The streamers are different, cutting through the sky like meteors, flying rapidly.

The streamer is divided into two parts, one in the front, only four, and in the back there are as many as six.

Just when entering the sight of Lu Shaoqing and his group, a fluctuation suddenly erupted in the streamer behind, and a big black bird appeared, screamed, its wings vibrate, and instantly increased its speed, turning into a bolt of lightning and rushing forward.

And in the front four streamers, a streamer also rushed out, turned into a huge figure, a fierce tiger roared up to the sky, and then violently collided with the big bird.

The two sides fought in the sky, the roar of the tiger, the song of birds shook the sky, and finally both fell from the sky, not knowing whether they were dead or alive.

And the rest of the streamers didn’t even look at it, and chased them to death.

Xiao Yi’s eyes were sharp, and he pointed to the three streamers that were getting closer and closer, “It’s the cat, monkey and fox spirit, the three of them.”

Hu Xue next to him rolled her eyes when she heard this.

People have names and surnames, you shout like that, are you polite?

However, Hu Xue was also shocked, and it seemed that the three who fled in embarrassment were Wang Li, Yuan Xun and Hu Yan, who had just met.

Hu Xue could already feel their weak breath, they had already been injured, and the situation was not optimistic.


Hu Xue couldn’t help but look at Lu Shaoqing again.

Right now, only Lu Shaoqing could save them.

Xiao Yi also looked at his second senior brother, waiting for Lu Shaoqing’s orders.

Lu Shaoqing yawned, “Shut me up, no one is allowed to make a sound, watch the play well.” ”

Hu Xue is anxious, the other party has a Hu Yan, it is his junior, he can’t be indifferent.

“Senior, don’t you plan to let Big White and Little White Senior join the Tiger Clan Ape Clan?” Hu Xue was anxious and cut in from Big White Xiao Bai.

“They followed us well.” Lu Shaoqing said indifferently, “Who said you must join?”

Hu Xue was even more anxious, “Senior, our Beast Walking Clan has a complete inheritance and has the cultivation experience of our predecessors, which can allow them to take fewer detours and progress faster.

“It’s not necessarily worse than following your seniors, don’t seniors think about them?”

This old fox’s eyes are vicious, not an ordinary fox.

Lu Shaoqing nodded secretly in his heart, but on the surface he still didn’t care, “They are going to destroy the clan, and they will inherit a fart.” Seeing

that Lu Shaoqing was indifferent, Hu Xue was even more anxious, gritting his teeth and rushing directly into the sky.

I came forward, and the flat-haired beasts found me, and they will also find you, and I don’t believe you don’t make a move.

Hu Xue was secretly ruthless in her heart, but as soon as she took action, a huge force appeared.

Hu Xue’s body was stiff, and under the restraint of this force, he couldn’t even move.


Hu Xue fell solidly from the sky to the ground, and Lu Shaoqing’s voice came, “What for?” Be honest and don’t cause trouble.

Then with a wave of his big hand, white clouds slowly appeared around him, hiding everyone’s figures and disappearing into the mountains.

Hu Xue was desperate, it seemed that the walking beast tribe was in trouble today.

Hu Yan and they broke out, whether it was to report the news or escape to save the fire, now Hu Xue already felt that there was little hope.

The speed of the bird tribe is the highest in the world, there is no one to help, and the three of them can’t escape at all.

Damn it!

Hu Xue felt resentment towards Lu Shaoqing in her heart.

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It is clear that they can help Hu Yan with a slight shot, but they deliberately stand by and watch without caring whether others live or die.

Human beings, really all selfish, are really abominable.

He stared at Lu Shaoqing resentfully, and Lu Shaoqing thought of his gaze and said with a smile, “Don’t blame me, I’m also for your good.”

“Your little strength is not enough for people to stuff their teeth.”

“The other party is all in the Avatar Period.”

“Why not save them?” Hu Xue’s tone was already filled with resentment.

“No appearance fee, do you give it?” One hundred million, I’ll strike right away. ”

If I have a hundred million, I will smash you to death as soon as possible.

Hu Yan and the others soon came to them, and the pursuers behind were already very close.


Wang Li, Yuan Xun, and Hu Yan’s faces changed, their breath froze, and they fell from the sky in a panic, landing heavily at the foot of the mountain.

It’s over!


Hu Xue could clearly see this scene at the top of the mountain, seeing the three people falling to the ground in embarrassment, unable to get up for a long time, and he closed his eyes in despair.

Will the last bit of hope of the beast race also be cut off?

“Damn, damn it,” came Wang’s angry voice, “what’s going on?

Yuanxun’s uncertain voice sounded, “This place has something strange.

“What about weirdness? Escaping in this direction is originally a dead end, nonsense, is this the way to find a way out?

Hu Yan got up, stood on the ground, her eyes looked around in amazement, she slowly spoke, “I left a small mark on Hu Xue, I can only barely feel the direction he is in, but the specific location cannot be sensed.”

“I don’t dare to stay too much, after all, those three humans are too terrible.”

Hu Xue was stunned, and Lu Shaoqing was also stunned.

Sure enough, a fox, cunning enough.

Lu Shaoqing guessed why Hu Yan left a mark on Hu Xue, and it was convenient to find his group.

Whether it’s to talk about cooperation or reveal the location to the dog family.


“What’s the use of saying this now?” Wang Li roared, “The flat-haired beast has arrived.

“I already knew that I, like the people of the dog clan, broke through with people by myself, not with you.”

Wang Li was resentful and felt that he had fallen for nonsense.

“Let’s fight!” Yuan Xun was full of killing intent, “Kill one by one.”

Wang Li was desperate, “We are all injured, and the other party has two more than us, how can we kill?” Yuan

Xun snorted, “How much can be killed, in short, it will not make the flat-haired beast feel better.” ”

In the current situation, Hu Yan does not have a good way.

“Why didn’t you escape?”

“Haha, reptiles, escape!”

Smug laughter came from afar, and five streamers descended from the sky, each occupying a position, firmly surrounding the three of Hu Yan in the middle…

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