Transparent, looming silhouette.

Tall, a powerful sense of oppression seems to make the void collapse.

I rub!

Lu Shaoqing noticed this terrifying aura, and his heart jumped, and he cursed for miscalculation.

This breath is at least in the late stage of refining.

There are no nine floors, there are eight floors.

Moreover, this is still its home field, and when it fights, it is definitely comparable to the realm of refining the nine layers of the void.

“Big brother, I’m a little anxious to urinate, how about I go out to pee first?”


What responded to him was a roar from the Void Wind Spirit.

Although it is transparent, it is not clear what it really is.

But Lu Shaoqing could feel his greed and eagerness.

Seeing him as a prey, the instinct of the Void Wind Spirit had already taken over reason, and he was eager to devour Lu Shaoqing.

“Roar your sister, roar!” Lu Shaoqing had already made preparations, and the moment the Void Wind moved, he slashed down with a sword.

The sword intent turned into countless flames and bombarded the Void Wind Spirit fiercely.

“Poof, poof

…” “Roar…” Countless

wounds appeared on the surface of the Void Wind Spirit, and it let out a scream.

“Come again!”

Lu Shaoqing continued to roar, the Mojun sword lit up, and sword after sword slashed down, like a storm, taking advantage of the Void Wind Spirit not reacting, to launch a fierce attack on it.

The brilliant sword light and bursting sword intent left one wound after another on the body of the Void Wind Spirit.

The Void Wind Spirit does not have blood like humans, but the gas-like thing that spews out from its body is estimated to be its blood.


The pain made the Void Wind Spirit roar while causing it to fight back.

The surrounding gray storm swept through, like a wind dragon roaring.

Lu Shaoqing suddenly felt the space around him twist.

The rapid fluctuations are like turbulent currents, and the underneath is filled with countless undercurrents, like countless forces pulling, colliding, and tearing.

Even Lu Shaoqing, who had practiced the Taiyan Body Refining Technique, had the illusion of being divided.

This is the core of the Void Wind Spirit, and it is even more unfavorable to him to fight.

But this is also the best opportunity, and he can’t break the layer of turtle shell outside.


With a sharp roar, the storm here was like a rioting beast, with red eyes, and opened its sharp mouth to attack Lu Shaoqing together.

The terrifying storm shrouded Lu Shaoqing, and the powerful pressure in all directions made the surface of Lu Shaoqing’s body gradually appear bloodshot.

This is the first time that this pressure has been encountered, even when it meets the Yuan Infancy period in the Jiedan period.

It seems that after a long time, it is still somewhat useful.

At least, judging from the aura fluctuations of the Void Wind Spirit, it was one of the strongest among the existence of the refining period.

Neither Kunpeng nor Tengu that appeared in Qi City had such terrible fluctuations.

Moreover, Lu Shaoqing also felt a trace of palpitating aura from the wind spirit.

This breath was the first time he felt it, but his intuition told him that it was a breath that would only be possessed during the fit period.

In other words, the wind spirit in front of him has already touched the threshold of the merging period.

In time, sooner or later you can enter the merging period.

Grandma Lee’s.

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Lu Shaoqing cursed in his heart, dog Tiandao, do you need to treat him like this?

It’s just that you want to secretly upgrade a level and save some spirit stones, which is also wrong?

The people who calculate the birds and beasts are not him, he is not behind the scenes, he did not do things that hurt heaven and reason, and if he wants to punish, he is also punishing the masterminds behind the scenes.

He just wanted to steal some energy.

In this regard, Lu Shaoqing could only sigh deeply, “Handsome people will always be targeted, and life is also!”

After sighing, another invisible force fell on his body, knocking him hard into the air.

“Your uncle!”

Lu Shaoqing cursed angrily, his eyes also became fierce, it was only the nine-layer realm in the late stage of refining, even if it was terrifying, it was not the period of fitness.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Jun’s sword swung out.

Silence the Star Sword!

A strong white glow quickly spread and occupied the place.

The surrounding scene changes, as if you have come to a starry sky.

In the depths of the endless starry sky, a little light lit up, and the aura of destruction erupted.


The Void Wind Spirit could not be avoided, and the intense white light shone like the sun, making it nowhere to hide.

The feeling of danger descended, and the breath of death terrified it.

It roared, desperately urging the surrounding storm.

As if the black light flickered, countless storms gathered rapidly, as if there was life, constantly creeping, forming layer after layer of protective cover on its surface.

Each layer is shining with a faint light, and the streamers are shining, revealing an incomparably powerful aura.

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing’s shocking sword came.


The first protective cover is broken, the second is broken, the third, the fourth….

The layers of protective shields were broken in front of this sword, and the powerful power was unmatched.


With a loud bang, the huge storm seemed to explode, and a strong sword light shot out, heading straight for the distant void.

Lu Shaoqing once again saw the pitch-black void.


The Void Wind Spirit screamed, and half of its body disappeared.

Even if it had already touched the threshold of the merging period, it still could not resist Lu Shaoqing’s sword.

The terrifying power makes it fearful.

With a single sword, it was severely injured.

Its body twisted, and the storms around it continued to converge, allowing its body to slowly recover.

At the same time, its body retreated, as if it was timid.

Lu Shaoqing sensed the timidity of the Void Wind Spirit, and his heart jumped, wouldn’t it, just this time, he couldn’t bear to run?

You ran away like that, what should I do?

Lu Shaoqing immediately converged his breath and became sluggish, as if he had overexerted his strength.


the sound of heavy breathing and Lu Shaoqing’s breath made the figure of the Void Wind Spirit pause.

Its body is constantly recovering, and its strength has also recovered a little.

When its body fully recovered, its fierce flames appeared again, once again shrouded in Lu Shaoqing.

The invisible storm opened its teeth and danced its claws and slammed into Lu Shaoqing’s body.


Lu Shaoqing’s mouth sprayed blood, and his body was bombarded…

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