The extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon took advantage of the void to enter, and Xiao Yi suddenly fell into the illusion realm.

However, when Xiao Yi saw the scene of the illusion, Xiao Yi immediately reacted and was hit.

The piano and the song, one playing the piano, the other making tea, its happiness.

This kind of picture looks like Xiao Yi yellow soars.

The two senior brothers in the distance also beckoned her to pass.

Xiao Yi sighed faintly, “Hey, I’ve seen this kind of picture before.” Although it is said to be a dream feeling, this picture is not suitable for children, and I will never see it in my life. ”

Forget it, I’ve already seen it, don’t look at it more.”

“In case of an accident outside, I’m dead.”

As soon as his mind moved, his divine consciousness swept out, shrouding the two senior brothers and annihilating them.

There was a roar in his ears, and the scene in front of him changed.

Reality reappeared, and before Xiao Yi could see the surroundings clearly, Lu Shaoqing’s voice sounded in his ears.

“….. If you lose, you will beat up your junior sister…

..,” Xiao Yi couldn’t hold back, and directly threw himself on the street.

In this way, the surrounding extraterrestrial heavenly demons once again surged and came closer to her.

The time hasn’t come yet.

Xiao Yi was anxious, he was so far away, how could he lose at this time?

“Get out!”

Xiao Yi drank angrily, and the remnants of his divine consciousness were surging, but it was only the end of the strong crossbow, and he could only buy himself a little time.

Feeling the breath of the extraterrestrial heavenly demon, Xiao Yi felt depressed in his heart.

Now that the next quarter of an hour is gone, she seems to be unable to support it?

If he was cleaned up by the second senior brother because of this, how unjustly he would be.

Gotta think of a way.

Xiao Yi’s brain spun quickly, as long as he held on to this last quarter of an hour.

What to do?

Xiao Yi’s mind thought of one method after another, but they were all rejected by her one by one.

Her current strength does not allow her to toss more.

If only the divine sense could be as powerful as the senior brother and the second senior brother.

Huh, no, why be like the two of them?

The two of them are not people, I Xiao Yi is a normal person, I can’t be like a genius demon.

In this case, taking a step back, you don’t have to be like the two senior brothers.

Just make it through that time.

But what exactly is to be done?


A roar sounded in his ears, Xiao Yi subconsciously wanted to resist, a blue light flashed, and a protective shield was formed on the surface.

But the extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon can still drive straight in.

There was no way, Xiao Yi could only invoke divine consciousness again.

But her divine sense is now used a little less.

This time, the divine consciousness had no way to kill the close extraterrestrial heavenly demon, but could only repel it.

At this look, the retreating Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon was blocked by a blue spiritual power shield.

And this scene made Xiao Yi’s eyes light up, and he had an idea in his heart.

At this time, you can only use a dead horse as a living horse doctor.

Then, Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan saw a scene that surprised the two.

“Not hopelessly stupid.”

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Xiao Yi’s divine sense no longer became aggressive, but softened like her sword intent.

The remnants of divine consciousness and spiritual power combine and turn into shields.

In this way, Xiao Yi was able to hold out longer.

A quarter of an hour, two quarters of an hour, and finally Xiao Yi actually insisted on it for most of the hour before he was exhausted.

Ji Yan struck, the divine sense swept across, the attack was fierce, and all the extraterrestrial heavenly demons within a radius of more than a hundred miles instantly dissipated.

Xiao Yi didn’t have time to ask for credit, and she sat cross-legged for the first time.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing soared into the sky, and his divine consciousness once again diffused.

The area for more than a hundred miles was quiet, and there was not even a little wind.

All the extraterrestrial heavenly demons had disappeared, and the silence was terrifying.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes flickered, and finally looked deeper.

In the distance, it was already black, and in the darkness, Lu Shaoqing felt as if a pair of eyes were watching him.

“Grandma Li’s, what’s there?”

“I’m just looking for someone, looking for a bird, I don’t want to cause trouble…”

Lu Shaoqing fell, and Ji Yan asked, “How?”

“Anyway, it won’t be calm next.”

Ji Yan didn’t care, “No matter who it is, dare to stop it, kill it.”

“I’m afraid that there are even more terrifying extraterrestrial heavenly demons hidden, and it is not certain who kills whom at that time.”

Lu Shaoqing was depressed, if it weren’t for Master and Xiaohong fleeing here, he wouldn’t want to come in.

But in this regard, he had no better way but to bite the bullet and rush inside.

Xiao Yi sat like this for five days, and she benefited a lot from fighting with the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon.

After some understanding, the strength increased greatly.

After waking up, Xiao Yi was not excited, but cautiously whispered to Dabai next to him, “Has it been more than three hours?” ”

No more than three hours, wait to be killed.”

After receiving Dabai’s affirmation, Xiao Yi put down his heart and obediently came to Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan, “Senior brother, second senior brother!” ”

Hehe, I won, you wait for the master brother to clean you up.” Lu Shaoqing laughed proudly.

Xiao Yi immediately looked at Ji Yan nervously, Ji Yan smiled slightly, and praised, “It’s a good job, let’s go.” Xiao

Yi was overjoyed when he heard this, and he really had to be a senior brother, and he said that if he didn’t punish, he wouldn’t be punished.

“Hehe…” Xiao Yi hugged Xiao Hei happily and smiled proudly, “Xiao Hei, I’m really powerful.”

When Lu Shaoqing heard this, he looked back and saw Xiao Yi’s appearance, and said to Ji Yan, “You can’t do it, spoil it.”

“How can you be so spoiled when you treat junior sister?”

“Jade is not a weapon, you must be ruthless to her.”

Xiao Yi almost threw Xiao Hei over.

The second senior brother is really bad.

Senior brother, you stick to your heart, don’t be seduced by outsiders.

Ji Yan said lightly, “I said, more than three hours, do not punish her.” Besides, she lasted more than three hours.

Xiao Yi nodded again and again when he heard it, that is, that is.

A gentleman’s words are difficult to chase.

The master brother is a righteous gentleman.

Lu Shaoqing pointed at Xiao Yi and said, “Don’t you think she’s too carried away?”

“This character is not good to clean up, how can it work?”

Ji Yan shrugged, indicating that what he had said could not be changed.

Lu Shaoqing thoughtfully came up with an idea, “Experience, add tens of thousands of words, there is no problem, right?”

“Well, there’s no problem with that, let’s add another 50,000 words.”

Xiao Yi fell from the sky….

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