The bodies of Mo Wei and Mo Jia were covered with countless wounds, and blood spurted out from their bodies.

One move, one face.

The two of them suffered heavy losses during the refining period.

This scene frightened everyone.

Hu Xue plopped down on her knees to worship.

Hu Yan, Wang Li, and Yuan Xun trembled their legs, and their livers trembled.

Ma Shun’s whole person was numb and sluggish, like an idiot.

Mo Changsui peed on the spot, and was almost stabbed twice by Xiao Yi on his body.

Mo Wei and Mo Jia were also scared half to death.

It turns out that the other party is not arrogant, but has real strength and can not put them in his eyes.

Mo Jia shouted angrily while retreating to distance herself, “You, what are you?”

Mo Wei shouted in horror, “His sword intent is similar to that of the bastard Hong Qing.

“Who are you from Hong Qing?”

In response to him was a huge fireball falling from the sky.

“You, you really have a connection with Hong Qing!” Mo Jia was first frightened, then furious, murderous, and shouted at Mo Wei, “Kill, go together, kill him!” ”

Although the two were hit hard by one move, they were also in the refining period.

In a short period of time, the two also recovered a lot.

Mo Wei shouted angrily, “Kill him!” ”

The big fireball rumbled down, like the sun falling.

Wang Li couldn’t help but frown, “Is this trick useful?”

“Still thinking of using it to sneak up on them?”

Yuan Xun also felt puzzled, “His strength is enough, don’t you have to do this?”

Wang Li retorted, “He took advantage of the other party’s carelessness with a sword just now, and once again, he definitely can’t do this.” The

huge fireball fell, and Mo Wei and Mojia joined forces, both shooting at the sky.

A powerful hurricane roared and circled into a huge wind dragon.

As the two elders of Mojia, the two have a very high tacit understanding, and under the joint efforts, their power is doubled.

“Hmph, sure enough,” Mo Jia shouted angrily, “the same move is useless to us.” ”

A huge fireball fell heavily, and the roar rolled like thunder.

The wind dragon circled up, as if emitting an earth-shattering dragon groan, resounding throughout the heavens and earth, shaking all directions.

Under everyone’s gaze, the fireball and the wind dragon collided fiercely.

The furious spiritual power instantly vented out, a huge explosion sounded, and the sky shook.

The terrifying explosion made Qi City in the distance also feel the vibration.

“How, what’s going on?”

“With such a big shock, who made the trick?”

“But, damn it, did we fail in the refining period of the beast race?”

The face of the walking beast tribe was full of panic.

And the bird tribe was also shocked.

“Strange, who is it?”

“This fluctuation is like the fluctuation of the Mo Crows? Who is desperate? And

the refining period of the heavenly battle also suddenly changed their faces slightly, and the fluctuations from the distance were very terrifying, making them feel threatened.

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“It’s Mo Wei and Mo Jia, where did they go?”

“Could it be that a new enemy has appeared?”

“Haha, the elders of my Mo Crow clan must have found the fish that slipped through the net, and they are dead!”

“Hey, Mo Wei and Mo Jia left suddenly, what happened? However, the two of them strike together, no matter who the opponent is, they are dead…” The

powerful explosion made the space shake, and at the same time the spiritual power storm was vented, and the powerful energy spread in all directions, and the storm between heaven and earth once again set off, covering everything.

Watching the billowing smoke spread, Mo Changxian roared loudly, “Despicable move, don’t think about the two elders being fooled again.” ”

Wang Li, Hu Yan, and Yuan Xun have seen Hong Qing’s methods.

Wang Li sneered, “They have seen this trick for a long time, and now take it out, it has little effect!” Yuan

Xun nodded, “Also, when Hong Qing used this trick for the first time, hiding in the smoke and sneaking attack was indeed very powerful, and he could do it by surprise.”

“But everyone has already seen his meanness, so this trick has little effect.”

Hu Yan also frowned, “Be careful, don’t be smart but be mistaken by cleverness!”

However, as they were discussing, there were terrified shouts in the smoke.

“No, no, this…”

Another loud bang.


A figure flew out of the smoke upside down and smashed heavily on the ground, and the earth instantly cracked, forming a huge deep pit.

Everyone fixed their eyes on Mo Wei,

he was lying on the ground, covered in smoke, as if escaping from the sun, most of the burned wounds on his body, with terrible power remaining on them.

Mo Wei was already more angry and less qi in, and the whole person was dying, as if he was on the verge of death.

“This, this,” the crowd was shocked and froze on the spot.

And this time, the wind howled, blowing away the billowing smoke, and everyone looked up.

Above the sky, only half of Mojia’s body was floating.

The half of his body on the right side had disappeared, and the surface wound was scorched black, and the same terrifying power remained.

Another amazing scene.

The crowd was frightened and stupid again.

Yuan Xun stammered, “Like, it seems to be different from Hong Qing’s.”

Hu Yan swallowed a mouthful of spit, “He didn’t plan to sneak attack, he wanted to kill directly!” ”


Seeing Mo Wei and Mo Jia’s appearance, they knew that Lu Shaoqing’s move was completely different from Hong Qing’s move.

Hong Qing used it to assist, and Lu Shaoqing used it to attack.

Under the powerful force, if it were not for the two of them joining forces, any of them would have been bombarded into slag.

But now it’s almost the same, both of them are in a state of qi coming in and out.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes were cold, and Mo Junjian struck again.

The sword light flickered, and the halo on the surface of the Mojun sword flowed, and a mysterious power was attached to it.


The sword light contained sword intent that easily shattered Mo Jia’s body, and at the same time, a mysterious power disappeared, as if shuttling through heaven and earth and crossing the void.

In the distant Phoenix City, a harsh voice sounded, and then a terrifying force rushed into the sky, but the power came and went quickly.

The harsh voice also stopped abruptly.

When many people did not understand what was going on, another scream sounded, which also disappeared quickly.

Fengcheng was terrified….

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