“Hey, goodbye!”

Watching Lu Shaoqing and his group step into the teleportation array and disappear in front of their eyes, the voice of Xiao Yi saying goodbye to himself echoed in his ears.

Hu Yan stood in place, motionless.

“Whether you can walk out of Qi City is a problem.”

This sentence suddenly echoed in her mind, as if it turned into a slap, and pumped her face fiercely, hot.

No wonder his expression was strange at that time, it turned out that what he said was like a clown whispering.

Knowing the formation, you can easily cross thousands of miles.

Suddenly, Hu Yan reacted.

Lu Shaoqing could have killed them at that time, without fear of retaliation.

A chill surged in his heart, like ice and frost covering his whole body, making Hu Yan shiver coldly.

What does he want to do?

Just to destroy the canine clan?

That red flat hair, is Hong Qing his spiritual pet?

For the sake of the spirit pet to destroy a big force, the heart eye is too small, despised.

However, he also thought too simply.

A big force, how can it be said that it will be destroyed?

Terrans, an arrogant race!

Hu Yan left unpleasantly.

The elder of the clan was right, Qi City was indeed going to be chaotic for a while.

I thought that there would be a chance for the fox clan to take advantage this time.

Now it seems that it will have to pay a big price.

Abominable human beings.

“Second Senior Brother, shall we leave like this?” On the top of a mountain thousands of miles away from Qi City, Xiao Yi couldn’t help but ask.

At this distance, the majestic walls of Qi City can still be clearly seen.

“How else? Stay there and be?

Lu Shaoqing yawned, “Let’s go first, let them eat dog bones.”

Hu Xue’s side was shocked for a long time, and it took a long time to come to his senses.


, this…” “What is this,” Xiao Yi liked to see the shocked look of others, and said with a smile, “How, my second senior brother is powerful, right?”

Hu Xue looked at Lu Shaoqing stupidly, unable to squeeze out a word for a long time.

The shock that Lu Shaoqing gave him was too great.

He didn’t know for a while whether to complain or worship, and he couldn’t talk about it.

Playing a pig and eating a tiger, I thought it was an old monster of the gods, but the result was to refine the little monster.

The two brothers and thieves are strong, and the veteran masters of thousands of years ago were beaten to cry and cry, admitting defeat and begging for mercy.

You can even put the four princes of the beast race in one pot.

He is also a formation master, and even worse, he is still a human being.

Hu Xue’s gaze to Shanglu Shaoqing, his calm and deep gaze made Hu Xue’s heart tremble, and his legs went soft.


Hu Xue knelt down, “You, you want to arrest me to medicate alchemy”

Human beings are very terrifying existences in the legends of the demon world.

How many demon beast children hear the most frightening words is, no matter how noisy, let the human race catch you to refine pills and eat.

Lu Shaoqing wondered, “Who said that?”

“I want to catch the demon beast alchemy, don’t I catch the fox essence fragrant?” Catch this old fox of yours to refine pills, what is the picture? ”

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Tu you are old, Tu your impure bloodline, or Tu your realm is insufficient?”

Although this can belittle herself, Hu Xue is very relieved.

It better be so.

He got up and stood in front of Lu Shaoqing with a slight trembling.

“Don’t be nervous, relax.” Xiao Yi reassured Hu Xue, “My second senior brother can let you follow, which means that he has already regarded you as a friend.” If

Xiao Yi’s words were before, Hu Xue would definitely believe it one hundred percent.

The pure and sweet appearance is hard not to believe.

However, now, he knew that Xiao Yi’s appearance was just a decoration outside, and he only dared to believe Liucheng.

He couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi in a low voice, “Senior, do you really want to destroy the dog clan?” When

he said this, his heart trembled.

Anyway, the identity of the Terran has been exposed, and Xiao Yi knows that there are many things that do not need to be hidden.

“The red flat hair in your mouth, Hong Qing is the spiritual pet of my second senior brother.”

I rub!

Hu Xue was shocked again.

“This, this…”

Xiao Yi told Hu Xue the real reason, “The dog clan bullied Xiaohong, so the second senior brother wanted to destroy him. ”

I wipe!

Hu Xue looked at Lu Shaoqing in disbelief.

It’s petty enough.

At the same time, he hurriedly recalled in his heart whether he had sinned against Lu Shaoqing these days.

Hu Xue recalled that he was relieved to find that he had not offended Lu Shaoqing.

He said, “It’s hard to destroy the dog clan. ”

The dog clan is not an ordinary force, how can you qualify as a royal family without some ability?

Lu Shaoqing ignored it and went to ask Ji Yan, “How is Fate Jian?” Ji

Yan showed him Master’s life Jane, and found that it was still the same as before, and there was not much change.

Lu Shaoqing was relieved and said, “Let’s go.”

“Go, where?” Hu Xue asked subconsciously.

“Go to Fengcheng,” Lu Shaoqing said to Hu Xue, “You lead the way and pass through the territory controlled by the dog clan.” ”

The structure of the demon realm is the four major royal families above, and the countless forces attached to them below, each royal family has its own sphere of influence.

The bird tribe invaded, and the experts sent out were going to sit in their own sphere of influence.

Hu Xue had a bad premonition in her heart, “You, what do you want to do?”

Lu Shaoqing did not hide it, “Of course, go and kill the master of the dog clan.” Kill their masters, and don’t worry about the dog race not being destroyed.

After Hu Xue heard this, she only felt cold.

Felt fear for Lu Shaoqing’s scheming.

Killing the masters of the dog clan, the dog tribe has no refining period to sit in, and the tiger clan, ape tribe and fox tribe are embarrassed to greet others without rushing up.

According to Lu Shaoqing’s method, the dog tribe is in difficulty.

Now that the attack of the bird tribe has attracted the attention of the canine tribe masters, Lu Shaoqing, the old sixth, is shooting in the back, who can prevent it?

Wang Jingchu was beaten and begged for mercy.

How good is the master of the dog race?

Suddenly, Ji Yan opened his eyes and looked directly at the sky in the distance, “There is a situation!” ”


It seemed that a gust of demon wind suddenly blew between heaven and earth, and countless dusts and leaves rolled up on the ground, flying sand and stones, as if a sandstorm had blown, and Qi City became confused.


The sky suddenly became deafening, and then the sky became dark, and a huge shadow appeared in the sky, covering the sky…

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