Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon King?

As soon as you hear the name, you know Niubi.

And the momentum that appears is also bullish than coaxing.

A black pressed mass, invisible wind lingered around it, rolling everything on the ground.

Like a tornado.

Trees, stones, dirt, and even the corpse of the monk were all in the wind, as if they had become a barrier for extraterrestrial heavenly demons.

Unlike those silent extraterritorial heavenly demons, this extraterritorial heavenly demon king is huge, for fear that others will not know about it.

Lu Shaoqing had already understood, and it was claimed that the strength of the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon King was even stronger.

It is said that there was a existence in the refining period in the past who encountered a powerful extraterrestrial heavenly demon king and then fell.

With such a record, all demon beasts fled as soon as they encountered the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon King.

And because the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon King is so moved, as long as he reacts in time, he can still escape.

“Let’s go, less trouble!”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t want to cause trouble, but the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon King seemed to be coming towards them.

Even if they took a detour, the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon King followed them firmly.

After Lu Shaoqing found out, he couldn’t help frowning, this is not a way.

Once the time comes to have one more, the front and rear attacks will not be good for them.

“You’ll have to kill it.” Ji Yan also felt that this was not the way.

“Here you go!”

Ji Yan did not hesitate, stepped forward, and tried to split a sword at it.


The entities that lingered around the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon King were torn apart, but they were unscathed to the invisible Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon King.


Ji Yan snorted coldly, and once again he pulled out his sword, and the extreme sword intent burst out.

The Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon King still had nothing to lose, but because of Ji Yan’s active attack, it was angered.

The yin wind is stronger, the speed is faster, and it comes straight to the words.

Extraterrestrial Heavenly Devils, invisible and traceless, ordinary attacks are ineffective against them, and this time is their most terrifying place.

However, this is not a problem for Ji Yan.

I saw his divine consciousness surging out, also overwhelming, with a sharp sword intent in his divine consciousness, like a sharp sword.

“Poof, poof!”

The wind in the distance suddenly stopped and shook.

In the end, the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon King seemed to let out a scream and dissipate into invisibility.

A pure power submerged into the body, Ji Yan felt it again, and shook his head again, “Even if it is a king, the energy is pitiful.” ”

The energy required during the refining period is extremely huge, even if it is an extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon King, its energy is not enough to satisfy the cultivators of the refining period.

Maybe only deeper, more powerful.

Lu Shaoqing pouted, “For you and me, these are low-level monsters, and it is good if experience does not add one plus one to you.” ”

So, Mirage is very attractive here for low-level cultivators, while high-level cultivators don’t have much effect.

At least you can come here to mess around during the Transformation God Period, and it’s not cost-effective to come here during the Refining Period.

After speaking, his gaze fell on Xiao Yi, “This fool may kill a few more, and it is still of some use.”

“Might as well leave her here.”

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Xiao Yi shrunk her neck, silent, holding her tail, and did not dare to put one more fart, in the recent period, she still didn’t want to open her mouth.

Everyone continued to move forward, but as they walked, Lu Shaoqing and they found that something was wrong.

“We’re being targeted?” Lu Shaoqing’s gaze swept around, and there seemed to be countless dangers lurking around the dim surroundings.

The surroundings were eerily calm, not even the slightest breeze.

Anger is dreary to the point of horror.

Xiao Yi looked around, she also felt that something was wrong, but she was curious in her heart, and couldn’t help but speak, “Doesn’t it mean that the extraterrestrial heavenly demon has no consciousness?”

“Now it seems that we are gathering together to ambush us, is someone in command?”

Lu Shaoqing glanced at her and scolded, “Idiot, how much do you understand about extraterrestrial heavenly demons?

“What do people say?” Can you use your brain?

Xiao Yi shrunk his neck again and quietly leaned towards the senior brother.

The second senior brother’s anger had not yet subsided, and his mouth was like eating a fireball, and even his breath was hot and choking.

Ji Yan also looked at her coldly, “Move your brain more, people will follow the clouds, and you will never become a master.”

“Yes, yes, the two senior brothers said so.” Xiao Yi nodded like a chicken pecking rice.

The two senior brothers mixed doubles, and they had to breathe carefully.

Lu Shaoqing shouted, “Go, kill those idiots around.” When

Xiao Yi heard this, he stiffened his head and drew his sword to kill.

As soon as he rushed out, there was a sudden whistling wind around him.

The extraterrestrial heavenly demons lurking around roared and rushed up.

The wind was fierce, and the heavens and the earth changed color, as if a demon king was born.

An extraterritorial heavenly demon could not pose a threat to Xiao Yi, and Xiao Yi could resist the attack of the extraterritorial heavenly demon just by relying on his own state of mind.

But the number is more, Xiao Yi is a little uncomfortable.

Countless extraterrestrial heavenly demons continued to use towards Xiao Yi, as if they saw the most delicious thing in time.

Like a piranha, he rushed up, eager to gnaw Xiao Yi up.


Xiao Yi’s divine sense swept away, and she who also practiced the Divine Shocking Technique killed all directions. The autumn breeze swept away the leaves, and countless extraterrestrial heavenly demons disappeared with a scream.

A trace of green light flashed on Xiao Yi’s body from time to time, which was the energy formed after the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon was killed and was absorbed by Xiao Yi.

Although it can kill a large number of extraterrestrial heavenly demons, Xiao Yi’s consumption is also very large.

The face turned white at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the breath began to weaken.

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan once again hugged their hands and acted as spectators next to them.

At present, there are many extraterrestrial heavenly demons, and they will not cause harm to Xiao Yi.

For Xiao Yi, it is an experience.

“Want to bet?” Ji Yan suddenly asked with a smile.

“Hit and beat, who is afraid of you?” Lu Shaoqing said unpleasantly, “Anyway, losing is also a trouble for finding a stupid junior sister.”

“I have nothing to lose.”

Xiao Yi in the distance almost fell down when he heard Lu Shaoqing’s words.

You guys bet on it, why do you want to trouble me in the end?

Can you have another way to love?

Why is it that in this world of love, it is a single dog like me who is hurt?

Lu Shaoqing’s voice came over, “I bet she can support more than three hours…”

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