

Above the sky, a divine dragon and a phoenix are colliding fiercely.

The sword light was dazzling, and the sword intent roared.

The two continuous sword intents collided, and the sky shook, as terrifying as the end of the world.

Following Hu Yan, several people looked at the sky in amazement.

The figures of Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan had disappeared, leaving only terrifying sword intent.

Two strands of sword intent, one sharp, like the sharpest existence in the world.

A burst of fierceness, like the most hot-tempered fierce beast in the world.

The two sword intents collided, and Hu Yan and the others felt that the air they breathed was choking.

Not to mention that cutting sensation felt by the skin of the body.

“This, is this a fight?”

Hu Xue stammered and looked at Xiao Yi.

Feeling the fluctuations coming, everyone felt that the two sides were really fighting, definitely not on the spot.

Hu Yan and the others also looked at Xiao Yi.

The brothers met each other a lot, but they fought without saying a word, and it was the first time they met.

Xiao Yi was very calm and said, “Don’t worry, normal phenomenon.” ”

It’s already rare that the two senior brothers can endure not fighting along the way.

This time, the senior brother knows that the strength of the second senior brother has improved, dry firewood, where can he endure it?

Alas, love and kill each other.

Xiao Yi said to everyone, “Watch the play.” But

looking at it, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan fought farther and farther, and the fluctuations became farther and farther.

Xiao Yi muttered, “It looks like they’re going to fight for a long time.”

“Really, is it going to take so long to fight at this time?”

Isn’t the second senior brother going to find the mastermind behind the scenes?

How many meanings do you mean to fight with the master brother?

Xiao Yi’s side couldn’t guess what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

“Maybe Senior Brother wants to try the strength of Second Senior Brother? I was not happy with that old bird just now, and I want to find it back on the second senior brother? ”

Alas, sure enough, in this world, only the second senior brother can satisfy the senior brother, hehe…” Xiao

Yi smiled proudly, her mind was full of yellow, she held Xiao Hei, with Big White Xiao Bai waiting, waiting until the two finished fighting.

However, after waiting like this, most of the day has passed.

Seeing that it was getting late, the moon rose.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan had not yet returned, and Xiao Yi felt that something was wrong.

At this time, Hu Yan couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi, “Girl Xiao, where did the two sons go?”

Xiao Yi looked into the distance, and at this moment she didn’t know where the two senior brothers were fighting.

Hu Xue couldn’t help but mutter, “Look, it seems to leave us all behind.”

Yuan Xun was stunned, “No, Miss Xiao is still here.” ”

Whew…” As soon as Yuanxun’s words fell, Xiao Yi hugged Xiao Hei and cried, “Xiao Hei, your father doesn’t want you anymore.”

I’ll go, the second senior brother is so ruthless.

Actually left me behind.

Don’t know that the world is dangerous?

I was willing to bear to leave my junior sister alone.

Xiao Yi also figured it out.

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What fights, what love and kill, are all deliberately made illusions.

In order to leave her junior sister behind.

Damn it!

Xiao Yi stomped his foot, very angry, and treated me as a burden.

However, after not being angry, Xiao Yi was deeply discouraged again.

Although she has made great progress over the years, compared with the two senior brothers, she is really a burden.

“That’s it, that’s it,” Xiao Yi hugged Xiao Hei, “let’s wait here.” ”

The second senior brother is also afraid that the black hand behind the scenes is very strong, and when the time comes, he can’t take care of me, so he deliberately left me behind.

As a well-behaved junior sister, it is better to be obedient.

Wait here.

Xiao Yi sat on the ground holding Xiao Hei’s butt and deeply examined himself.

Xiao Yi, Xiao Yi, you are still tender.

Do you dare to claim to be the first beautiful girl of Tianyu Peak, the third smartest person, and the intimate junior sister of the second senior brother?

Look at the two senior brothers, there is a tacit understanding, so they say two words, and the senior brother understands the meaning of the second senior brother in seconds and reaches an agreement.

You have to study, you have to be more careful.

If you had paid a little more attention at that time, would the two senior brothers be able to leave you behind?

Heh, no, the senior brother and the second senior brother are a couple, isn’t it normal for the two of them to have a tacit understanding?

Hey, okay, it’s a little better to think about it.

When Xiao Yi was deeply reviewing here, Hu Yan came to Xiao Yi’s side and asked, “Girl Xiao, are we waiting here?”

Xiao Yi did not raise his head, “Yes, you have something, you can go.”

“Aren’t you going to break through and move the rescuers?” Hurry up and go. Hu

Yan and several people looked embarrassed.

Hu Yan gritted his teeth, “Girl Xiao, this is still the scope of the Bird Clan’s blockade, and if we stay here, I am afraid that we will be discovered by the Bird Clan.” ”

They leave now, in case they encounter the bird clan, they may not be able to run away.

Ma Shun also said, “Mo Changsui goes back, the Mo Crow Clan will definitely continue to send people, the Mo Crow Clan has five refining period this time, and there are two more.” ”

Really?” Xiao Yi suddenly came to the spirit, jumped up, and his eyes were like stars in the sky, shining.

I’ll go!

Everyone was speechless.

What do you mean by this excitement?

The other party still has two refining periods, not only are you not afraid, you are still excited?

Don’t you tell me that you can also slaughter the void?

Everyone shouted in their hearts.

If Xiao Yi was also able to slaughter the Void Period, they would definitely go crazy.

It was already shocking that Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan could slaughter the refining period, and if Xiao Yi could too, they would doubt life and doubt whether this world was real.

Of course, Xiao Yi can’t get the refining period, she is a normal person.

Xiao Yi smiled, lifted Xiao Hei, and said happily, “Xiao Hei, go, find your father.” ”

Second Senior Brother, I don’t want to go to you.

But it’s too dangerous here.

I have to run a little farther so I don’t get into the wrong hands and get you in trouble, don’t I?

“Haha, let’s go…”

I’m so smart.

Xiao Yi laughed and looked in the direction where Lu Shaoqing disappeared under the leadership of Xiao Hei.

However, after Xiao Yi ran with people for most of the day, Xiao Hei stopped, she shrugged her nose, and finally pointed to the sky, “Dad is on it…”

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