“The fine was released and the person was released?”

“Mixed accounts, this kind of punishment is not painful.”

Yu Chang was very dissatisfied with this, “The kind of guy who deliberately provokes trouble should clean up fiercely.”

“And the spirit stone also took it yourself, it’s abominable.”

Xiao Chuang also had the same attitude, “The punishment is not strong, and it can’t deter others.”

Lu Shaoqing below naturally couldn’t hear the conversation between the two, and continued to act with the law enforcement team.

Lingxiao City is very large, although today it is once again announced that it is not allowed to fight in the city.

Still many people don’t take it seriously.

Lu Shaoqing, they caught several cases in a short period of time.

As for them, Lu Shaoqing fined some spirit stones and released them.

For such behavior, the rest of the law enforcement team has also noticed the problem.

Such punishment does not hurt or itch, and it does not have much effect.

An Huai couldn’t help it, and he raised this question, “Junior Brother Lu, it seems that this does not have much effect. ”

The previous law enforcement team could greatly deter those who violated the ban, either by expulsion or by killing, which could greatly deter the minor.

Now it’s just a punishment for spirit stones, no pain or itch, it will only make people more and more contemptuous.

In this way, the prestige of the law enforcement team will still not be established, but it will exhaust them to death.

Lu Shaoqing seemed to be concerned about this problem, and he said, “It’s okay, wait a minute.”


An Huai was even more surprised, as were several other Lingxiao Sect disciples.

What else is there to wait for?

An Huai is a little better, after all, he is a disciple of the same family, so he gives some face.

But the other disciples were different.

They had seen very few faces of Lu Shaoqing, and they were not familiar with Lu Shaoqing.

The impression of Lu Shaoqing is more of a rumored disgrace of the sect.

They couldn’t help but whisper.

“What is Senior Brother Lu doing?”

“Shouldn’t you think that punishing a few spirit stones can scare people?”

“With spirit stones as punishment, doesn’t this give others a reassuring pill?”

“Yes, this will only make those people more intense, and they are not afraid of us at all.”

“Alas, the head still paid by mistake.”

Just when the law enforcement team caught another brawl, a smile appeared on Lu Shaoqing’s face.

“Here it comes!”

Xia Yu also felt it, and the master came.

A erratic voice sounded.

“It turns out that the so-called law enforcement team is just you little guys?”

An Huai frowned, his face full of vigilance, “What villain, sneaky, dare to come out?” The

surrounding spectators were shocked.

“Here it comes!”

They have seen a lot of such situations.

“Hehe, how do the people of the Lingxiao faction deal with it?”

“There are no masters, or useless drops.”

“I can only suffer on my own.”

“Haha, watch the play…” The

people around them gloated, ready to watch the people of the Lingxiao faction unlucky.

An Huai’s face was ugly, and he looked around vigilantly, trying to find the person hiding in the secret.

An Huai has encountered such a situation.

It is the masters of unknown forces who are secretly targeting the law enforcement team.

As a result, the members of the law enforcement team were injured and the prestige of the law enforcement team was abolished.

Now with the support of Lu Shaoqing, the law enforcement team has just begun to come out to work, and these people have started again.

An Huai couldn’t help but look at Lu Shaoqing and pinned his hopes on Lu Shaoqing.

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To be precise, Xia Yu is on the body.

Lu Shaoqing has already felt that the strength of the person who came is above the Jiedan period, and as for how strong, it is not clear for the time being.

Lu Shaoqing said to Xia Yu, “It’s up to you, Senior Sister Xia Yu.”

Xia Yu nodded, and without saying anything, she stepped out.

A huge spiritual power fluctuation spread out in all directions.

The monk hiding in the shadows laughed, “It seems that there are masters who dare to resist…”

However, before his words were finished, his tone became frightened.

“No, it can’t be!”

At this moment, the cultivator hiding in the secret felt the power of Xia Yu.

He panicked, and Xia Yu’s breath made him feel the heaviness of the mountains.

The spiritual power that squeezed towards him made him feel as if he had fallen into the deep sea.

Water was all around, pressing towards him, and he was like a drowning man, constantly struggling to catch his breath.


In the end, the monk hiding in the shadows could no longer bear it.

A mouthful of blood spurted out.

The surrounding audience was shocked and scattered one after another, revealing the true face of the monk.

An old man with gray hair.

When everyone saw this person, they couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s Longchi Zhenren, He Zhengran.” ”

It is rumored that the strength has reached the middle stage of Jiedan, the five-layer realm.”

“It turned out to be him, no wonder he wanted to be cruel to the people of the Lingxiao faction.”

“That’s right, the Duchang Spiritual Vein was on his cultivation territory, but in the end, it was discovered by the people of the Lingxiao Sect and divided by the three factions. He couldn’t get a single spirit stone, and he definitely had a grudge in his heart.

“He is more than two hundred years old, he is a veteran Jiedan master, who is so powerful that he defeated him with one move?”

Everyone’s gaze was shocked and fell on Xia Yu.

They all talked about it, guessing Xia Yu’s identity.

Although he didn’t know Xia Yu’s identity, Xia Yu defeated He Zhengran, a veteran Jiedan master, with one move.

The strength is enough to make people fearful.

Looking at everyone’s jealous gaze, Lu Shaoqing was satisfied in his heart.

He came to He Zhengran.

He Zhengran was injured by Xia Yu, but he was not completely ineffective.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing approaching, a trace of ruthlessness flashed in his eyes, and he was about to make a move.

Lu Shaoqing was undaunted and calmly spoke, “You dare to make a move on me now, I dare to guarantee that Ling Xiao will destroy your family, and even shake the yolk of your family.” The

calm words made He Zhengran can’t help but feel fear in his heart, and the running spiritual power lost its motivation and slowly calmed down.

He is a casual practitioner, but that doesn’t mean he’s alone.

There are apprentices below him and a family behind him.

Lu Shaoqing’s words were like a knife stuck in his soft underbelly, full of threat, making him dare not act recklessly.

“You, what do you want to do?”

His weakness was controlled, Longchi was real, He Zhengran’s face was ugly, and he was extremely jealous of Lu Shaoqing in his heart.

It’s more jealousy of the person who can defeat him with one move.

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand and said to He Zhengran, “I know you didn’t mean it either, someone must have instigated it.” I also don’t ask you to confess who it is, pay the fine. ”

A thousand Lower Grade Spirit Stones.”

“Pay it, forget it this time, but next time, it’s not as simple as paying a fine.”

“A thousand Lower Grade Spirit Stones?” He Zhengran’s face was a little ugly.

He was a scattered cultivator, and the spirit stones in his hand were tight, and a thousand lower grade spirit stones were enough to make his flesh ache for a long time.

Lu Shaoqing continued to speak, his voice was loud, he was deliberately speaking to others.

“You are here to participate in my family’s senior brother’s celebration, the visitors are guests, and our Lingxiao faction is not willing to do things too well.”

“However, there are really people who are going to bully the door, and we are not afraid of things.”

“Do you really think that our Lingxiao faction’s concessions in the past few days are afraid of you?”

Everyone thought about what he said.

Lu Shaoqing’s words did make sense.

“Moreover,” Lu Shaoqing’s words were not finished, he continued to speak, and his voice increased a lot again, “We are the least angry in charge, maybe we have already taken a small book to write it down in the sky, and then I will find you to settle the account later.”

“Let me ask, which of you can withstand the powerful retaliation of a late Yuan Infant?”

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