Ma Shun’s words made Lu Shaoqing stunned, “Isn’t it, the silly bird thought of it?”

Ma Shun nodded, “That’s right, at a gathering of our younger generation, someone proposed how to destroy the Beast Clan, and Hong Qing said such a method at that time.

“Hong Qing’s statement is that for tens of thousands of years, everyone has subconsciously felt that Qi City and Fengcheng will not be attacked, and no one will doubt that the tiger will leave the mountain at that time.”

Hu Yan they were silent.

Indeed, the Flying Bird Clan continued to attack other cities, and no one doubted that the Flying Bird Clan would dare to attack Qi City.

Everyone felt that Qi City was very safe.

Lu Shaoqing looked very relieved, although he became when he came here, at least his brain was not filled with yellow.

It’s quite flexible.

Yuan Xun suddenly asked, “Doesn’t it mean that your bird clan is constantly attacking our city in order to establish power and divert attention?”

Ma Shun thought about it, and finally felt that it would be okay to say it.

“That’s right, the sneak attack on Qi City was strongly promoted by the Mo Crow Clan, of which Mo Changye was the most active.”

“And to the outside world, he thought of this method.”

Wang Li was puzzled, “Why?” Hu

Yan said faintly, “Because of Hong Qing.”

“Because Hong Qing’s appearance made Mo Changye feel threatened, so after getting rid of Hong Qing, we will use Hong Qing’s method to deal with us, so that his prestige will reach its peak, and then he can naturally become the next king.”

“To say that the demon world is unified is actually the selfish nature of the Mo Crow Clan.”

Ma Shun smiled, looking at Hu Yan’s gaze full of appreciation, “It’s worthy of being a fox girl, yes, it’s true.”

But Hu Yan also didn’t understand something, “Since you can all see it, why would the Eagle Clan and the Bird Clan agree?”

“And Yingjie also personally shot.”

“It’s very simple,” Ma Shun seemed to enjoy the feeling, and he said with a smile, “because Ying Qiqi chased Hong Qing and disappeared into the mirage, along with the first prince of my clan, Ma Ran. Everyone

immediately understood that the princes of the Eagle Clan and the Finch Clan had disappeared into the mirage valley, and the future king of the Bird Clan was self-evident.

Therefore, neither the Eagle Clan nor the Bird Clan want to offend the Mo Crow Clan, so as not to make trouble for themselves in the future.

Shot, sell face to the Mo Crow clan, and your own clan will be much better in the future.

Hu Yan frowned, “Aren’t you afraid that the Mo Crow Clan will unload the mill and kill the donkey?”

Lu Shaoqing spoke, saying another thought of the Eagle Clan and the Bird Clan, “Sending troops to your Beast Clan, in the process of attacking cities and plundering land, you can expand your sphere of influence, gain more resources and population, and even find more powerful disciples. Hearing

Lu Shaoqing say this, Hu Yan they were desperate.

So, the beast race is dead?

Qi City fell, the faith of the Beast Walking Clan collapsed, and the Beast Walking Clan could no longer unite and get together.

At the same time, in the refining period of Qi City, the master fell, and at the top of the combat power, the bird tribe surpassed the beast race, and in the future, slowly surrounded and suppressed, the beast walking tribe never turned over.

Yuan Xun suddenly gritted his teeth, “Go, let’s continue to break through…” Wang

Li did not agree with this method, “Go? How to escape from the surrounding birds? ”

It’s better to stay here, at least Lu Shaoqing has some safety here.”

Hu Yan was also afraid that after he left here, he would be targeted by the bird clan again.

The three of them are now seriously injured, and their strength is less than fifty percent, and they may not be able to run away when they encounter enemies.


Hu Yan and the others turned their attention to Lu Shaoqing again.

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, and above the sky, Mo Changyi, who was fighting with Xiao Yi, suddenly laughed.

“Haha, smelly girl, you’re dead.”

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“Oh, death is still hard?” Xiao Yi was furious, turned around and asked, “Second Senior Brother, can I cut him?” A

cold snort suddenly came from above the sky, “Arrogant! Then it

seemed as if the space rippled, and two figures stepped out of the void.

The powerful aura on his body emanated unscrupulously, rampant, and the terrifying coercion of the refining period instantly filled this aspect of heaven and earth.

However, Lu Shaoqing frowned.

Hu Yan saw Lu Shaoqing frowning, and her heart instantly sank.

And after Mo Changsui saw the person coming, he excitedly shouted, “Elder Mo Wei, Elder Mo Jia!” ”

Save me!”

“Hehe, Gongzi is in no hurry, everyone here has to die…” After

seeing the situation here, Mo Wei, who was dressed in gray robes, sneered, “What a big boldness.”

“When you get to such a situation, you dare to rise up and seek your own death.”

Seeing Mo Changsui’s excited look, Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but ask Ma Shun, “Are they awesome?”

Ma Shun said, “Mo Wei and Mo Jia are the two newly promoted elders of the Mo Crow Clan, Elder Mo Wei is already in the realm of refining the third layer of the void, and Elder Mo Jia is the realm of the second layer of refining the void.

After Lu Shaoqing listened, his brows furrowed even more.

Hu Yan had been paying attention to Lu Shaoqing, and when he saw Lu Shaoqing’s expression, his heart sank even more.

Your senior brother is gone, there is only one of you left, can you hit two by one?

Let you pretend to be forced and play off, right? You know you regret it, right?

Lu Shaoqing noticed Hu Yan’s gaze and smiled at her, “I’ll run first, you help me block it, how?” ”

Hu Yan vomited blood,” Gongzi…”

Lu Shaoqing put away his smile and said unpleasantly, “After waiting for a long time, I will wait for two such goods?”

“Two megalomaniacal birds.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was stunned.

Who is ignorant and arrogant?

Is that you?

Lu Shaoqing rushed up to the sky, and with a flip of his wrist, the Mojun sword appeared in his hand, slashing at the two fiercely.

A sword enveloped the two of them.


“How daring!”

The two Mo Crow Clan elders, Mo Wei and Mo Jia, suddenly became furious.

No matter what strength you are, no matter what realm it is, a person dares to make a move against the two refining void periods, do you really think that the refining period is a cabbage on the street?

When Wang Yun saw this scene, the corners of his eyes twitched, and he couldn’t help but whisper, “Who is the arrogant?” ”

Eat yourself!”

Hu Yan and Yuan Xun nodded secretly.

The two refining period teaming up is definitely not as simple as one plus one.

Mo Changwei sneered at Xiao Yi, who was entangled in himself, “Smelly girl, you wait to collect the corpse of your senior brother!” With

Lu Shaoqing’s move, the sky was filled with black and white flames, covering Mo Wei and Mo Jia.



As the flames fell, two screams sounded, and the blood of Mo Wei and Mo Jia sprayed wildly…

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