying the meat.

Xiaobai is just in the form of a child, and Wang Li’s big hand can almost cover her head.

From a distance, it seems that a slap can catch Dabai’s head.


Xiaobai suddenly made a move, holding the nerve brick and knocking it on Wang Li’s hand.


A loud bang echoed through the hall.


Wang Li screamed miserably, he covered his right hand and retreated one after another, and the ground was deeply printed by him.

Everyone looked at it and was shocked.

Wang Li’s palm was dripping with blood, revealing his original face.

The claws were cracked, and it looked soft, like a watermelon smashed by stones.

When Hu Xue saw this scene, her legs trembled, and she was almost scared to death.

Can’t you just talk properly?

Do it without saying a word.

This is the prince of the tiger clan, and he may become the king of the beast clan.

How good is it to be beaten with a hand in public?

Hu Xue wanted to cry without tears.

People speak lightly, and what they say is not taken seriously by the seniors at all.

Well, now I know how I’m going to die.

Wang Li’s spiritual power gushed out, and the tattered palm recovered under the treatment of spiritual power, and turned into a human palm again.

Of course, this is only a superficial injury, and an internal injury will take a while.

The pain made Wang Li’s face distort, and he roared, “Damn, damn it!”

“I’m going to kill you stinky monkey.”

No need for Xiaobai to make a move, Yuan Xun was not happy, and coldly stopped in front of Wang Li, “Brother Wang, you are a little too much.” ”

Your sister’s, I’m a monkey too.

“Yuan Patrol, you get out of the way for me, otherwise don’t blame me for being unkind.”

was attacked by Xiaobai and broke his palm, this breath does not earn back, will he still use it in the future?

Yuan Xun said with a cold face, “He is still a child, and children do not understand things, and it is the responsibility of adults.”

Wang Li understood, his gaze fell on Lu Shaoqing, and the killing intent instantly skyrocketed…

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