When Ma Shun heard this, his mouth opened wide, and his face was full of disbelief.

“Really, really?”

Lu Shaoqing turned around and snorted in displeasure, “I need to lie to you?”

“He was so nice to me, he just wanted to take the silly bird away from me, and said that he would take good care of the silly bird, and I would find him to settle the score.”

When Ma Shun heard this, he half-believed it, but he didn’t ask more, he thought about it and answered Lu Shaoqing’s question truthfully.

“Elder Liu Chi is the Taishang Elder of our clan, not the Eagle Clan, nor the Mo Crow Clan, but the Taishang Elder of our entire Flying Bird Clan, with a high status and independent detachment.”

“Even our king has no right to command him…”

Hu Yan and the others were terrified in their hearts.

There was actually a Taishang elder in the Flying Bird Clan, and they had not heard of the Beast Clan.

Hu Yan couldn’t help but ask, “Why, we haven’t heard of you having Elder Taishang.

Ma Shun snorted, “Elder Taishang’s affairs, as far as we people know, ordinary demon beasts are not qualified to know.”

“Elder Liu Chi has a transcendent status, he has never participated in the affairs of the clan, he is out all year round, and it is normal that you have not heard of the beast clan.”

“He rarely shows up, and if it weren’t for him wanting Hong Qing to join twenty years ago, I wouldn’t have seen him.”

After answering Hu Yan’s question, he continued to answer Lu Shaoqing’s question, “Elder Liu Chi left Fengcheng shortly after Hong Qing joined the Bird Clan, and no one knows where he went, and there has been no news of him until now.

Lu Shaoqing’s nose was crooked, an unreliable old bird.

Shouxian Mountain doesn’t need him to go, where else can he go?

Could it be that he went to find flowers and asked Willow, and found a mother bird to fly amphibious and double?

After despising it in his heart, Lu Shaoqing raised his head, and in the distance, the battle between Xiao Yi and Mo Changsui was almost over.

Although Xiao Yi is lower than Mo Changsui’s realm, it is not that Mo Changsui can easily deal with it.

In addition, there are also big white and little white next to the old sixth, and from time to time they suddenly kill a sudden cold arrow to give Mo Chang a look.

Mo Changwei was tired of coping, and even if he resisted hard, he was defeated.

He was slammed in the back by Dabai, and his body was almost torn apart.

When Xiao Yi was about to mend the sword, Lu Shaoqing transmitted a voice, “Leave him alive for the time being, let him shake people.”

Xiao Yi immediately mocked loudly, “How?

“You bird so vain? Dare to be arrogant in front of my second senior brother?

“The bird is not big, the courage is quite big, just with your three-legged cat strength, even I can’t beat it.”

“Even if there are ten more, you will not be my opponent.”

Mo Changwei was so angry that he was about to explode, trembling all over.

More people deceive less people or embarrassed to say this?

This shamelessness is comparable to that smelly flat hair.

I thought that bastard flat hair was already rare in the world, but I didn’t expect to meet an existence that could be compared with him here.

It is difficult for such a person to vent his anger without killing.

Seeing that he couldn’t escape, Mo Changsui secretly healed his injuries while shouting angrily, “You, damn it!”

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“If it weren’t for your large number of people, how could you be my opponent?”

“Do you dare to fight me alone?”

At the same time, a black feather with a wisp of red fell from him and quietly disappeared into the air.

“Okay,” Xiao Yi proudly waved the Lanshui sword and shouted, “Dabai, Xiaobai, you guys are watching from the side, watch me cut him into ten segments and eight segments…”

This time, the two fought again, both sides played small calculations in their hearts, the battle became calm, and the two sides fought back and forth.

Mo Changwei’s small movements did not hide Lu Shaoqing, he sneered and waited quietly.

On the top of the mountain, there was silence for a while.

Ma Shun was worried, not knowing what Lu Shaoqing would do with him.

He is now free to move, but he has no intention of escaping.

In the face of absolute strength, even if the speed is fast, it is useless.

Hu Yan saw Lu Shaoqing standing with his hands in his hands, just quietly watching Xiao Yi and Mo Changsui fight, and Da Bai and Xiao Bai swept on the side and no longer participated.

Hu Yan reminded Lu Shaoqing in time, “Gongzi be careful, I am afraid that they will come to reinforcements.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Here are all blocked by themselves, the news can’t get out, a hundred rest assured.”

“Hmph, I’m going to make that little bird die clearly.”

Hu Yan was speechless, are you smart or stupid.

“Gongzi, the space blocked by the Flying Bird Clan, they may have a way to deliver news, don’t be careless.”

What if the other party shakes a few refining periods?

Hu Yan reminded again, “Gongzi, the other party has eighteen refining periods here, in case they send a few people over…”

Lu Shaoqing’s answer was crisp and neat.

Hu Yan couldn’t help but smile bitterly, “Gongzi, we don’t have the confidence to escape in the refining period…” ”

Just right, you help me block them, just play the residual heat and let me run first.”

“Poof!” Hu Yan wanted to vomit blood, and it was difficult to communicate normally with this guy.

Lu Shaoqing continued to look at Qi City in the distance, and one-fifth of Qi City had now fallen into the hands of the Flying Bird Clan.

According to this momentum, sooner or later, the Bird Clan will be able to occupy Qi City.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but sigh, “Go on like this, Qi City Pill.” Hearing

Lu Shaoqing’s exclamation, Hu Yan and several people were even more anxious in their hearts.

Hu Yan bowed deeply to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, I hope you can help Qicheng.” ”

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan are also in the refining period, and their addition can at least bring a little help to Qicheng.

Lu Shaoqing accepted it calmly, and then waved his hand, “Can’t beat, can’t beat, let’s watch the play.” Hu

Yan several people were disappointed in their hearts, and finally Hu Yan saw Ma Shun, who was standing next to him like a person like a person, and did not dare to come out, and a rage arose in his heart, “You bird clan really want to destroy our beast clan?”


Ma Shun said lightly, “My king has said that the demon world should be unified.” ”

Damn it,” Wang Li roared angrily, “you really deserve to use such despicable means.”

Ma Shun looked at Lu Shaoqing, and suddenly said, “This method was thought up by Hong Qing…”

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