And as Xuan Yunxin said.

Although Lu Shaoqing calmed everyone with a spirit talisman, it was not temporary.

Lu Shaoqing failed to convince the people below that there was no relationship between him and Xia Yu, and the situation would also deteriorate.

Lu Shaoqing also knows this truth.

He looked at the people below, and suddenly sighed, “Don’t get excited first, listen to me and say two words.”

“First of all, I can state that Senior Sister Xia Yu and I absolutely do not have any feelings.”

“In my heart, she is like my own sister. I have only respect for her, not adoration.

“I already have someone I like, and in my heart, she is the most perfect girl in the world.”

Lu Shaoqing’s head was slightly raised, and he looked affectionate.

But these words were not enough to convince the monks below.

Someone shouted, “Who are you Meng, Xia Yu girl is the first beauty in Qizhou, and no one in this world is more perfect than her.”

“It’s just, you bastard must be bragging.”

“That’s right, nonsense, how can there be someone more perfect than the Xia Yu girl.”

Seeing that the monks below gradually began to make noise again.

Lu Shaoqing drank loudly, and the affectionate character couldn’t hold back, and cursed, “Shut up for me.”

“Do you know what love is? In the eyes of two people who love each other, the other party is the most perfect person in the world. ”

What do you say Senior Sister Xia Yu is the best and most perfect, this is not love, it is animal heat.”

“You’re a herd of cattle.”

Xiao Yi in the back couldn’t help but hold his forehead.

At the same time, I was surprised to find that Senior Sister Yin Qi next to her also had similar movements.


“Senior Sister Yin Qi?”

Yin Qi’s tone revealed helplessness, “This bastard, can’t you say it well?” ”

Do you have to curse?”

Xiao Yi also nodded, and there were a hundred approvals in his heart.

Yes, the situation is like this, almost exploded, and cursed.

The people below were scolded and looked at each other, and many people were stunned and gradually became angry.

Today we are here to settle accounts with you, not to be scolded by you.

Blasphemed Senior Sister Xia Yu, and dared to be so arrogant.

Find death.

However, Lu Shaoqing was very fast and opened his mouth in front of everyone.

“It doesn’t hurt to tell you the truth, the person I like is Xuanyunxin of the Dian Xing Sect.”

“I’ve been making a private agreement with her for life.”

“Seeing that the talisman in my hand is not there, she gave me a promise token.”


Xuan Yun, who was standing on the tree in the distance, was caught off guard and fell from the tree.

Xuan Yunxin couldn’t imagine that he was watching the play, and suddenly he became the protagonist.

Seriously injured, her breath was unsteady, she was caught off guard and fell from a tree.

She fell so hard that tears flowed out of her eyes.

“But, abominable fellow.”

She couldn’t wait to rush up and tear Lu Shaoqing’s mouth.

Who the likes you?

You like me? You rob money or not, and you dare to say you like me?

Xuan Yunxin could not have imagined that Lu Shaoqing would actually move her out as a shield.

On Lu Shaoqing’s side, as soon as Xuan Yunxin’s three words came out, everyone was stunned.

Yanzhou and Qi Prefecture are adjacent to each other, and they have naturally heard of Xuanyunxin’s name.

Water-based poplar flowers, fairy girls, ice clear jade, heavenly fairy.

Reviews of her have been mixed.

In short, in the impression of many cultivators, Xuan Yunxin was a complex person.

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They don’t know which evaluation is true.

Whether it is a witch or a fairy.

Now Lu Shaoqing said that it was this person who he liked, which shocked everyone.

Of course, Xiao Yi’s expression was a little strange.

Because she remembered her cousin.

The second senior brother also said such a thing.

It’s so bad.

Seeing that the people below were silent.

Lu Shaoqing was very dissatisfied and snorted coldly, “Believe it, right?” Xuan Yunxin is no worse than Senior Sister Xia Yu.

“She and I are in love, and it is not your turn to point fingers at the animals.”

When these words came out, some people below were not convinced for the first time.

He is a disciple of the Dian Xing Sect.

“We are disciples of the Dian Xing Sect, I haven’t heard of this.”

“Yes, how can such a beautiful and intelligent person as Senior Sister Xuan look at you?”

“Have you seen Senior Sister Xuan? Less to tarnish my senior sister’s reputation here. ”

The Dian Xing Sect also sent people to participate in the Lingxiao Sect’s grand ceremony this time.

A few Dian Xing sent disciples to come here to make fun and be a melon-eating mass.

But he never thought of eating his senior sister’s melon.

Although Xuan Yunxin was not rated as the first beauty in Yanzhou like Xia Yu, it was because people’s evaluation of her was polarized.

But when it comes to beauty, Xuan Yunxin is not inferior to Xia Yu.

The first beauty of Yanzhou.

The disciples of the Dian Xing Sect were even more crazy and obsessed with her.

Regarded as a goddess in your heart.

Now Lu Shaoqing actually blasphemed the goddess in their minds, which they couldn’t bear.

What kind of thing are you, and you dare to say that you and my senior sister are happy with each other, and privately agree for life?

“You dare to ruin my senior sister’s reputation, I will fight with you.”

Lu Shaoqing sneered twice in disdain and stared at the disciple of the Star Pointing Sect, “You said that I ruined her reputation, do you know about me and her?”

“She deserves to be known to low-level disciples like you?”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made several Dian Xing Sect disciples speechless.

For a while, they couldn’t refute it.

The other monks also looked at each other, seeming to be telling the truth.

He really has nothing to do with Xia Yu.

But there are also those who do not believe and do not die.

“You said yes? Xuan Yunxin is not here, you can say whatever you want.

The disciple of the Dian Xing Sect reacted and said loudly, “That’s right, that’s it.

“Maybe you robbed it.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled secretly in his heart, but deliberately became angry on the surface, “What do you want from me?”

“I told it all, don’t you believe me?”

“Is there such a bully?”

Lu Shaoqing stood up, waved the spirit talisman in his hand, and said angrily, “Do you want me to say that she showed me her intimate clothes, so you believe it?” ”


Xuan Yunxin, who was leaning on a tree, heard this, his eyes turned black, and he couldn’t help but spurt out a mouthful of blood.

It’s too much to deceive.

Xuan Yunxin was so angry that he vomited blood, and the spiritual power in his body was chaotic.

Damn, I’m going to go up and fight him.

Xuan Yunxin knew that he would never be able to let Lu Shaoqing, a bastard, continue to talk nonsense.

Besides, she didn’t have the face to return to the star pie.

However, at this time, Lu Shaoqing’s voice continued to come and shout.

“If you don’t believe it, you can go to her and confront me, I swear by my Dao heart, I have definitely seen it.”

Xuan Yunxin stopped, hating to go crazy…

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