“Up, kill them!”

“Qicheng, today must become history!”

Several muffled voices sounded in the air, as if death was pronounced.

Many birds cheered.

“Haha, kill this gang of walking beasts!”

“Kill the garbage crawling on the ground!”

“Kill them!”

“Haha, the demon world is the world of our bird clan…” Countless bird

clans rushed up and killed into Qi City.

“Haha, walking beasts little beasts!” With a loud laugh, a huge black crow with spread wings of up to ten meters flew out of Qi City, holding a struggling little black bear under its paws.

The black bear let out a wail, was firmly grasped by its paws, and struggled in vain, unable to break free.

“Flat-haired beast!”

A huge figure followed, murderous.


The black crow laughed, fluttered his wings, and instantly opened the distance from the pursuers behind him, and then violently tore the black bear to pieces in front of him.

“Damn, damn it!”

When the figure who caught up saw this scene, his eyes were bloodshot, and he roared, turning into a huge black bear and pounced fiercely on the black crow.

There are fluctuations in the air, like ripples spreading.


The black crow seemed to be pulled hard by something and smashed heavily to the ground.


The black bear fell from the sky like a hill smashing heavily on the crow.


Such a scene happened everywhere in Qi City.

The birds are fast and come and go freely.

The Beast Walking Clan’s defense and lethality are stronger than those of the Flying Bird Clan.

There were continuous screams in Qi City, blood and flesh flew everywhere, blood splattered, and soon Qi City was shrouded in a faint blood mist.

Both sides were red-eyed, and everyone knew that taking a step back at this time would be dead.

Although the beast races are fierce and brave, their number is a disadvantage.

Even if the bloodline level of the walking beasts in Qi City is very high, and their combat effectiveness is amazing, they can pick two and pick three.

However, in the face of absolute numerical superiority, powerful advantages can be erased.

The transformation period of a walking beast tribe is very strong, but there are three from the bird tribe’s side, and four strike together?

The battle was fought from morning to afternoon, and the Beast Walking Clan suffered heavy losses.

In the Avatar Period alone, more than ten people had fallen.

The strength of the Qi City is empty, the number of experts is insufficient, and the casualties are heavy.


The number of birds was large, and they rushed up, and the beast race relied on Qi City to resist.

Although it is in the downwind, it will not collapse and be destroyed at once.

They also kept their breath.

It is the showdown of the refining period.

The refining period determines the real victory or defeat.

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The beast race wins, and no matter how many birds the bird tribe comes, it is also defeated.

If the Beast Walking Clan loses, the Qi City will fall, and the Beast Walking Clan will completely fail.

And the battle in the refining period was not comfortable for the Beast Walking Clan.

In addition to their king, two from the tiger clan, two from the fox clan, three from the ape clan, and one from the dog clan, there are a total of eight refining periods.

And seventeen came from the birds.

Seventeen to eight has one more.

Two to one, not everyone is a genius, can draw more.

However, the Beast Walking Race’s side is not all disadvantageous.

At least, the three patriarchs of the Tiger Clan, the Ape Clan, and the Fox Clan are all existences of the late seven or eight realms, and their strength stands at the top of the Demon Realm.

Most of the birds from the side are in the early and middle stages.

Therefore, the side of the bird tribe may not be able to win, but it will not lose for a while, giving hope to the beast tribe.

The refining period of the Beast Walking Clan and the Bird Clan was also fighting in the sky.

They avoided the ground as much as possible, otherwise with their strength, even a small fluctuation would be enough to kill and injure the beast race and bird tribe below.

It doesn’t matter if the other party dies, the main thing is that it is too bad for their own people to die with them.

From time to time, various colors of light flashed above the sky, and terrifying fluctuations continued to emanate.

The ground is constantly rolling up in gusts of storms, constantly raging, like the end of the world.

Hu Xue looked at the storm that was constantly raging in the distance, flying sand and stones, countless trees rising up, caught in the storm, and finally turned into smashes.

Only the mountain under their feet is calm, and the raging storm cannot affect this place.

Hu Xue looked at Ji Yan, who was standing on the top of the mountain and looking directly at the sky, and Ling Dou, who was sitting on the ground and smiling, and Lu Shaoqing, who was truly unparalleled in the audience.

He was tempted to open his mouth again and ask them to help.

At this time, one more person, one more strength.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan are not ordinary refining periods, and their strength exceeds Wang Jingchu.

It is equivalent to the existence of the middle realm of refining the void.

They are willing to make a move, and they can definitely help Qi Cheng a lot.

Hu Xue looked into the distance, and Qi Cheng could no longer see its shadow, as if it had disappeared in the storm.

Hu Xue was worried, he looked at Lu Shaoqing, his lips trembled, “Senior, you, aren’t you going to make a move?”

“The other party is too strong, I have a weak heart.”

“I also want to help, but well, there is no way…”

Lu Shaoqing looked like he didn’t care about himself, which made Hu Xue look speechless.

Just now you said that you want an appearance fee.

“Senior, it’s better for you to help pass on the news and go out.” Hu Xue made a request.

The Bird Clan blocked the space within a million miles of Qi City, and no news could be transmitted.

The walking beast tribe of Qi City couldn’t help if they wanted to.

“Who do I pass on?” Lu Shaoqing asked rhetorically, “You know what?

Hu Xue was silent.

Without contacts, delivery becomes a solution.

“You can watch the play with peace of mind, what are you a pure-blooded person doing with this?”

Hu Xue smiled bitterly, “I’m also a beast walking clan, Qi City has been captured, and the beast walking clan has declined, and I am no better.”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but glance at Hu Xuegao a few times, and actually had this insight, “I didn’t expect you to have this awareness…”

Before he finished speaking, Lu Shaoqing suddenly looked in the direction of Qicheng.

Over there, several streamers rushed out of the storm….

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