Si Yao trembled with laughter and couldn’t stand upright.

Lu Ji shook his head, looked at the head gritting his teeth, and rejoiced in his heart, “Fortunately, it’s not my apprentice, otherwise I would have to be angry to death.”

Ji Pengyue also shook his head, also rejoicing, “If I have such a disciple, I am afraid that I will kill him.”

Yu Chang’s face was depressed, and he was so angry that he didn’t want to speak.

Once again, the take-off sword soared into the sky and came to the sky.

Watching Lu Shaoqing walk over slowly, Yu Chang had the urge to slash down with a sword.

It’s infuriating.

I really don’t know how Junior Brother Shao spends his weekdays.

With such an apprentice, no amount of Shouyuan is enough to be angry.

At the gate, although many cultivators were stunned by Xiao Yi, they waited for their reaction.

Not to be outdone, they roared again and again.

“Smelly girl, are you looking for death?”

“You dare to scold Lao Tzu? Lao Tzu kills you.

“You come down, see if Lao Tzu doesn’t slaughter you.”

“Bastard, what about Lu Shaoqing? Don’t dare to come out, but let you, the smelly girl who has not dried up, come out, what kind of man?

“Come out, Lu Shaoqing, get out, don’t hide behind the woman.”

Xiao Yi still wanted to continue to scold, but was stopped.

When Xiao Yi saw this person, his face immediately showed shame and he lowered his head.

“Junior Sister Xiao Yi, right,” the person who came was a female cultivator from the Lingxiao Sect, she introduced herself, “My name is Yin Qi, a personal disciple of Biyunfeng.

“You are Senior Sister Yin Qi?”

Xiao Yi suddenly raised her head, her gaze was facing Yin Qi’s broad bosom, and she looked down at her horse Pingchuan again with shame.

Yin Qi’s figure was two circles larger than Xiao Yi’s slender body.

If it weren’t for the broad-mindedness, it would be easy to be mistaken for a strong man.

However, her face is like a child, extremely cute.

Xiao Yi had never seen Yin Qi, but she had heard of Yin Qi.

is the first fan of Ji Yan in the Lingxiao faction.

It is a suitor of words.

Yin Qi reached out and patted Xiao Yi’s shoulder.

Her hand was also larger than Xiao Yi’s, and Xiao Yi felt like a big fan patting herself.

Yin Qi said with a big grin, “If you continue to scold, the people below will explode, do you believe it or not?”

“The elders have said, you can’t provoke them, you are good, come up and scold.”

Xiao Yi stuck out her tongue, Yin Qi gave her a good feeling, not as exaggerated as the second senior brother said, and she started without saying a word.

Facing this senior sister who was like an older sister, she did not hesitate to sell her second senior brother.

“It was the second senior brother who asked me to scold a few words.”

Alas, there is no way, for the sake of experience, it has to be done.

When Yin Qi heard this, he sneered, “I knew it was him.”

“What about the others? Shouldn’t you run somewhere to hide, don’t you dare to come out?

Xiao Yi pointed to the back and said, “There.”

Yin Qi turned his head and saw Lu Shaoqing Shi Shiran come out.

Yin Qi immediately didn’t say a word, raised his hand, and a powerful spiritual power rushed straight towards Lu Shaoqing.

Xiao Yi was taken aback.

Only then did I remember that what the second senior brother said seemed to be right.

However, this did not have any impact on Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was still in that slow posture, and without even pausing, he easily defused Yin Qi’s attack.

Yin Qi didn’t feel anything, she just thought that she didn’t exert her full strength, Lu Shaoqing’s strength was stronger than her, and it was normal to easily resolve it.

But this scene fell in the eyes of several Yuan babies in the sky, and it looked a little different.

Neither Yu Chang nor the others couldn’t help but be shocked.

Si Yao’s face was shocked, “Shaoqing seems to be much stronger than half a year ago.

“It’s only been a long time.”

Lu Ji agreed with his wife’s words, and his tone was affirmative, “It’s strong, at least the seventh layer of Jiedan.”

While Yu Chang’s eyes showed surprise, he couldn’t help but scold, “Bastard boy, if we can be more diligent, maybe we can have another baby.”

Xiao Chuang said angrily, “He entered the Yuan Baby, maybe only you can cure him in charge.” ”

He didn’t take the opportunity to clean up Lu Shaoqing just now, and he was very unhappy in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing came to Yin Qi, looked up and down, and said, “Junior Sister Yin, I haven’t seen you for a long time, and I’ve gained weight again.”

Yin Qi looked at Lu Shaoqing angrily, “Don’t shut up if you can’t speak, damn it, I really want to beat you up.” ”

Scolding, the tone is very bad, and he doesn’t seem to treat Lu Shaoqing very well.

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“Hurry up and deal with the matter in front of you, if you fight, the consequences will be serious.”

“At that time, even if you are a personal disciple, you will not be able to please.”

Although his tone and attitude were very unhappy, Xiao Yi could hear the worry hidden in it.

Lu Shaoqing looked below and said, “Okay, leave it to me here.”

Lu Shaoqing did not stand here, but walked down step by step.

Lu Shaoqing’s appearance, everyone found him.

The person who recognized him shouted, “He is Lu Shaoqing.”

“Lying groove, it was actually a little white face that slaughtered him.”

“Handsome than me, this can’t be tolerated, kill him.”

“Lu Shaoqing of Dog Day, you dare to defile my goddess, I fought with you.”

With the appearance of Lu Shaoqing, the cultivators became even more excited.

The disciples of the Lingxiao Sect who were responsible for stopping them in front could no longer stop them, and the blockade was broken.

Countless cultivators took the opportunity to rush up.


Seeing this scene, both Yu Chang and other Yuan Ying cultivators, as well as Yin Qi, these Lingxiao Sect disciples all changed color.

The thousands of cultivators below, once they riot, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Just when Yu Chang was about to make a move, Lu Shaoqing took action.

He shouted, “Stop Lao Tzu!” Then

, a huge aura descended, and a cyan spirit talisman appeared in his hand, and the spiritual energy on the spirit talisman was vibrant.

A feeling of danger was like a poisonous snake, quietly crawling into the hearts of all the cultivators.

So that the monks had to stop.

Vigilantly looked at the spirit talisman in Lu Shaoqing’s hand.

“This is a fourth-grade spirit talisman, comparable to a blow in the Yuan Infancy Period, if you dare to mess around, Lao Tzu will die with you.”

In the distance, someone saw the spirit talisman in Lu Shaoqing’s hand and gritted his teeth with hatred.

“Damn it, damn it.”

A girl in red standing in a tree was mad with hatred.

She was Xuan Yunxin, who Lu Shaoqing had robbed before.

After Xuan Yunxin left in the secret realm, he rushed back to the Dian Xing Sect non-stop and was treated.

Of course, Zhihai was seriously damaged, and she wanted to fully recover, and it would not be good without a year and a half.

However, remembering the humiliation she received in the secret realm, her heart could not be stable for a moment, and she could not calm down.

It just so happened that the Star Sect was also going to send someone to participate in the Lingxiao Sect’s ceremony.

Xuan Yunxin followed to see if he could find information about the person who robbed her.

It’s been a few days since she came here, and I didn’t want to really let her discover Lu Shaoqing’s traces.

After some investigation, he almost blew her up.

She still knew Lu Shaoqing’s true name from Wu Tianlong’s mouth, and there was very little news about Lu Shaoqing.

Even if he had inquired about it from the disciples of the Lingxiao Sect, there was not much news.

However, this did not rarely stop Xuan Yunxin’s revenge.

She was called Zhiduoxing by the people of the Dian Xing faction, and soon thought of a way to take revenge on Lu Shaoqing.

fabricated the relationship between Lu Shaoqing and Xia Yu and poked it out.

Now the effect looks very good.

Xia Yu’s charm was even greater than her Xuanyunxin, and thousands of cultivators rioted, and there was no need for her to instigate in secret, these cultivators came to block the door.

Xuan Yunxin stood on the tree, her beautiful face had a paleness that could not be concealed, if someone felt it carefully, they could feel her weak breath.

Like a sick beauty, it makes people feel compassion.

She looked coldly at Lu Shaoqing in the distance in front of the gate of the Lingxiao Sect.

Lu Shaoqing stood alone in the middle of the stairs, condescending, and below were thousands of cultivators who would riot at any time.

However, these cultivators were shocked by Lu Shaoqing’s momentum and did not dare to act rashly.

Seeing this scene, a word suddenly appeared in Xuanyun’s mind.



When he saw the spirit talisman in Lu Shaoqing’s hand, Xuan Yun’s heart became even more ruthless.

The teeth are almost crushed.

It was her spirit talisman, but it fell into Lu Shaoqing’s hands.

“Damn it, I’m going to kill you.”

Xuan Yun’s heart was filled with endless hatred and killing intent, and he couldn’t wait to immediately appear and kill Lu Shaoqing.

However, soon, Xuan Yunxin sneered.

“This situation can not be solved by a spirit rune, depending on how you die…”

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