The huge hand was like a bird’s claw descending from the sky, and the coercive pressure it exuded made this square sky shake endlessly, and the spiritual energy turned into a powerful qi wave, emitting a roaring sound, and constantly squeezing towards Xiao Yi.


As soon as the big hand appeared, Xiao Yi sprayed blood from his mouth.

Like a squeezed rag doll, she has nowhere to escape, and powerful forces can crush her to pieces at any time.

The big hand that suddenly appeared was rushing towards Xiao Yi, intending to crush her alive.


Ji Yan snorted coldly and bullied his junior sister in front of him?

When he’s not there?

Lu Shaoqing seemed to have discovered something, he had something to be busy with, and he had no time to take care of it, so he could only make a move by this senior brother.


The sword of Wuqiu was unsheathed and swept across the air.

A sword light streaked through, and the sharp sword intent instantly cut off the big hand.

Immediately afterwards, strangle this big hand again.

The big hand that transformed into spiritual power instantly dissipated.


With a startled sound, an old man stepped out of the void.

Seeing the person coming, Mo Changwei’s aggrieved child was like seeing an adult, and he wanted to cry.

He, the proud son of heaven, was almost killed here today.

Since I was born, I have never been bullied like this.

A girl, he can’t beat it.

Shaking people, shaking people were slaughtered in front of him, and he watched a horror movie abruptly.

If no one comes, he will not be stabbed to death, but he will be scared to death.

Mo Changxian shouted loudly, feeling the urge to rush over and hug him, “Elder Mo Hao!

Mo Hao’s eyes were shining, and his sharp gaze like an eagle’s eye fell on Ji Yan.

They are far apart, but with their existence, even if they are thousands of miles apart, it is like facing each other.

“Is it you, killed Mojia Mowei and the two?”

He came from a distance, and immediately felt the misery of Mo Changxi, and was cut off by someone, and he was in danger.

Without saying a word, he shot at Xiao Yi, intending to kill the chicken and scare the monkeys.

After all, appearances during the refining period require a little shocking scene.

It’s best to use Xiao Yi to shock everyone.

However, Ji Yan’s sudden move made him feel a threat.

Therefore, he also thought that Ji Yan killed Mojia and Mowei.

Mo Changxi pointed at Lu Shaoqing and said to Mo Hao, “Elder Mo Hao, it was him, it was he who killed the two elders.

Mo Hao was surprised, “When did the Beast Walking Clan have these two?” ”

The two races of birds and beasts are very familiar with each other.

The top masters are clear to everyone.

The sudden appearance of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan surprised Mo Hao.

He sneered, “Hmph, scumbag, sneaky here, join forces to sneak attack, what kind of hero?”

Xiao Yi had already run to Lu Shaoqing’s side, scolding loudly, under the blessing of spiritual power, even if they were far apart, Xiao Yi’s voice was still very clear, “Old bird, where is your bird face?” ”

Sneak attack? Does my senior brother use a sneak attack to kill two stupid birds?

“Instead, you, the one who sneaks up on me with the power of a bird, do you want to face?”

“Also said that your bird face is too small to contain your etiquette and integrity, and you have eaten it into a bubble of bird?”

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“What birdface do you have here to say sneak attack?”

“Moreover, your sneak attack was unsuccessful, you lost the bird to the extreme, and laughed to death…”

Lianzhu’s words made Mo Hao first stunned, and then anger rushed to his brain.

His status has not yet dared to scold him like this.

So angry that his body trembled, “Damn smelly girl, I’m going to slaughter you.” Xiao

Yicai is not afraid, the existence of the refining period, that is the business of the senior brother, she is responsible for greeting on the side, “Old bird, wait for my senior brother to pull out all your hair.” ”

Second Senior Brother, do you want to make a move?”

Xiao Yi smiled in anticipation.

Lu Shaoqing glanced at her, “Or, you go?”

Xiao Yi’s hair stood on end in fright on the spot.

But fortunately, Lu Shaoqing was just joking, and Lu Shaoqing shouted at Ji Yan, “You come, don’t kill first.” Then he

took off and flew in one direction, and Xiao Yi hurriedly followed with three small ones.

Lu Shaoqing’s words made Mo Hao’s nose crooked.

What do you mean don’t kill first?

Who do you think I am?

Think I’m a bully?

Mo Hao gritted his teeth, resentful, and slapped Lu Shaoqing’s back fiercely.

“Damn, I haven’t seen such a rampant person, I’ll kill you first.”

The big man in the middle of refining the void, no one dares to underestimate him anywhere.

Today, here, being so despised that it is difficult to quench the hatred in my heart if I don’t crush my corpse.


With a sword sound, a crisp sword sound, Mo Hao instantly felt a sharp breath.

Frightened, he hurriedly withdrew his hand.

Watching a faint sword light disappear in front of him, Mo Hao’s heart was awe-inspiring.

Such a terrifying sword light, the sword intent above made his heart jump.

In the distance, Ji Yan spoke, “Your opponent is me, I hope you don’t let me down.”

Mo Hao stared at Ji Yan, his heart full of vigilance.

Demon world, when did such a demon appear?


Mo Hao’s heart was fierce, and his eyes flashed with a thick murderous intent, “Hmph, I don’t know the sky is high and the earth is thick, I hope you don’t regret it later.” ”

Since you are looking for death, kill you first, and then kill the others.

After speaking, Mo Hao coldly shot out, grabbed it with his right hand, and the surrounding space seemed to be clenched, and the powerful pressure continued to squeeze into the middle.

Out of thin air, a violent storm appeared, whistling and blowing.

The space has different degrees of creases, and irregular ripples oscillate with the space.

Mo Changwei, who had already run far away, saw this scene and shouted excitedly, “Don’t be rampant, bastard, Elder Mo Hao is much stronger than the two elders Mo Jia and Mo Wei.” ”

Under the huge palm shrouded, the huge shadow hides infinite murderous intent.

In the shadows, the whistling storm is like a deadly viper, constantly circling and spitting letters, launching a surprise attack on Ji Yan.


It’s huge, it’s amazing.

Hu Yan and the others were shocked to see it, the middle stage of refining the void was much stronger than the early stage of refining the void.

Can Ji Yan handle it?

Just when Hu Yan and the others were secretly worried in their hearts, a light suddenly lit up in the shadows, like a light that broke through the darkness, dazzling…

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