Xiao Yi carried Xiao Hei around his neck, followed by Big White and Xiao Bai left and right, and followed Lu Shaoqing like an ass.

Her big eyes flashed with curiosity, like a curious baby, closely watching Lu Shaoqing’s every move.

Lu Shaoqing’s reaction today was a little strange, Xiao Yi knew that he had definitely discovered something, otherwise Lu Shaoqing would not have suddenly left the battlefield.

The Mo Crow clan bullied Xiaohong and was already on Lu Shaoqing’s must-kill list.

Why did Lu Shaoqing personally take action?

Why did Mo Jia and Mo Wei die?

Isn’t it because Lu Shaoqing wants to kill the people of the Mo Crow Clan?

However, Lu Shaoqing temporarily let go of Mo Hao and Mo Changwei and came directly here.

Xiao Yi followed until now, hearing Lu Shaoqing scold, she finally had a chance to speak.

“Second Senior Brother, what’s wrong?”

“Did you find anything?”

“Is there something wrong here?”

“Will it be dangerous?”

As soon as Xiao Yi opened his mouth, he suddenly had several questions in a row.

The eager look made her want to grab Lu Shaoqing and ask clearly.

Lu Shaoqing did not speak, but looked up into the distance again, and suddenly his right hand waved in the air.

Like a dust whisking away to cover up the truth, the scene in front of Xiao Yi’s eyes suddenly changed.

Countless thin black lines appeared in front of her eyes, densely packed, like spider webs, covering the entire world.

Xiao Yi and Da Bai and Xiao Bai were instantly terrified, and a terrifying feeling surged into their hearts.

The little black on his head looked at it curiously, and then stretched out his hand to grab one to take a look.

It turned out to penetrate as if it were illusory.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi also tried to reach out and touch, and found that she didn’t feel anything, and the air was the same, penetrating through.

“Second Senior Brother, is this an illusion?”

Xiao Yi looked at it, and the whole world was filled with such small thin lines that were difficult to see clearly.

Xiao Bai suddenly spoke, “Yes, it’s a formation!”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “Not bad, it’s the formation.” ”

These are formations.”

“Formation?” Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, and then he felt even more terrified.

Looking around, there is no end in sight, if it is a formation, it can be seen how big this formation is.

“Yes, who is it?”

Xiao Yi swallowed a mouthful of spit with difficulty, “What is the use of this large array?”

Lu Shaoqing stretched out his hand, Xiao Yi followed Lu Shaoqing’s gaze, and the thin black line behind them suddenly lit up, from far and near, and finally disappeared past them in the distance.

The light is not dazzling, but it stands out on the thin black line.

“What’s that?” Xiao Yi asked again. She couldn’t feel any dangerous aura on it, “No danger, right? ”

Stupid!” Lu Shaoqing scolded unceremoniously, “I feel it with my heart, I can’t feel it, go back and follow the disobedient guy.”

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Xiao Yi shrunk his neck and hurriedly felt it with his heart.

After calming down, Xiao Yi’s divine consciousness swept out, shrouding the surrounding thin lines, and carefully feeling the breath above.

Soon, Xiao Yi felt that the light above was actually pure energy, so pure that it could no longer be pure, and at the same time, a realization arose in her heart.

“This, this is the energy of that old bird?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded, “That’s right, Senior Brother killed him, but his energy was transmitted into the distance, and it should be absorbed by something.” ”

During the refining period, even hair contains powerful energy, not to mention flesh and blood.

Beings like the refining period contain huge energy in themselves.

These energies are actually energies plundered from heaven and earth, pure and powerful.

It is the foundation of cultivation.

Even if defeated, the energy contained in itself will slowly dissipate and finally return to heaven and earth.

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, looking at the small light around him in disbelief, “Who is it?”

Lu Shaoqing was speechless, “Idiot, how do I know who it is?”

Lu Shaoqing looked into the distance, and the energy was transmitted into the distance and disappeared from his sight, looking as if a monster was devouring these energies.

“So, Second Senior Brother, you found something wrong, so you asked Senior Brother not to kill that old bird first?”

Lu Shaoqing nodded and moved his gaze in the direction of Qicheng, “It seems that this time the Flying Bird Clan sneaked up on the Beast Clan, it was not just a grudge between the two races. ”

A big hand is pushing behind the scenes, and the birds and beasts are just pawns.

“Who the hell would come out with such a thing?”

Xiao Yi’s scalp was numb, this was a big deal, playing the two races in the palm of his hand.

Let the birds and beasts fight and hide in the secret to absorb their energy, not a blood sacrifice, but it is almost the same.

Blood sacrifice to the two great races, what kind of existence is this?

Although Xiao Yi felt terrified, she was even more curious in her heart, what kind of existence is this?

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “I don’t know, but I know that this existence is very terrifying.”

“Alas, trouble, if it weren’t for Master and the stupid bird, I wouldn’t want to come to kill me.”

Naturally busy, when will you be able to sleep at home lying down with spirit stones?

After Xiao Yi was shocked, he became excited, “Second Senior Brother, are you going to find out who was behind the scenes to kill him and rescue the Flying Bird Clan and the Beast Clan?” ”

No help!

Lu Shaoqing gave his junior sister a roll of his eyes, casually perfunctory, “Ah yes, yes, I want to be a peace messenger, I want to bring peace to the demon world, I want to fight with the black hand behind the scenes, I want to use my life to protect the demon world, and use my life to maintain the peace of the demon world.”

“It’s dangerous along the way, you go back and follow Senior Brother.”

As soon as Xiao Yi heard it, he knew that the second senior brother was saying the opposite.

She immediately stuck out her tongue, knowing that she was thinking too much.

Who is the second senior brother, how could he possibly give his own life for the demon world?

According to the character of the second senior brother, the bird tribe and the walking beast tribe were all dead, and he didn’t bother to pay attention to it.

Xiao Yi hurriedly smiled, “Hehe, second senior brother, I’m joking with you, don’t be like this.” ”

Although it may be dangerous, killing Xiao Yi does not want to go back and follow Ji Yan.

How can you follow the master brother comfortably, enjoyable and exciting?

Sin, this word is disrespectful to the master brother, sin, sin….

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