Xiao Yi was overjoyed when he heard this, “Really?

Lu Shaoqing and Ji Yan also looked over.

Mo Jun smiled proudly, “Give me the sword.”

Without saying a word, Xiao Yi immediately handed over the Lanshui Sword to it.

Mo Jun and Wuqiu immediately took the Lanshui Sword and ran to the side.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to care, the birth of a sword spirit or something was nothing more than eating something.

Mo Jun devoured a lot of good things, and also left a lot of good things.

Lu Shaoqing returned his attention to the tower in front of him.

This is a magic weapon, a level eight magic weapon.

Placed outside, it is an artifact-like existence, which is enough to make the demon world break its head.

And this thing stands here for only one purpose, which is definitely to suppress something.

Not to mention the peerless murderer, it is too fierce and peerless.

It’s the same as a sign with a vicious dog inside.

After Lu Shaoqing circled the tower twice, he was like a hunting dog.

Finally, with a wave of his big hand, the black ground suddenly lit up and stretched out into the distance.

Countless formations emerged, centered on this tall tower, extending and spreading in all directions.


Half of the formation flashed with white light, and half flashed with black light.

Xiao Yi’s eyes widened, “Such a big formation?

Lu Shaoqing’s gaze was faint, “Eighth-level formation!” He

also felt his scalp tingle.

An eighth-level formation, consisting of an eighth-level magic weapon as the formation eye, is suppressed here.

How powerful the repression is can be imagined.

Lu Shaoqing looked around and said to Ji Yan, “Or go back.”

“Master Jiren has his own natural appearance, go home and wait for him.” It’s really not okay, set up a crown grave, burn more paper money every New Year’s holiday, and then burn a few beautiful paper people to the master every year.

Ji Yan directly ignored his words and asked, “Can you crack this big array?”

“Are you stupid?” Lu Shaoqing seemed to look at an idiot, “With Junior Sister, I was infected?” Xiao

Yi was angry and wanted to protest.

Lu Shaoqing continued to scold, “Think about it, how terrible the things suppressed below are, and the brain is pumped to break the big array.”

“What about patching?” Ji Yan pointed to the black formation, “Don’t you think there is a problem?”

Lu Shaoqing shrugged, “Of course there is a problem, you can see that it has been eroded.”

“But, it’s my.”

“Eighth-level formation, do you think it’s a family? Say patch, patch. ”

The eighth-level great array has squeezed Lu Shaoqing dry, and he doesn’t have enough materials to arrange.

At the moment, this large array, Lu Shaoqing believes that it is definitely a gathering of the entire demon world to arrange it.

Besides, he didn’t have that kindness and obligation, “The sky is falling, and the tall man in the demon world is topping, so I don’t want to mix with aliens.”

“Hurry up and find Master, and then go back to the thirteen states of the human realm.”

Xiao Yi asked, “Second Senior Brother, can’t you help?”

“No,” Lu Shaoqing replied truthfully, “Who knows what exists underneath?”

“What if it accidentally breaks open and lets the contents rush out?” Do you block it? Looking

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at the entire large array centered on the tower here, with white on one side and black formations on the other, Xiao Yi also beat the drum in his heart.

Once the suppressed things below came out, she definitely didn’t have enough to stuff her teeth.

After Xiao Yi shook his head, he asked, “However, how to find Master?” Ji

Yan took out the compass, and at this time, the pointer on the compass pointed to the tower in front of them.

Xiao Yi was surprised, “Master is inside? ”

After searching for so long, I finally found Master.

Xiao Yi became excited.

Lu Shaoqing reminded Ji Yan, “Take the order Jane out and take a look, Master hangs up, right?”

“It won’t be crushed into slag underneath, will it?”

“Don’t you usually check your life?”

Ji Yan shook his head, “Master’s life is fine, when I looked, did you see it?”

Lu Shaoqing’s head was big, “Want to go in?” ”

The eighth-level magic weapon suppression here, as a formation eye, is extremely fierce.

Don’t see that they are close now, the large array has no reaction.

But this is an eighth-level large array, maybe it has a refined formation spirit.

They dared to break in, and the array spirit did not mind letting them understand the power of the eighth-level great array well.

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but complain, “Silly birds are stupid, is Master also stupid?” This kind of place also dares to break in?

“Master has been infected by the fools of the demon world over the years?”

“Really, with such a smart apprentice as me, why didn’t you learn a little from me?”

Ji Yan hummed, “Less verbose, quickly lead the way.”

Lu Shaoqing said unpleasantly, “Trouble! ”

Then prepare to step forward to see what kind of big array this is.

Even if you want to break in, you have to find out.

However, just as Lu Shaoqing approached the tower, the closed door under the tower suddenly opened.

As if welcoming them.

“I’ll go!” Lu Shaoqing almost turned around and ran.

Xiao Yi also tensed up, “Inside, is there anyone inside?”

Ji Yan glanced at it, “Master is not a human?

Xiao Yi stuck out his tongue, and Master was still inside.

“Yes, do you want to go in?” Xiao Yi looked at the open door and was shocked.

“Go in and make a hair,” Lu Shaoqing ran back, staring at the gate from a long distance, and his divine sense could not explore the situation inside, “Don’t rush in, otherwise there will be no place to cry.” ”

Be careful to find out before you say…”

“What else to inquire about,” Ji Yan did not have so much patience, “Master is inside, go straight in, there is danger.”

After speaking, he flew directly to the tower.

“I wipe!” Lu Shaoqing jumped to his feet in anger, “Disobedient guy, wait a minute, can you die?”

“Second Senior Brother, what should I do?” Xiao Yi looked at Lu Shaoqing.

“What else can I do?” Lu Shaoqing wanted to punch up the plan, gritting his teeth, “You guys go in, I’m waiting here to collect your corpses.” That

being said, he followed along.

Xiao Yi smiled, his mouth was hard and his heart was soft.

Master brother went up, will you watch from behind?

Xiao Yi happily took the three little ones in, and as soon as she stepped into the gate, a black shadow suddenly flashed in front of her eyes and rushed straight to Lu Shaoqing…

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