“Yes, is it Junior Sister Xia Yu?”

Even if he was in his thirties, An Huai’s tone trembled a little when he asked this.

It’s excitement and excitement.

The same was true of several other Lingxiao Sect disciples.

Even the monks who are women are also excited and excited.

Xia Yu, the chief disciple of Shuangyue Valley, the first beauty in Qizhou, the third person in the younger generation, and a strong contender for the second person.

Being able to face it up close for the first time, saying that you are not excited and excited is fake.

For everyone’s gaze, Xia Yu was very accustomed to it, and there was no change in his face.

Just nodded and said to everyone, “I am Xia Yu.” The

tone was indifferent, just like the rumors about her from the outside world.

An Huai could hear that Xia Yu’s tone of voice to them was not the same as that of Lu Shaoqing.

An Huai had to admire Lu Shaoqing in his heart.

It’s really powerful, I don’t know what means to use, I can actually make Xia Yu have a different attitude towards him.

And he also asked Xia Yu to work for him.

An Huai became excited, and with Xia Yu’s help, they were not afraid of the people in Lingxiao City.

“Great, Junior Sister Xia Yu is willing to help, and no matter how others dare to confront Junior Sister Xia Yu.”

There are many fans of Xia Yu, who dares to provoke Xia Yu, Xia Yu’s fans alone are enough for them to drink a pot.

However, Lu Shaoqing shook his head and reminded, “No, Senior Sister Xia Yu can’t expose her identity. ”

Just kidding, this is a matter for the Lingxiao faction, let the people of Shuangyue Valley come to help, and then those sunspots will have to spray.

Lu Shaoqing just summoned Xia Yu over as a helper, the kind of helper who really did it.

I didn’t plan to use Xia Yu’s identity, but I just planned to use Xia Yu’s strength.

Lu Shaoqing knew the trouble encountered by the law enforcement team.

That is, there are no real masters.

There are family disciples and core disciples in the law enforcement team.

Even if they are disciples of the middle and young generation, their highest strength is Xiang Yuchen, the strength of the sixth layer of Jiedan.

And the people who came here this time may have people from the seventh or even eighth layer of Jiedan.

With the addition of Xia Yu, the law enforcement team is not afraid of these masters.

Therefore, Lu Shaoqing instructed Xia Yu, “Senior Sister Xia Yu, you have to hide your identity and help for a few days.”

“But according to my judgment, maybe two days or so will do.”

Everything is difficult at the beginning, as long as the beginning is smooth, it will be much easier to do later.

Xia Yu also understood this, with admiration in his flat eyes.

This Junior Brother Lu is indeed resourceful.

Therefore, the relationship with him is even less able to give him a chance to get rid of it.

“I know, everything is subject to your arrangement by Junior Brother Lu.”

An Huai and other Lingxiao Sect disciples admired this even more.

Even the first beauty can drive it, which is really powerful.

Several disciples of the Lingxiao Sect who were unclear about Lu Shaoqing also had to seriously examine this protégé disciple who was called the shame of the sect by the disciples of the outer and inner sects.

After seeing that everyone had no objections, Lu Shaoqing said to An Huai, “Let’s start, as usual.” ”

Lingxiao City is huge, but for the cultivators, this kind of big is only for mortals.

Coupled with the detection formation, where there is a fight in Lingxiao City, the law enforcement team will receive the news as soon as possible.

Xiao Chuangpan sat on the mountain, where he could overlook the entire Lingxiao City below.

Here, he could easily know all the movements inside Lingxiao City.

Suddenly, a figure appeared beside him.

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Xiao Chuang did not look back, he knew who was coming.

Yu Chang came to him, looked at Ling Xiaocheng below, and asked, “That kid didn’t cause trouble, right?”

Xiao Chuang knew who Yu Chang was talking about, slowly shook his head, and said, “So far, everything is normal.” After

a brief introduction, Yu Chang’s divine thoughts swept through Lingxiao City.

After knowing what Lu Shaoqing had done, a satisfied expression appeared on his face.

Slowly bowed his head and praised.

“This kid is a little smart.”

Xiao Chuang agreed with this in his heart, “It’s rare to do a serious thing.

“Otherwise, those juniors in the sect will be bullied miserably.”

Xiao Chuang sat in Lingxiao City, and in the past few days, he saw the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect being targeted in various ways, and his heart was full of fire.

However, he can’t make a move, he sits here to prevent the older generation from making a move, and the younger generation he can’t control it.

He didn’t dare to make a move to stop the control, if he did, those of the older generation would have a reason to make a move.

There are countless forces that have come to Lingxiao City this time, and there are already several powerful people who know about it.

As for what is hidden in the dark, there will only be more.

These people are all old foxes, targeting the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect, maybe they are from the planning of these people.

Everyone above the yuan infancy stage has a tacit understanding not to make a move, and let the young people solve the contradiction by themselves.

Fortunately, Lu Shaoqing came.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s method, he had to make Xiao Chuang’s eyes shine.

Hold a tournament to attract everyone’s attention and reduce the pressure on the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect.

However, Yu Chang also noticed the drawbacks in this.

“But there is no way to stop the chaos in the city, and there is still no way to solve the problem.”

It is impossible for everyone to participate in the tournament, and they will still make trouble in Lingxiao City when they have nothing to do.

Xiao Chuang said, “He just went to the City Lord’s Mansion and found An Huai.

Yu Chang was a little confused, “Is this kid willing to join the law enforcement team to work?” ”

If Lu Shaoqing is willing to make a move, with his strength, no one in the younger generation will be his opponent.


Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang couldn’t help but glance at each other, and their gazes were the same.

This is not like Lu Shaoqing’s style.

“They’re moving, let’s take a look first.” Xiao Chuang suddenly said.

In Lingxiao City, An Huai set off with the law enforcement team.

Lu Shaoqing’s figure was among them.

Yu Chang noticed Xia Yu in the team and snorted, his face full of doubts.

“Is it that girl from Shuangyue Valley? How to follow along? But

this question cannot be known even if he is in charge.

Soon, under the gaze of Yu Chang and Xiao Chuang, Lu Shaoqing and they came to the place where there was a fight in Lingxiao City.

Two disciples of different factions fought because of contradictions.

Only the two from the foundation building period were quickly subdued.

Even from a distance, Lu Shaoqing’s words could clearly reach the ears of the two Yuan Infant powers,

“What’s going on?”

“Didn’t you say it today? No more fights are allowed in Lingxiao City.

“Didn’t you two listen to me?” Or do you mean that you don’t take our Lingxiao faction seriously? ”

If the two of you are first-time offenders, each of you will be fined one hundred lower grade spirit stones.”

“If you reoffend, the fine will be doubled…”

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