The birds attacked suddenly, and the beast tribe’s side simply did not have time to react.

It was as if Kunpeng’s big bird suddenly appeared, and with one blow, it almost destroyed Qi City.

Thanks to the beast clan, Wang Quanyao appeared at the first time and protected Qi City.

Even with the protection of the formation and the reinforcement of the sages of the past generations, it is impossible to withstand the attacks of the refining period.

Quan Yao’s battle with his powerful opponent Tianshang made everyone in Qi City breathe a sigh of relief.

However, this breath had not yet been completely exhaled, countless birds appeared, and the powerful aura was like the arrival of the Immortal Emperor, and the entire Qi City fell into shock.

“Is this, the flat-haired beasts pouring out?”

“They, they’re going to destroy us?”

“Great war, this is a great war of extermination, the flat-haired beasts dare to sneak attack, we let them die without a place to be buried.”

“Kill, don’t be afraid, only one death!”

“God, God, this, so many terrifying existences, Qi City, is going to be finished!”

“It’s over, it’s over!”

“We have fallen for the tricks of the flat-haired beasts, the masters have gone out, the home is empty, and the Qi City is in danger…”

The beast walking clan of Qi City was terrified, and a heart trembled continuously with Qi City.

The terrible coercion made them feel that the end of the world had come.

Looking at the black-pressed sky, they felt desperate.

There are not enough masters and insufficient numbers, how can you deal with the invading enemy?

The four royal families of Qi City also gathered together and discussed nervously.

“Damn, flat-haired beasts are too cunning.”

The people of the dog tribe were the first to speak, with a thick resentment in their tones, looking at the tiger tribe, the ape tribe, and the fox tribe with hatred.

He is the existence of the Dog Clan’s refining period, all blessed with the sun.

His resentful gaze mainly fell on Wang Li, Yuan Xun, and Hu Yan who were standing behind the other three clans.

There is quite a posture of questioning the guilt.

“I didn’t expect the flat-haired beasts to be so cunning, I thought they would take several cities, but I didn’t expect that their appetite was so great that they dared to fight the idea of Qi City.”

The patriarch of the Tiger Clan, Wang Miu, also had a gloomy face, and he also felt extremely tricky.

“There are still two people left in my clan, me and Elder Wang Jingchu, what about you?”

“Hmph,” Quan Fengri snorted coldly, and replied unpleasantly, “It’s just me.” ”

The dog tribe has developed rapidly in the past hundred years, greatly encroaching on the power of the other three races.

The territory range is the largest among the four races, so there are many people sitting in the town this time, and seven of them have been sent out in the nine refining periods.

Now it seems that the step is too big, and the egg is pulled.

The patriarch of the fox tribe is a female fox, named Hu Yi, she has a thin veil, a variety of styles, and a faint voice, “There are only two of my clan.” The

ape clan patriarch Yuanba laughed, “It seems that my ape clan is better, there are three.” Then he

despised the dog family fiercely, “Is it very enjoyable to grab land these years?” Now it’s also fun to send out the masters to sit in town, right?

“Hmph, the home is gone, what’s the use of having more territory?”

Quan Fengri came back coldly, “You three were killed here during the refining period, how many masters are there in the ape clan?” Can it make a comeback?

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Yuanba reacted, and his face suddenly became difficult to see.

Hu Yi’s eyes were puzzled, “Since the beginning of the establishment of Qi City and Fengcheng, our two races have fought back and forth, and each other has won and lost.

“However, no one has ever hit each other’s royal city’s ideas, why are the flat-haired people so abnormal this time?”

For thousands of years, everyone in the two capitals was at peace with each other, and everyone had a tacit understanding not to attack each other’s royal cities.

This is also why the four royal families will send out all the masters with confidence.

Wang Miao said hatefully, “Now is not the time to delve into the cause, think of a way, how to deal with the flat-haired beasts who killed the door.”

“Don’t worry!” Quan Fengri said coldly, “After my king took the throne, he found the ant tribe and asked them to strengthen the formation, which could last at least ten days and a half month.

“Now the main thing is to find a way to spread the news and let the experts outside come to help.”

“Hmph, our masters are more than the flat-haired beasts, as long as they come back, the flat-haired beasts will die!”

Yuanba asked coldly, “You said, do you have any way to spread the news?” ”

The birds are not vegetarians, they have already sealed the surrounding space, and they can’t even fly a mosquito.

The last gaze of everyone fell on Hu Ying, among the four royal families, the fox clan was the smartest, and at the moment everyone was pinning their hopes on the fox clan.

However, Hu Yi also shook his head, saying that he had nothing good to do.

Seeing this, Quan Fengri simply stood up, “Go back and prepare, a vicious battle cannot be avoided.”

“But don’t worry, at least ten days, I still have this confidence…”

As soon as Quan Fengri’s words fell, someone outside suddenly shouted, “So, what is that?”

Everyone came outside for the first time and saw these countless powders floating in the sky, slowly falling.

Under the reflection of the light, it shimmers with colorful light, which is very beautiful.

The entire Qi City was floating with these powders.

“Is it snowing?”

Some demon beasts saw this scene for the first time and couldn’t help but exclaim, “It’s so beautiful.”

“Damn it!”

However, on the full Fengri that existed during the refining period, the faces of Hu Ying and the others changed instantly.


“Oops!” Quan Fengri shouted, “Formation! He

instantly rushed into the distance.

There are ant tribes on the side of the walking beast tribe, and there are moth tribes on the side of the bird tribe, and they are all races that are good at formations.

The powder that covers the entire Qi City right now is the masterpiece of the moth family.

They’re not here to make a great view.

Powder is a means for them to set up arrays, and it is also a means to break formations.


The faces of the others also changed drastically, and they all rushed to the sky.

However, it is already one step late.

The powder floating in the sky was like heavy snow, constantly falling and covering the large array of Qi City.

The light of the large array dimmed, the spiritual power was rapidly lost, and the formation pattern continued to weaken and dissipate.

Finally, under the terrified gazes of many walking beasts in Qi City, one by one large arrays collapsed, and the last line of defense of Qi City collapsed…

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