It was strange to say that Lu Shaoqing and they never encountered any extraterrestrial heavenly demons along the way.

It seems to have disappeared overnight.

Lu Shaoqing and his party were unimpeded and drove straight in.

However, the more this happened, the more worried Lu Shaoqing became.

When things go wrong, there will be demons.

In such a situation, even Xiao Yi knew that the wind ahead would definitely not be calm.

Along the way, their speed gradually increased, and they were buried in the road every day and night.

Four or five months later, they are still on their way.

One thing they can be sure of, though, is that they didn’t get lost.

Because there are references.

From the width of tens of millions of miles to the width of thousands of miles now, for the existence of the refining period, it is only a stone’s throw away.

The width of the valley is shrinking, indicating that the end of the valley will soon be reached.

In this way, you can also reach the depths of the mirage?

However, whether the mirage valley occupies such a large place in the demon realm, whether it is the deepest part and whether there is a danger, Lu Shaoqing and they dare not guarantee.

Now they have no whereabouts of Master and Xiaohong, and they can only bite the bullet and go inside.

Along the way, there are very few traces of human or demon beast activity.

Even if there is, it is an ancient trace.

The dead silence along the way once again made Lu Shaoqing feel strange.

Xiao Yi muttered, “Doesn’t it mean that some demon beasts have become puppets of extraterrestrial heavenly demons?”

“Why didn’t I see a shadow on the road.”

Invaded by extraterrestrial heavenly demons, they disappeared into ashes, became puppets or were taken from their bodies.

If the body is taken by the extraterrestrial heavenly demon, there should also be traces of demon beast interaction here.

However, along the way, they could not see any moving monsters or figures.

Some are just ancient traces that remain.

Lu Shaoqing was very depressed, and he sighed, “Alas, miscalculation.” ”

I knew that I should have let the silly bird stay for his life.”

Xiao Yi also nodded seriously and agreed very much, “Yes, this can know Xiaohong’s situation.” ”

Leave Jane behind, you can know how Xiaohong’s injury is.

As if knowing the master, judge the current situation through the fate of the Jane.

The second senior brother must be very worried about Xiaohong.

Lu Shaoqing despised, “I mean, maybe the stupid bird has died a long time ago, and if we have a simple life, we won’t use it to risk here.” Xiao

Yi’s mouth immediately bulged, Second Senior Brother, it was really hateful.

The heart is inconsistent, and every time it can make people half dead.


Xiao Yi pointed into the distance and shouted, “What is that?”

Lu Shaoqing raised his head, and in the distance, faintly towered like a high mountain.

Here there is no expanse, flat all around, not a single decent mountain.

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Moreover, the mountain was far away from them, and they could see it from such a distance, and its majesty and precipitousness could be imagined.

They had been on the road for so long, and for the first time they encountered such a conspicuous place, and everyone was in high spirits and quickly galloped towards the distance.

Xiao Yi guessed while hurrying, “Shouldn’t it be a mountain like a sacred mountain again?”

But when they got closer, Lu Shaoqing and his party saw their true face.

Xiao Yi’s small hand covered his mouth and became stunned, “Won’t it?

“This, this is a tower?”

A towering tower appeared in front of the kicking door, giving them an incomparable shock.

I don’t know how many floors this tower has, towering into the clouds, tens of thousands of meters in height makes it like a sharp sword straight into the sky.

The area below occupies tens of thousands of meters, but the surrounding area is barren, surrounded by black dirt, revealing loneliness and weirdness.

What is even more strange is that the tower is half white and half black, and black and white are intertwined, black and white.

Lu Shaoqing and his party were in front of the tower, the size of ants, as if they had come to the country of giants.

Look over the tower and into the distance, where there is a lake where the water is raging, forming waves that constantly lap on the shore, which is a lake.

The lake is continuous, in line with the sky in the distance, and there is no end in sight.

Xiao Yi looked at the tower and muttered, “It’s terrible, who built this tower?” How much effort does it take? ”

Stupid!” Lu Shaoqing scolded, “This is a magic weapon!”

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, and then carefully felt it, there was a faint spiritual power remaining on it, and the coercion that loomed out made Xiao Yi stunned, “This, whose magic weapon is this?” Ji

Yan’s expression was solemn, and the whole person’s aura became fierce, ready to strike at any time, “Seventh-level, or even eighth-level magic weapon.” ”

Level eight!” Lu Shaoqing’s tone was affirmative, and he took out his Mojun sword.

The sixth-level Mo Jun looked at the tall tower in front of him, drooling while showing a somewhat timid expression.

A thief’s heart and no thief’s guts looked, and Lu Shaoqing slapped it fiercely.

“Boss, I want to eat!” Mo Jun pointed to the tower and said in a trembling tone.

“Foodie!” Lu Shaoqing slapped it away again.

Mo Jun followed him, with the devouring function, and when he encountered a magic weapon that was higher than it, Mo Jun’s first thought was to eat it.

Through devouring, Mo Jun was already a sixth-level magic weapon, and he was not far from level seven.

Mo Jun flew back, wiping his saliva while saying, “I have a hunch, eat it, I can upgrade.”

“Last time was so hateful, I didn’t eat much of that bridge.”

Mo Jun’s tone was full of incomparable regret.

The Immortal Bridge was divided among too many people at that time, so that Mo Jun couldn’t eat much, otherwise it would have become a seventh-level magic weapon long ago.

“If you want to eat yourself, I will let you live or die.” Lu Shaoqing looked up to the sky and sighed, the family is unfortunate, always out of food.

Wuqiu also appeared, with a cool expression, full of a small plan.

Seeing Wuqiu appear, Mo Jun’s eyes lit up, and without saying a word, as if he saw a beautiful woman, he immediately rushed over and took out something good at the same time.

“Wuqiu, look, this is what I left for you…” Xiao

Yi took out his Lanshui sword and looked at the sword of the two-digit senior brother, that envy.

Her Lanshui Sword started higher, but there was no sign of a sword spirit being born until now.

“Oh,” Xiao Yi touched his long sword and whispered, “When will you be able to give birth to a sword spirit.” ”

Sword Spirit?” Suddenly Mo Jun’s voice sounded, Xiao Yi raised her head, Mo Jun and Wuqiu came to her, and were curiously looking at the Lanshui Sword in her hand.

Mo Jun held a glowing mass in his hand and asked Wuqiu, “Do you want a sister?”

Wuqiu nodded….

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