In the shadow that covered the sky, a

light suddenly lit up, and then a silver-white divine dragon rose up into the sky.

Dazzling light, sharp sword intent, easily defeat the shadows.

The divine dragon soared into the sky, as if hovering above the nine heavens.

Lifelike, the silver-white scale armor shone, and a powerful coercive pressure pervaded, like a dragon rolling might.

Everyone was shocked, the sword intent could reach this step?

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, he would definitely think that the divine dragon had reappeared in the world.

Mo Hao also looked solemn.

With such sword intent, even the entire demon world could not find a person who could be compared.

Mo Hao drank again, “What kind of person are you?” He

was answered with a dragon groan.

The divine dragon roared up to the sky.


The sound of gold and iron sounded in everyone’s ears, as if they saw countless sword intentions wandering and colliding.

Heaven and earth have become the world of swords.

After a dragon groan, the divine dragon swung its tail, spiraled down, and rushed straight down Mo Hao.

Mo Hao’s face changed wildly, and his pressure instantly increased, “Damn! In

his line of sight, it was as if the sword intent of the entire world was coming towards him.

After Mo Hao’s roar, his figure suddenly became larger and turned into a huge crow rushing up into the sky.

The crow’s wings shook, and countless gusts of wind blew on the ground in an instant.


Countless violent winds converged and turned into a wind dragon rushing up into the sky.

What the birds are best at is controlling the wind.

Driven by Mo Hao, the wind dragon was also lifelike, the dragon’s tail swung gently, and a violent wind appeared out of thin air, engulfing the silver-white divine dragon into it.

Then the wind dragon did not enter the fierce wind, intending to pull the divine dragon into his home field.

Seeing this, Mo Hao showed a little smile on his face.


Another dragon groan sounded, and the hurricane fell apart and dissipated between heaven and earth.

Everyone fixed their eyes on it, and the wind dragon controlled by Mo Hao was full of holes, and it was no longer the same.

And the divine dragon transformed by Ji Yan’s sword intent is still majestic and amazing.

The huge force impact, Mo Hao’s face turned pale, and a mouthful of blood spurted out.

The silver divine dragon was unabated, penetrating the wind dragon and rushing straight towards Mo Hao.

Mo Hao’s smile disappeared, and his wings flapped and turned into a black lightning bolt that shuttled across the sky.

However, the speed of the divine dragon was not much slower than him.


The divine dragon transformed by the sword intent caught up with Mo Hao.


The loud noise was followed by a scream.


In the eyes of the watchers, Mo Hao was caught up by the divine dragon and bit his wings fiercely, and blood splashed.

Along with the splash were black feathers in the sky.


Mo Hao couldn’t maintain his flying attitude, crashed into a mountain like a crash, and fell deeply.

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“This, this…” Mo

Changxian was about to be scared to death.

This was one of the most powerful elders of his Mo Crow Clan, and he had gone further and become stronger over the years.

How could this be?

His strike should be to defeat the enemy by destroying the decay, not by the enemy devastation and decaying.

Hu Yan, they are also scared stupid.

Why is Ji Yan so strong?

Wang Jingchu was split in half by his move, and he thought that Wang Jingchu was careless.

Now it seems that Wang Jingchu is not careless at all, but Ji Yan left his hand.

Ji Yan did not stop and sword again, shrouded in sword light, a mountain instantly melted, whether it was trees, flowers and plants, or earth and stones, all of them were strangled and turned into nothingness.

“Damn it!”

With a loud drink, Mo Hao rushed out from the sword light.

A faint cyan light appeared on his surface, and Ji Yan’s sword intent fell on it and made a loud sound, but it could not break his defenses.

Mo Hao looked a little embarrassed, and there were traces of blood on his right hand, and it was the right wing that was bitten by the divine dragon just now.

Mo Hao was full of hatred, and his expression was extremely hideous when he turned into a human form, and he drank, “Don’t be rampant, I was just a little careless just now, I will definitely make you regret it.” ”


Mo Hao killed Ji Yan again.

After the sword just now made him understand the horror of Ji Yan, Mo Hao did not dare to be careless.

Throw yourself into battle wholeheartedly and bring out all your strength.

Mo Hao’s realm was stronger than Ji Yan, and when he exerted his full strength, he once gained the upper hand.

The wind howled, and under his control, the heavens and the earth were filled with countless winds.

The hurricane is full of tearing power, and the roaring wind squeezes, forming a storm in the air, constantly attacking Ji Yan.

At the same time, under his control, the wind blade attacked Ji Yan from an unexpected place like an assassin.

In the face of a steady stream of seemingly endless storms, Ji Yan only resisted a few times, then stood with his sword in his hand and stood quietly in place.

Allowing the storm to continue to bombard, soon Ji Yan was drowned by the storm, as if a flat boat disappeared in the storm.

“He, what is he going to do?”

“Have you given up resistance?”

Wang Li stammered, it had become a world of wind, and breaking into it during the Avatar Period like him would only be a dead end.

The terrifying power can tear him to pieces in an instant.

“What is he going to do?” Yuan Xun couldn’t help but guess, “Didn’t he put Mo Hao’s attack in his eyes? ”


Hu Yan shook his head decisively, “Although he is very strong, Mo Hao is stronger than him, he dares to be big, just wait for death.” ”

Mo Hao is also a six-layer realm in the middle stage of refining the void, and he can step into the late stage in one step, and his strength is amazing.

For opponents who are stronger than themselves, no one dares to be careless.

However, Ji Yan was uncharacteristic, as if he had given up resistance.

Such a big move undoubtedly made Mo Changwei, who had recovered his confidence, laugh.

“Haha, look for death!” His tone was sinister, “Do you think Elder Mo Hao is a bully?”

“You will be torn to pieces in the storm…” Mo

Hao’s eyes were also cold, and when he saw that Ji Yan did not resist, he increased his strength.

The whistling storm became even more violent, as if it could tear heaven and earth apart.

However, soon Mo Hao felt that something was wrong.

His heart moved, the storm was like an obedient soldier, revealing a gap, and when he saw Ji Yan standing in place, motionless like a mountain, unscathed, Mo Hao was numb…

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