“It hurts me!”

Lu Shaoqing shouted, and at the same time his breath became even more sluggish.

No need to pretend, completely injured.

To be more realistic, he ate most of the attacks of the Void Wind Spirit.

After spitting out several mouthfuls of blood, Lu Shaoqing secretly cried bitterly.


Lu Shaoqing didn’t expect that after the Void Wind Spirit ate his sword, it actually had six or seven percent of his strength.

If you know it early, you won’t eat hard.

However, Lu Shaoqing also took advantage of the trend to make himself look more hurt.

“Don’t fight, don’t fight, everyone will forget about it, and I won’t worry about you.”


In response to Lu Shaoqing, there was still a roar, and the Void Wind Spirit rushed straight at Lu Shaoqing this time.

A powerful divine consciousness emerged, like a poisonous snake spitting out letters, and fiercely rushed towards Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, although this divine consciousness was powerful, it was within the controllable range, “Come on, I’ll fight with you.” Lu

Shaoqing resisted a little, and then let the divine sense of the Void Wind Spirit drive straight in, all the way to the sea of knowledge.


The Void Wind Spirit roared proudly in the sea of knowledge.

“Body, I finally got the substantial body, I can get out of here…” The

smug voice of the Void Wind Spirit echoed in the sea of knowledge, and the sky shook.

Lu Shaoqing, who had devoured the Void Wind Spirit, knew very well why the guy in front of him was excited.

Void wind spirits have no physical form, they float in the void like a cloud of wind.

With a substantial form, they can leave the void and enter the great world.

“Grandma Li’s, everyone pinches me like a soft persimmon?”

Lu Shaoqing roared, “Bastard, work!”

Lu Shaoqing’s voice attracted the attention of the Void Wind Spirit, and invisibly it looked at Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing could feel its sneer.

“Human? Hmph, this body is mine.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and pointed to his head, “Look at it, what is that?” The

Void Wind Spirit raised his head, and the golden ball of light dripping and rotating above the sky was like a sun, quietly hanging in the sky.

However, just at the first glance, the Void Wind Spirit was like a mouse seeing a cat, and its hair stood up in fright.

“Ah…” the

Void Wind Spirit turned and ran.

However, where would Lu Shaoqing fulfill his wish?

“Do you think it’s fun for me to deliberately pretend to be injured and deliberately eat your blow?”

“Come in and leave your little life, this time my loss will be compensated by you!”


The golden ball of light fell with golden light, expelling the darkness like holy light, shrouding the Void Wind Spirit in it.

Lu Shaoqing pounced like a ghost, “Don’t run, let me hurt you well…”

entered Lu Shaoqing’s sea of knowledge, as if entering a prison.

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In Lu Shaoqing’s absolute territory, he who has cultivated the Shocking Magic Technique is an existence that cannot be defeated.

Any resistance of the Void Wind Spirit was futile, and in the end, it could only be devoured with a scream and completely dissipated.

Outside, Lu Shaoqing’s body floated in the void, while the huge storm mass around him slowly rotated.

I don’t know how long it took, Lu Shaoqing’s aura suddenly continued to climb, and finally broke through a small realm and reached the five-layer realm in the middle of refining void.

Lu Shaoqing slowly opened his eyes, the essence in his eyes flashed, his heart moved, and the surrounding storm group suddenly roared.

With another movement, the huge storm group dissipated, and countless void storms whistled around, blowing up in the void again.


Lu Shaoqing smiled proudly, he stretched out his right hand and gently squeezed it into the distance.

With him as the center, the Void Storm within a radius of tens of thousands of miles suddenly shook, and then became even more violent.

And as his hand loosened, all the void storms became calm, like a gentle and gentle wind, blowing gently.

Lu Shaoqing was very satisfied, “The stronger the strength, the greater the benefits for yourself after devouring.” ”

Devouring the Void Wind Spirit just now not only raised his realm, but also made his divine sense more powerful.

At the same time, the range of the Void Storm that he can control is even greater, and now it has reached the range of tens of millions of miles, and its power will be even greater.

“I met an existence of the same level here, and I learned the same as that guy just now, and I can exhaust the enemy to death.”

“Oh, it’s okay.”

Lu Shaoqing clapped his hands and said with satisfaction, “Lost East Corner Harvest Sang Yu, Brother Heavenly Dao is still good to me.” ”

I don’t know if Tiandao will be afraid of him after he finds out.”

“Now hurry back and see if you can catch up to drink the soup…” Lu

Shaoqing took a step and returned to Ji Yan’s side.

Counting the time, at least ten days had passed since the battle between him and the Void Wind Spirit.

Lu Shaoqing looked at it, and the dense spider webs had much less light.

It is no longer as dense as before, and it is transmitted on it like flowing water.

This means that the battle between the birds and the beasts weakens, the battle begins to end, and the absorbed energy begins to decrease and weaken.

Look at their state again.

Ji Yan’s aura is strong, and it seems that he has reached the realm of breakthrough.

As for Xiao Yi and the three children, they had already broken through.

The breath becomes more powerful.

And the biggest benefit is undoubtedly Xiao Hei.

Xiao Hei changed back to her body, standing there motionless and sleeping, the energy falling from the air constantly submerged into her body.

The breath seemed to be a little stronger than Xiao Yi.

After observing for a while, Lu Shaoqing was about to step inside and absorb the energy, when suddenly he turned back suddenly, staring at the distant void with dead eyes.

In the depths of that distant void, Lu Shaoqing felt the danger.

There, the Void Storm raged as if something had awakened.

Ma Yay!

Lu Shaoqing’s scalp was numb, and a terrifying existence was coming in the depths of the void.

His intuition told him that it was definitely not something he could handle now.

Gotta run!

Lu Shaoqing thought for a while, and smiled at Ji Yan and the others, “Let you guys eat a little!” ”

With a wave of his hand, all those rays of light on the thin line converged here….

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