Xiao Yi, who suddenly cursed loudly, shocked everyone.

The monks below were scolded and stunned.

They didn’t expect that this sweet-looking, cute and loving, like the little sister next door, Xiao Yi could actually scold so hotly.

One sentence after another, like a sharp knife, ripped open their chests and plunged them into their hearts.

As for the several Lingxiao Sect Yuan Babies in the sky, their faces were sluggish.

Yu Chang is a little better, he has already seen Xiao Yi scolding Cang Zhengchu angrily, and he can accept this.

But for Lu Ji, Si Yao and Ji Pengyue, this was the first time they had seen Xiao Yi.

For the first time, I saw Xiao Yi’s such a fierce side.

The sweet and cute appearance and the words that come out of her mouth are simply two extremes.

Give them a powerful sense of impact.

After Ji Pengyue was stunned for a while, he laughed and said, “This girl is very appetizing to me.”

Si Yao smiled bitterly, not knowing what to say for a while.

However, there is an appreciative look in his eyes.

As for Lu Ji, his face couldn’t help but twitch twice, and then asked Xiao Chuang, “Is this a good study?”

Xiao Chuang couldn’t help it, looked at Lu Shaoqing below, and roared, “I’m going to kill him.”

Lu Shaoqing leaned under a tree here, watching Xiao Yi spraying the group of cultivators below.

A satisfied expression appeared.

These guys came here early in the morning to block the door, and they couldn’t use force against them, and they couldn’t disperse by force.

Without scolding them a few words, Lu Shaoqing felt uncomfortable in his heart.

Very good, when the junior sister finished scolding, I will go up and scold again.

Lu Shaoqing was tapping the abacus in his heart, and suddenly the figure in front of him flashed.

Xiao Chuang appeared with a murderous face.

“Hey, Uncle Xiao, you’re here.”

Lu Shaoqing pretended to be surprised, and then showed joy, “That’s just right, the grandson came to block the door, this matter will be solved by you, the soup is boiling at home, I have to go back to see the fire.” ”

After saying that, I want to slip away.

Yu Chang’s voice also came out, “Bastard, you want to run? Then

Yu Chang and several people appeared.

Lu Shaoqing was even more surprised, “Uncle Lu, Uncle Si Yao, Uncle Ji, have you returned from travel?” ”

Before, it was these three Yuan babies who went to Lu Shaoqing’s public travel for half a year.

“Wow, Senior Uncle Si Yao, why are you beautiful again?”

A woman, even a powerful monk, is quite happy to be said to be beautiful.

Si Yao couldn’t help but laugh, “You kid, your mouth is getting oilier and oilier.” ”

In the face of you big guys, can my mouth not be oily?

“Senior Uncle Si Yao, what do you say, I have always only told the truth, never lied.”

The expression was serious and the tone was sincere, which made Si Yao feel even happier in his heart.

Xiao Chuang can’t help it, bastard, didn’t you see my murderous face?

Are you actually still patting horses on the side?

“You little bastard, I’m going to clean you up.”

Xiao Chuang was murderous, and his niece was still spraying people there.

Everything was directed by this guy.

Lu Shaoqing stood beside Si Yao without a trace, “Senior Uncle Si Yao, help.”

Si Yao smiled even more happily, finally knowing why this kid wanted to shoot her.

“Okay, don’t make trouble,” Si Yao spoke up and asked Lu Shaoqing, “Shaoqing, how do you plan to deal with this situation now?”

Lu Shaoqing was strange, “You are all here, how can there be a reason for my junior to make a move.”

“If I made a move, wouldn’t it seem that you were incompetent?” No, I can’t do this kind of thing. ”

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The big guys are here, the small ones will step aside.”

You just show up, I’ll watch.

Yu Chang and others were happy, and they were still playing slippery.

Yu Chang glared at this little slippery head viciously, “The current situation is very troublesome, you quickly deal with it for me, if something goes wrong, I will peel your skin.” ”

It’s really infuriating, with such a disciple, Shouyuan can definitely be reduced by half.

Hard work Shao Cheng junior brother.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Yu Chang stunned, very puzzled, “No, chief, what are you afraid of?”

Then he said to Yu Chang in a tone of lesson, “You are the head of the Lingxiao faction, a master of the late Yuan Infancy Stage, are you afraid of those little karami?” Pass it out, do we Lingxiao faction still have a face?

“Relax, don’t be afraid, the sky hasn’t fallen yet, even if it does, you’re holding it.” It’s useless if you’re afraid.

Yu Chang was stunned by the training, and reacted after half a ring.


“Are you teaching me a lesson?”

“Who is afraid?”

Am I afraid?

What winds and waves have I not seen?

When will it be your turn to teach me a lesson here?

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly denied, “Whatever, I respect you the most, only the leader you teach me, there can be no thing for me to teach the leader.”

Yu Chang couldn’t bear it anymore and reached out and shook it.

The aura around Lu Shaoqing seemed to come to life, like an octopus binding Lu Shaoqing firmly.

Lu Shaoqing did not resist, and in the face of this kind of master, it was useless to resist.

“Senior Uncle Si Yao, save me.”

Yu Chang was even more angry, “It’s useless for you to call the Heavenly King Laozi to save you.”

Volley grabbed Lu Shaoqing in front of him.

Roared at Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, don’t give me all this here, quickly give me a way to solve the matter in front of me.” ”

The group of cultivators in front of them can’t fight, once the conflict intensifies, they will attack the mountain gate of the Lingxiao faction.

At that time, it will be a major joke, and the reputation of the Lingxiao faction will be over.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes, nose, and mouth can’t wait to get together to live a life and reduce the area of saliva contact.

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly shouted, “Chief, pay attention to the appearance, don’t spray so much saliva.”

“I have a way.”

Hearing this, Yu Chang let go of Lu Shaoqing a little, still glaring at him viciously.


Lu Shaoqing took a slight breath, “Chief, you and the uncles are so strong, just go up and slap it down with a palm, and everything will be solved.”

“You are all Yuan babies, what are you afraid of, kill them and finish.”

After Yu Chang listened, he was angry.

Sneered twice, and said, “Actually, I also have a way.” ”

Hey, you have a way to say it earlier,” Lu Shaoqing was dissatisfied, there was a way, and he was still teasing me, “You can solve it, why do you still call me here?” I’m tired and haven’t had a good rest these days.

Yu Chang became even more angry, raised his hand, and said angrily, “The way is, I will slap you to death with a palm now and throw your corpse out, they will naturally disperse, do you believe it or not?”

Lu Shaoqing’s face froze, and he hurriedly said, “Isn’t it a way, I have it, I’ll solve it.” ”

Bow to the evil forces again.

“Hurry up!”

Yu Chang let go of Lu Shaoqing and drank angrily.

Lu Shaoqing patted his clothes and muttered, “The whole body is saliva.” Looking

up to Shangyu Chang’s eyes full of anger, Lu Shaoqing hurriedly ran.

The voice continued to come, “Chief, how many years have you not brushed your teeth?” ”


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