“Where else can I go?” Lu Shaoqing’s voice revealed helplessness and was also very unhappy, “Of course, I will meet those pig brothers for a while.” ”

If it weren’t for the order of the chief, I would have gone into hiding long ago.

Whatever you block the door, what flood you have.

Xiao Yi was surprised that his second senior brother actually had to face the trouble.

Groundbreaking, what happened to the second senior brother today?

Xiao Yi ran behind Lu Shaoqing with a small short leg and a cigarette, and followed closely.

Xiaohong also flew down from the tree and lay on Xiao Yi’s head.

Xiao Yi followed Lu Shaoqing to the gate of the sect, and at the same time he was very curious and a little worried.

“Second Senior Brother, are you all right?”

According to the character of the second senior brother, this should be how far to run and find a place to hide.

Why do you have to face the person blocking the door directly?

This is no small thing, and it is not a good operation.

Being remembered and hated, when the time comes, it will become a thousand fingers, thousands of people will scold, be discredited, and become a rat crossing the street.

For Xiao Yi’s concern, Lu Shaoqing scolded, not appreciative at all, “What is it called nothing?”

“If it’s okay, what am I doing here?”

“Ma De, the trouble is dead, I said long ago that I can’t have contact with Senior Sister Xia Yu.”

“What a wrong step, a wrong step.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened and he showed a surprised expression.

“Second Senior Brother, can you even guess this day?”

How clever is this, is the second senior brother’s brain so powerful?

Before she thought that Lu Shaoqing’s dislike of trouble was just an excuse, mainly because she was lazy and didn’t want to move.

Now, that doesn’t look like that.

It’s also really troublesome.

Xiao Yi’s shocked gaze gradually turned into adoration.

My second senior brother is really powerful.

“Second Senior Brother, you are really powerful.”

For the worship of junior sister, Lu Shaoqing did not have any sense of accomplishment in his heart.

Instead, he was angry.

Poked her in the head and scolded fiercely, “So, please, move your pig brain more.”

“Do you think I’m joking?”

“If you turn your arms out all day and help Senior Sister Xia Yu speak, won’t you help me?”

Xiao Yi held his head and fled in embarrassment, “Second Senior Brother, I was wrong. ”

I talk about admitting my mistakes, but I don’t feel very wrong in my heart.

“Second Senior Brother, Senior Sister Xia Yu is also very good to stay in Tianyu Peak, I can learn a lot.”

Oops, don’t know the fault yet.

Lu Shaoqing was furious, “You give me death!” By

the time Lu Shaoqing and Xiao Yi arrived at the gate of the sect, there was already a sea of people here.

Outside, thousands of monks blocked in front of the mountain gate, and the sound wave after wave.

“What about Lu Shaoqing? Get out.

“Lu Shaoqing, you dare to blaspheme my goddess, I will kill you.”

“Lu Shaoqing, come out, I want to duel with

you, you are not worthy of the Xia Yu girl…” “Coward Lu Shaoqing, get out, I want to see what you are, you are also worthy of being with the Xia Yu girl?”

“Kill Lu Shaoqing, this villain, and restore the reputation of the Xia Yu girl…” Thousands

of cultivators gathered outside, and there were people from afar.

In a short period of time, so many cultivators had gathered, which was enough to see how terrifying the charm of Xia Yu, the first beauty, was.

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The sounds made by these people formed waves in the air that were visible to the naked eye, impacting the Lingxiao faction wave after wave.

The Ling Xiao faction was on the other hand.

Elders, disciples, and others also came here to strictly guard against the people below from storming the mountain gate.

Many disciples encountered such a situation for the first time, their faces turned pale, and their hearts were stunned.

The hands holding the long sword were trembling slightly.

The people outside are all cultivators, even if their personal strength is not good, but these people have united and started to move, and these disciples of the Lingxiao Sect alone may not be able to resist it.

“Lu, where is Senior Brother Lu?”

“What about the others?”

“Why haven’t you seen you yet?”

“Isn’t he supposed to run away? This is really a shame of the sect. ”

He caused so much trouble for the sect, can’t he come out yet?”

The disciples gradually became dissatisfied with Lu Shaoqing.

Caused such a big trouble, but people did not see it.

They even hoped that the sect would take the initiative to hand over Lu Shaoqing so that it would not affect them.

Now the crowd below is surging, and once it rushes up, it will definitely cause great casualties.

“Second Senior Brother, what should I do?”

Xiao Yi came here and found that there were more people than he expected.

An even more worried expression appeared on her face.

This is definitely not good news for the second senior brother.

The second senior brother said before that he had always been low-key, and now he couldn’t keep a low profile if he wanted to.

He had now become the public enemy of the male cultivators of Qizhou.

In just a short period of time, so many people have already gathered, and with a little more time, will the people of Qi Zhou come to most of them?

There were really so many people coming, even the Lingxiao faction had to avoid it.

Xiao Yi saw that Lu Shaoqing’s former relaxed expression was gone, but his expression was solemn, frowning and pondering.

Xiao Yi felt distressed, she still liked to see the second senior brother’s usual lazy appearance, and she didn’t like the second senior brother’s dignified appearance now.

The second senior brother should also have no way to deal with the current situation.

Seeing Lu Shaoqing fall into such a situation, Xiao Yi felt sad in her heart, and she couldn’t help but say, “Second Senior Brother, it’s really not okay, let’s go hide.”

“Let’s go hide somewhere else, or you can follow me to my house to hide.”

Lu Shaoqing was strange, why did he bring a crying voice.

“What are you crying about?”

Xiao Yi’s eyes were red, and he did not deny it, “Second Senior Brother, if there is no way, let’s go and hide.”

Lu Shaoqing was even more strange, pouting at her proposal, “What is there no way?” Isn’t that all there are people? Do you need to hide? ”

The most important thing is that there is no way to hide, the head must be staring here, if I dare to hide, I will not be smashed into slag by the palm of the boss.”

“But, Second Senior Brother, weren’t you worried just now? Aren’t you worried about these people in front of you?

However, Xiao Yi guessed wrong.

“Who said I can’t help,” Lu Shaoqing’s tone was unimpressive, still the feeling that Xiao Yi was familiar with, “I’m just thinking about something else.” Curiosity

came, and he was not sad, Xiao Yi hurriedly asked, “Second Senior Brother, what are you thinking?” ”

What else is more important than what is in front of you, and it also makes the second senior brother’s expression solemn, it must be a great thing.

Lu Shaoqing looked at her and sneered, “How are you doing in the law enforcement team these days?”

Although strange, Xiao Yi answered truthfully, “It’s okay, Senior Brother An taught me a lot of things.” ”

Those bastards in the city don’t dare to make trouble casually, Senior Sister Xia Yu said that all this is the credit of the second senior brother.”

“It’s still the second senior brother, you are powerful.”

After listening to it, Lu Shaoqing looked even happier, “Yes, then you write a thought, the number of words is not less than 10,000 words.”

“Oh, by the way, the content of praise for me must not be less than three thousand words.”

Xiao Yi’s eyes turned black….

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