“So, what is that?”

Hu Xue sat on the ground with her butt and looked at the black shadow in the sky in horror.

The huge black shadow, covering the sky, seems to extend to the end of the world, boundless.


The black shadow made a sharp sound, and then an even greater wind blew up.

At this moment, Hu Xue saw clearly, it was a pair of wings.

The black shadow that obscured the sky was actually a huge bird.

“Kunpeng, Kunpeng?”

Hu Xue’s teeth trembled, trembling all over, and shouted out in horror.

Dapeng rose with the wind in one day and soared to 90,000 li!

The huge bird that appears right now doesn’t know if it’s Kunpeng, but it seems that only Kunpeng can say it.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan stood side by side, standing on the top of the mountain, looking at Qi City in the distance.

Qi City has been shrouded in fierce wind, and the howling wind is like the roar of a fierce tiger, and it slams into Qi City with the power to destroy everything.


A huge sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, and then the huge bird flapped its wings again, and the heavens and the earth froze, as if breathing.

An even more violent hurricane appeared, whistling and turning, frantically rolling everything

, as if from hell, plundering the life of the world.

The hurricane once again rushed towards Qi City.

This time, Qi Cheng finally reacted.

It is as if a light is lit up in the darkness, piercing the darkness and breaking through the illusion.


A cold snort echoed between heaven and earth, and then a huge black shadow appeared in the sky.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi exclaimed, “What a big dog.” ”

Appearing above the sky and facing the giant bird was a huge dog.

However, its head was faintly burning with flames, and its tail was slightly forked, like two huge whips.


Hu Xue perked up and shouted loudly, “This is our king, the existence of the bloodline of Calamity.


Ji Yan’s eyes are bright and eager to try.

Whether it is the existence of Kunpeng similar to Kunpeng or Calamity Dou, it is the existence of the nine-layer realm in the late stage of refining the void.

It can show the blood veins in the body in this way.

Combat effectiveness soared by at least half.

Wang Jingchu was far behind them.

“What do you want to do?” Lu Shaoqing glared at him and drank, “Give me an equinox, this time to mix in, looking for death?” ”

Although I am not afraid of the existence of the nine-layer realm in the late stage of refining the void, I am not sure of victory.

“Wait and see,” Lu Shaoqing said happily, “Watch the play well.”

“Oops, it seems that my mouth is very smart, Mad, wish me a small goal a month.”

Now you don’t need to look to know that it was the bird tribe that raided the beast clan.

Xiao Yi summed it up next to him, “It seems that the birds are constantly attacking the city, deliberately luring out the masters of the beast race, and then mobilizing heavy troops to attack the Qi City. Hu

Xue was shocked to hear it, the flat-haired beasts dared to do this?

Attacking Qi City has offended the anti-scale of the beast race, and the two sides will definitely not die at that time.

At the same time, he looked at Qi Cheng and became deeply worried.

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Once Qi City is captured, the blow to the Beast Walking Clan will be heavy.

For countless beast walking races, Qi City is not only their royal city, but also their faith.

Qi City is breached, faith collapses, and the beast race will be slumped, and its majesty will no longer be strong.

The more Hu Xue thought about it, the more hesitant he became, he looked at Lu Shaoqing, “Senior, you, you knew about flat hair for a long time, no, did the bird clan come to sneak attack?”

“Where did I know, but it was just casual, heck, I didn’t expect it to really hit the point.”


The corner of Hu Xue’s mouth couldn’t help but twitch.

What a fart.

Humans really don’t have any sympathy at all, and now the walking beast race has been sneak attacked, and they are actually gloating on the side.

After thinking about it, Hu Xue bent down to Lu Shaoqing and saluted deeply, “Senior, I still hope to help a group of Qi Cheng.”

But as soon as he finished saying this, he was immediately despised by Lu Shaoqing, “I’m full?” I go to help, what good do I have? ”

Is there a spirit stone to give?” Who gives it? You? My appearance fee is very expensive. Hu

Xue was deeply defeated, and three sentences did not leave the spirit stone.

“You and I are fighting outside the world!”

The voice echoed, the two huge bodies disappeared into the sky, and the howling wind gradually subsided.

Hu Xue’s expression relaxed, has the disaster in Qi City passed?

However, before he could rejoice, the sky in the distance became dark again.

Countless birds came from afar and appeared above the sky.

Some of them turned into human forms, while others maintained their bodies and soared into the sky.

Boundless, covering the sky, as if the entire bird clan of the demon world had come.

At the same time, there was also a terrifying aura.

Refining period!

Hu Xue felt the terrifying aura and turned pale with fright, “This, this…” came

not one, nor two refining periods, just a dozen.

“One, two, three….. Seventeen! Xiao

Yi counted, and there were actually seventeen masters of the refining period, if you add the first one.

This time, the Bird Clan came with eighteen masters of the refining period, which can be described as pouring out.

Such a terrifying force was enough to plunge Qi City into despair.

“Tune the tiger away from the mountain…”

Hu Xue froze and muttered.

The beast race is counted.

Such a terrifying force is enough to overturn Qi City.

Most of the masters in Qi City were sent out, and Wang Jingchu also said that there were less than ten masters left.

It’s almost one-on-two, a fart ah.

Hu Xue moved her gaze to Lu Shaoqing again, and when she saw it, she suddenly had the urge to vomit blood.

Lu Shaoqing had already found a place to half-lean on this side, and put on a comfortable posture to prepare for the play.

Xiao Yi took the three little ones to the side, peeling the spirit beans with a smile, and followed as an audience.


Although he was not accepted by the Fox Clan, Hu Xue did not want the Bird Clan to capture Qi City.

The Beast Race is declining, and he is no better.

Now, only Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan can help the Beast Walking Clan.

Lu Shaoqing greeted him, “Come, come and watch the play, walk the beast race and the bird race, Mars hit the earth, the world war, don’t miss it…”

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