Three hours?

Xiao Yi secretly cried in her heart, at such a speed, she can hold on to two hours to count her as powerful.

Lu Shaoqing actually asked her to insist on three hours?


Do I stick to three hours or don’t I stick to three hours?

Xiao Yi was about to cry, she made a difficult choice.

Insisting on three hours, the second senior brother won and offended the senior brother.

If you don’t stick to three hours, the senior brother wins and offends the second senior brother.

Whether it is offending the senior brother or the second senior brother, it is a dead end, and they all die miserably.

Xiao Yi’s eyes were full of tears and wanted to hit his head here.

Just when Xiao Yi wanted to cry, Ji Yan’s voice came over, “It’s okay, if I can hold out for more than three hours, if I lose, I don’t have to punish her.” When

Xiao Yi heard this, he immediately felt that the sky was brightening.

For the first time, I felt that the world was so beautiful.

Long live the senior brother, Xiao Yi was so excited that he couldn’t wait to roar.

As long as she lasted more than three hours, she would be safe.

“Come on, Ghost Evil, Outer Heavenly Demon, see how I kill you.”

Xiao Yi excitedly brandished his long sword and took the initiative to kill these extraterrestrial heavenly demons.

“Idiot!” After Lu Shaoqing saw it, he couldn’t help but curse, “Don’t know how to save power? Ji

Yan also said coldly, “Anyway, hold on for less than three hours, and clean her up fiercely.”

After Xiao Yi was excited, he gradually calmed down.

Lu Shaoqing waved his hand and signaled the three little ones to practice their hands.

Time flew by, and three hours were about to pass.

Xiao Yi already felt that he couldn’t support it.

The spiritual power in the body has been exhausted, and so has the divine consciousness.

She could fight with a normal enemy for three days and three nights without taking a breath.

However, the extraterrestrial heavenly demon in front of him was too special.

Ordinary attacks do no harm to them.

The only thing she can now hurt and kill the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon is Divine Sense.

The shocking technique made her divine sense even more powerful, and the ordinary extraterrestrial heavenly demon was wiped out with just a slight click.

However, the efficiency is still too low and the consumption is also very large.

Within more than two hours, there were not 100,000 extraterrestrial heavenly demons who died in her hands, but also thousands.

If they had corpses, they would have now paved a mountain.

However, even after killing so many extraterrestrial heavenly demons, Xiao Yi still did not feel the slightest bit relaxed.

The surrounding extraterrestrial heavenly demons were still being used in wave after wave, as if endlessly.

The tiredness in the body hit wave after wave, constantly impacting Xiao Yi.

If he could, Xiao Yi couldn’t wait to lie down immediately and learn from the second senior brother to sleep well.

However, she can’t yet.

It’s less than three hours.

They have been holding on for so long, falling in the moment before the victory, not to mention that the second senior brother will clean her up, and even Xiao Yi himself will despise herself.

There is a little time left, hold on, just hold on a little longer.

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Xiao Yi secretly encouraged himself in his heart.

By now, it’s more about relying on my own willpower.

Xiao Yi clenched his teeth and desperately resisted the constant feeling of tiredness in his body.

At the same time, he constantly mobilized his divine sense to deal with the surrounding extraterrestrial heavenly demons.

Divine consciousness continued to be consumed, and Xiao Yi felt that his head was about to explode.

Just now, it was able to block the extraterritorial heavenly demon from more than ten zhang, but now it has been compressed to about three zhang, and the scope is still shrinking.

If only I could be like Senior Brother, and my divine sense also possessed sword intent.

With Senior Brother’s divine sense, I can definitely kill the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Devil to the ground.

Otherwise, like the second senior brother’s line, it is mysterious, and it can beat the extraterritorial heavenly demon to the ground.

I, sure enough, was a little worse.

Headache and tiredness made Xiao Yi’s fighting spirit in his heart constantly wear and wear, consume, and began to give birth to pessimistic thoughts.

Originally, there was still a distance of about three zhang, but it was instantly narrowed and compressed to a distance of less than one zhang.

The howl of the extraterrestrial heavenly demon continued to enter Xiao Yi’s mind, constantly impacting Xiao Yi’s will.


Xiao Yi couldn’t help but shout, and then subconsciously retreated.

This retreat, the breath that has been insisting on all this time is deflated.

Xiao Yi revealed more flaws, and immediately a powerful aura flashed and disappeared into Xiao Yi’s body.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing in the distance frowned, “Cunning thing!” ”

That powerful aura is not a king, and it can almost become a king.”

Hidden inside, like a cunning hunter, he gives his prey a fatal blow at a critical moment.

“Are you going to make a move?”

Being invaded by extraterrestrial heavenly demons, others may only be able to watch, but Lu Shaoqing is different.

Ji Yan believes that Lu Shaoqing has a way to solve it.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “Let her suffer a little, moreover, things are a little strange.”

“What’s weird?” Ji Yan looked at his junior brother.

He knew that his junior brother was more attentive and sensible than looking for people.

If he says there is eccentricity, there must be eccentricity.

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze swept around, and his divine consciousness swept around like a radar.

“Didn’t you find that the extraterrestrial heavenly demons were coming wave after wave?”

“Like a dog smells.” Lu Shaoqing looked at Ji Yan with vigilant eyes, “What did you do, did you pull your pants in the crotch?” ”

Childish!” Ji Yan despised Lu Shaoqing’s behavior, “If you want to say that the smell of is also yours.”

“Yes?” Lu Shaoqing smiled, “I didn’t make a move just now, it was you who made a move.” Ji

Yan understood what Lu Shaoqing meant, “Are you saying that the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon noticed us?” ”

I should have noticed you,” Lu Shaoqing corrected Ji Yan’s words, “You are like a commotion bag, complaining for thousands of miles, attracting them all.”

“No, it should be said that the bag is you.” Ji Yan replied seriously, “The guy who said that people are bunting must be the most cowardly.”

“Nonsense, do you believe that when the time comes, the stronger must come because of you?” Lu Shaoqing was not convinced, and resolutely refused to admit his trouble.

“We’ll see,” Ji Yan smiled confidently, “anyway, it must be you in the end.”

“Haha, how is that possible?” Lu Shaoqing laughed proudly, “Do you want to bet?” ”

I won, you give me spirit stones, I lose, I’ll beat Junior Sister!”

“Plop…” suddenly there was a sound of falling to the ground…

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