Xiao Yi was shocked, who was it?


However, Xiao Yi quickly calmed down.

No matter who the enemy is, he is looking for death, and he actually dares to deal with the second senior brother.


“Ouch!” Lu Shaoqing shouted, holding his head and shouting.

Xiao Yi was shocked again, is the enemy so powerful?

The second senior brother is not an opponent either?

However, when Xiao Yi saw it clearly, his eyes turned red all of a sudden.


the person who came was Shao Cheng, who glared at Lu Shaoqing with a huff, “Bastard, are you hoping that this master of mine will die soon?” Shao

Cheng’s state was not very good, and his face was pale with a hint of redness.

His breath was not smooth, even Xiao Yi could feel it.

It seems that his injuries were not light.

Lu Shaoqing touched his head and muttered, “Master, you’re not dead yet?”

Shao Cheng was even more angry, staring at Lu Shaoqing’s ass, reaching out to grab it.

At this time, Lu Shaoqing didn’t let it, and without saying a word, he immediately dodged away.

With a triumphant smile, “Master, from now on, don’t try to touch my ass for half a point.” ”

My ass is up to me.”

Shao Cheng was angry and dead, he hadn’t seen him for more than twenty years, and the second apprentice was still so angry.

Seeing this, Xiao Yi hurriedly jumped out, “Master, are you all right?”

Shao Cheng’s gaze fell on Xiao Yi, nodded in satisfaction, and then said, “Master, what can I do?”

“Don’t worry, everything is fine!”

Ji Yan said coldly next to him, “Is everything okay?” Almost died, this is also called everything is okay?

As soon as Ji Yan spoke, Shao Cheng, who was a master, couldn’t help but shrink his neck.

Looking at Ji Yan’s expression, Shao Cheng couldn’t help but smile bitterly, the eldest apprentice also didn’t change, he was a little embarrassed, and subconsciously touched his head, “Isn’t this still alive?”

“Still alive?” Lu Shaoqing on the side couldn’t help but shout, “Master, I can hear that your tone seems to be very satisfied?” ”

Scold him,” Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “spray all the words you have been holding back for more than twenty years to Master.” Shao

Cheng was angry to death, this anti-bone apprentice, he immediately waved his hand to clean up Lu Shaoqing.

Without saying a word, Lu Shaoqing hid behind Ji Yan, and seeing that Ji Yan was indifferent, he said to Shao Cheng again, “Master, what are you afraid of?” You scold him too.

“I’m telling you, during your absence, this guy has become more and more disobedient and has caused me trouble all day.”

“Scold him, it’s not right, hit him, he dares to hide, you will expel him from the division.”

“I’ll expel you from the division first.” Shao Cheng is angry.

Suddenly, I miss more than 20 years of peaceful life.

There is no noise of the bastard apprentice in the ears, and the days are simply not too happy.

Ji Yan looked at Lu Shaoqing coldly, “Childish.”

Xiao Yi jumped out again at this time and spoke, “Master, can you tell me why you are here?”

Returning to the topic, Shao Cheng’s expression became solemn.

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Pointing behind him, he said, “Go find Xiaohong and talk about them.” ”

They?” Lu Shaoqing was puzzled, besides the stupid bird, who else?

At the same time, he now has time to look at his surroundings.

The space here is very large, there is no end in sight, and this place seems to be a different realm, there are no plants, no dirt, the sky and the earth are white, and the naked eye and divine consciousness cannot penetrate.

Lu Shaoqing’s divine consciousness continued to spread, and he could not explore to the end.

And in the distance in front is a darkness, a thick darkness, as if far apart, but very close.

“Master, what is that?”

Xiao Yi also noticed the darkness in the distance, pointed and asked, “Is it related to the black tower outside?”

Shao Cheng nodded, “Yes.” ”

Senior Bai Que has a hard time.”

“White Magpie?” Xiao Yi became even more curious, “Who is it?”

Shao Cheng pointed above his head and said, “The master of the Demon Suppression Tower.”

Noticing that Lu Shaoqing’s eyes had already appeared with an unorthodox gaze, he reminded, “Bai Que Senior is an existence in the Convergence Period. The

words that had already rushed to the throat immediately had a chemical reaction, Lu Shaoqing’s face was not red, his heart was not beating, and he said smoothly, “Is it so strong?”

“Master, you have to be on par with others, study hard, don’t be lazy.”

“With such a senior covering you, you can walk sideways here in the demon world.”

Shao Cheng looked at Lu Shaoqing expressionlessly, “Bastard, what you want to say in your heart is not these words, right?” ”

Don’t think I don’t know what you bastard kid is trying to say.

Mouth flowers, not afraid of being beaten to death.

“Yes?” Lu Shaoqing would not admit it when he was killed, “Master, I am the most honest person, don’t talk nonsense, don’t let the seniors have a bad impression of me.” ”

Huh…” Shao Cheng sneered twice.

I was worried about my apprentice before, but when they really met, Shao Cheng felt that he didn’t miss his apprentice at all.

He just wanted to beat his second apprentice.

Under Shao Cheng’s lead, go to the middle, and the more you go to the middle, the closer the darkness in the distance gets.

Finally, Lu Shaoqing and his party could already feel the battle fluctuations coming from afar.

Xiao Yi asked curiously again, “Master, is there a battle here?”

A trace of worry flashed on Shao Cheng’s face, and he nodded, “Yes, alas…” Ben

wanted to say something, but finally shook his head and did not speak.

Soon, they arrived here, and the battle in the distance also met their eyes.

Xiao Yi exclaimed, “Black monster? ”

In front of you, a white wall of light rises into the sky, dividing the world into white and black.

Countless black monsters loomed in the darkness, and these black monsters were the black monsters that Lu Shaoqing had seen and encountered.

In the darkness, dense, countless scarlet eyes are particularly distinct in the darkness, which is chilling.

The white light turned into a wall of light, treating the monster outside.

At the same time, there is still a gap, from which countless black monsters surging out.

Here in the gap, there are several figures desperately trying to block the black monster.

Among them, a figure dressed in red brandished a long sword and shouted, “Little monsters dare to come to your bird master’s trouble?” ”

I don’t know about my cow ratio…”

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