Xiao Yi smiled, “Second Senior Brother, shall we continue to set off?” ”

Go back, go back,” Lu Shaoqing waved at her unpleasantly, “I’m going to maintain world peace, and I don’t want to take this oil bottle of yours.” ”

Don’t, Second Senior Brother…” Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately pulled Lu Shaoqing’s clothes and coquettishly.

Although it didn’t work, it was still wanted.

What if it works?

Lu Shaoqing slapped it, Xiao Yi did not dodge, but let Lu Shaoqing pull the back of his hand.

Lu Shaoqing glared at her, “Idiot, put away the stupid ideas in your head, and weigh your abilities before being a good person.”

“No, don’t be a fat person with a swollen face.”

Xiao Yi nodded repeatedly, revealing a well-behaved and obedient look, “Yes, yes, what the second senior brother said is extremely true, I know.” ”

All the well-behaved is to let the second senior brother keep her.

However, Lu Shaoqing said, “Okay, go back.” Xiao

Yi was dumbfounded, the script did not carry this.

She pretended to be a good child, and the second senior brother should not drive her away.

“Second Senior Brother, don’t joke, I don’t want to go back.” Xiao Yi shook his head unhappy, joking, such a fun thing, go back, what do you think?

Go back, who is behind the scenes, how does she know?

Even if Lu Shaoqing told her at that time, she didn’t have the pleasure of witnessing it with her own eyes.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and said truthfully, “Who is joking with you, go back and drag the senior brother for me, let him look at the cats and dogs, don’t let them follow.”

Xiao Yi understood, but at the same time puzzled, “Second Senior Brother, you don’t plan to let them know, why?”

“Let them beat out the dog’s brains and die more beasts.”

Lu Shaoqing replied expressionlessly, his tone revealing cruelty, “Besides, they don’t die more beasts, their strength is weakened, how can I destroy the dog clan and the Mo Crow clan at that time?”

Xiao Yi secretly mourned for the dog tribe and the Mo Crow tribe in his heart.

Bullied Xiaohong and offended the second senior brother who was careful.

The dog tribe and the Mo Crow tribe are in trouble.

Having said that, Xiao Yi was still unwilling, and she pulled Xiaobai, “Let Xiaobai go back, he is the spiritual pet of the senior brother.”

Xiao Bai was speechless.

But at this moment, Lu Shaoqing suddenly raised his eyebrows and became depressed.

Xiao Yi’s side didn’t ask why, and Ji Yan appeared with someone in the distance.

Hu Yan, Hu Xue, Wang Li and Yuan Xun, and a Ma Shun also followed.

The five of them obediently followed behind, not daring to squeak more.

“Found what?” After Ji Yan arrived, he looked around curiously and found nothing.

After taking a look, he found Lu Shaoqing staring at him unpleasantly.

Ji Yan weighed it in his heart, he didn’t owe him a spirit stone, right?

No, even if you owe it? Anyway, I didn’t plan to pay it back.

“What’s the problem?”

Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly.

Lu Shaoqing gritted his teeth, “I told you not to fight to death first, did you take my words as a wind in your ears?”

“It’s a little heavy, who can’t let him carry it?” Ji Yan shrugged his shoulders and said indifferently, “Death is death, it’s not a big deal.”

Lu Shaoqing was crazy, “Scum, you scum, I really want to kill you scum.”

“Do you know that you did exactly what others wanted?”

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“Who?” I don’t understand it.

Xiao Yi whispered to Ji Yan, “Senior brother, there is a black hand behind the scenes. When

Ji Yan heard this, he suddenly became a little interested.

Since he is behind the scenes, his strength should be strong.

Lu Shaoqing asked him to keep his hand, and he forgot for a while, so he was indeed a little wrong in this matter.

Therefore, he decided to make up for it, “When the time comes, I will deal with the so-called behind-the-scenes mastermind.” ”

Deal with a hair,” Lu Shaoqing hummed unpleasantly, “When the time comes, how fast and how fast you run.”

“Whoever deals with whom is a fool.”

Can someone who can play with such a big plate be a simple existence?

How far to run, of course.

The sand sculpture will go up and fight with the black hand behind the scenes.

Ji Yan sneered and hit mercilessly, “Don’t talk too much.”

“So what?” Lu Shaoqing scolded, “I just said so full, you blow it?”

“Even if I want to go up, it’s you, and if I go up, my last name will be written upside down.”

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes beside him.

The universal formula of the second senior brother.

Hu Yan and several people stood next to them like outsiders, unable to blend into Lu Shaoqing’s group.

After coming here, Lu Shaoqing did not pay attention to them, but they did not complain, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan had already shown their strength, the world where the strong are respected, even if they let them stand here for three days and three nights, they did not dare to complain at all.

They listened to the conversation of Lu Shaoqing and his party with their ears pricked up.

And Hu Yan finally couldn’t help the curiosity in his heart, and asked, “What is behind the scenes?” Who is it? ”

Being able to be discussed by Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan behind the scenes, it is terrifying to think about.

Hu Yan is very clever, and he thinks of a lot at once.

The battle between the Birds Clan and the Beast Walking Clan is not what Ma Shun said, in order to dominate the demon world?

Hu Yan seemed to smell a strong air of conspiracy.

Lu Shaoqing turned around and said seriously, “No, where did you hear about that?”

Hu Yan was deeply speechless.

Are you deaf?

I heard everything you just said.

“Okay, let’s part ways here, you go and save your Qi City, and we’ll go find my bird.”

“Everyone, don’t leave it at that.”

Then, he glared at Ma Shun, “Boy, for my sake, let you go for the time being.”

“When I find my bird, ask clearly, you dare to lie to me, I will pluck your bird feathers one by one.”

Ma Shun was dumbfounded before leaving, and he bowed deeply to Lu Shaoqing.

“Gongzi, where can I go back now? Mo Changsui fled back, and I will definitely be treated as a traitor when I go back. Ma

Shun felt that he had boarded the thief’s ship and could not get off.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan expressionlessly, “You didn’t kill him?” Ji

Yan said truthfully, “It’s not interesting to bully him.”

Lu Shaoqing jumped like thunder, and immediately drew his sword and came out, “What’s special, bring these oil bottles, I’ll hack you to death.” ”

I’ll be afraid of you?”

The two immediately rushed up to the sky and cut each other together….

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