Lu Shaoqing lay on his hammock, leisurely and comfortable.

It’s still lazy and comfortable.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but groan.

Xiaohong stood on the tree, closed a pair of bird eyes, and the hair on her body was shining slightly.

If anyone is here, they will be surprised to find that there is a special aura on Xiaohong’s body.

Lu Shaoqing flipped through the Tianji card and looked at the news above.

From time to time, peel a spirit bean and throw it into your mouth.

Seeing the above introduction to the competition held by the Lingxiao faction, five days have passed now, and the competition is very intense.

Because of the tournament, coupled with the reopening of the law enforcement team, the security environment in Lingxiao City has once again returned to its previous appearance,

and Shan Yue, who is in charge of reporting, praised the Lingxiao faction in the article as an excellent idea to hold this tournament.

The person who proposed this method was even more praised, which made Lu Shaoqing look very satisfied.

But when Lu Shaoqing turned to the next article.

After a few glances, Lu Shaoqing sat up abruptly.

[Lingxiao sent Lu Shaoqing, a personal disciple of Tianyu Peak, and Xia Yu, a disciple of Shuangyue Valley, fell in love. ] [

Xia Yu now lives in Tianyu Peak, and it is said that the two have lived together. 】

【Xia Yu deliberately stayed in the law enforcement team to help for Lu Shaoqing, which shows the depth of love.

[It is speculated that the two sides developed feelings when they explored the secret realm before…]

“My day, something big happened.”

Lu Shaoqing looked at the above content and his head grew bigger.

The summary of the above content is that he and Xia Yu have a leg and get together.

Lu Shaoqing glanced at the author of the article, and Tameow’s also made an anon.

What’s more.

“Can’t you just make me handsome?”

“Still love deeply, hateful Tianji dog, don’t let me know who it is, or I will kill you.”

This is troublesome.

Lu Shaoqing knew that the trouble he was afraid of would come after all, and it would be more troublesome than expected.

The trouble he was afraid of before was that others misunderstood him for wanting to pursue Xia Yu.

Well, as soon as this article came out, everyone thought that he didn’t want to pursue Xia Yu, but already had a leg with Xia Yu.

Those suitors of the Xia language must be crazy.

Holding the Tianji card, Lu Shaoqing began to think about how to deal with the trouble he would encounter next.

After thinking for a while, I finally made a decision.

Let’s go shelter from the limelight.

Can’t provoke, can’t provoke.

Lu Shaoqing sighed in his heart.

However, before this side could think about where to go to avoid the limelight, the flying sword transmission book in charge came again.

Lu Shaoqing habitually wanted to repatriate him.

The flying sword did not give him this opportunity, and as soon as it flew to him, the angry voice of the head of the house sounded.

“Bastard boy, what you provoked, you will deal with it for me right now.”

After reading the information from the head, Lu Shaoqing’s face turned white.

The gate of the Lingxiao faction was blocked.

Xia Yu’s suitors blocked the door of the Lingxiao faction and demanded an answer from the Lingxiao faction.

The head ordered Lu Shaoqing to deal with this matter.

“You can’t handle it well, I ripped your skin!”

The head left a cruel word, and the divine thought disappeared.

“Good things don’t go out, bad things spread thousands of miles!”

Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky and sighed, very helpless, “I am more wronged than Dou E.”

“I’m hiding here, why do you have to come to the door?”

At this time, Xiao Yi also hurriedly ran over.

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Before the person arrived, the voice arrived first, “Second Senior Brother, the big thing, the big thing is not good.” Xiao

Yi ran in a hurry, and his usually well-groomed hair was now disheveled.

Xiao Yi ran to Lu Shaoqing, and before he had time to catch his breath, he pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes, “Second Senior Brother, something has happened, and your adultery with Senior Sister Xia Yu has been exposed.”

Without saying a word, Lu Shaoqing poured a few sugar-fried chestnuts on her head.

“Talk nonsense again, see if I knock you to death.”

Xiao Yi covered his head, tears welling up.

Xiaohong pointed at Xiao Yi on the tree and laughed.

Have you not had a long memory after so long?

I wonder if the Great Demon King is angry now?

You actually dare to provoke him.

Covering his head, Xiao Yi cautiously asked Lu Shaoqing, “Second Senior Brother, you, you all know?” ”

There’s a lot of noise out there right now.”

Since the matter has already happened, Lu Shaoqing is not nervous anyway.

“Isn’t it just blocking the door? Do they still dare to kill in?

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but admire the fact that Taishan collapsed in front of him and remained unchanged, and at the same time tentatively asked, “Second Senior Brother, are you planning not to show up?”

Xiao Yi felt that with the character of her second senior brother, she would not be shy at all when she was a shrunken turtle.

It is not impossible to hide here in the Heavenly Royal Peak and wait until the matter is over to show up.

Lu Shaoqing let out a long sigh, if there is no flying sword in charge, what about being a shrunken turtle?

It’s a pity that the boss has blocked his retreat.

“Trouble, trouble, really big trouble.” Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky again and sighed, “What did I do wrong?”

Xiao Yi comforted Lu Shaoqing, and the intimate baby went online, “Senior brother, this is none of your business, it must be that those hateful Tianji dogs see some and write casually.”

“My father is also like this, he found me a little mother outside, and in the end, it was also exposed by the Tianji dog, so that my mother hammered it.”

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze fell on the intimate baby, and the elusive gaze made Xiao Yi couldn’t help but shrink his neck.

“Second Senior Brother, you, what are you going to do?”

“I, I’m young…”

Lu Shaoqing was furious again, and raised his hand to reward her a few times, but after thinking about it, it was still more comfortable to poke.

Lu Shaoqing scolded angrily while poking Xiao Yi’s head, “What are you thinking about this pig’s head?

“Bastard, did you sneak in? If yes, I will destroy my relatives today and clean up the scum of the division.

Xiao Yi was wronged in her heart, how could she do this kind of thing, although she felt that it was very good, “Second Senior Brother, I don’t know anything.” After

poking a few times, Lu Shaoqing also felt tired.

Xiao Yi saw Lu Shaoqing stop, covered his head and asked again, “Second Senior Brother, what are you going to do now?”

Lu Shaoqing noticed that she came back alone, and asked, “What about Senior Sister Xia Yu?” Hearing

Lu Shaoqing ask about Xia Yu, she guessed Lu Shaoqing’s thoughts and said, “Senior Sister Xia Yu has been called back by the people of Shuangyue Valley.

“Second Senior Brother, do you want Senior Sister Xia Yu to come forward and explain?”

Lu Shaoqing did not deny that it was best to let Xia Yu, the party, come out to explain the situation, not to mention.

“Senior Sister Xia Yu said, if there is trouble, she will help me solve it.”

Xiao Yi was like a sister next door, and continued to give Lu Shaoqing bad news intimately, “Second Senior Brother, you don’t need to think about this, Sister Rourou said, Senior Sister Xia Yu is estimated to be unable to come out for a while.” ”

When something like this happens, she’s going to be kept in a tight eye.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, there was no surprise on his face.

He guessed that too.

Xia Yu, as a big disciple of Shuangyue Valley, actually fell in love with others and got together.

Even if it is fake, Shuangyue Valley does not dare to be careless.

What if it’s true?

This flower from Shuangyue Valley was plucked.

What will happen to Double Moon Valley then?

Is it taken as a dowry?

Alas, it’s troublesome.

Shaking his head, Lu Shaoqing walked out.

“Second Senior Brother, where are you going?”

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