Bai Que’s heart was even more moved.

She has observed Shao Cheng’s person, although he is a human, Bai Que believes in Shao Cheng.

In the end, however, there were some concerns.

Once she fails, she enters a disadvantage across the board, and it is not so easy to turn over in the future.

And the time to be completely eroded will be greatly advanced.

Qiu Chu objected again, “Senior, I think this matter still has to be considered in the long run, and it is absolutely impossible to decide lightly. ”

Xiao Yi is not happy, this old black bear, really annoying.

She spoke, “Second Senior Brother, could that monster we encountered in the void be a suppressed monster?”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, “I’m not sure. ”

Whether it’s the same thing or not, things are getting harder and harder.

The same one, which shows that the suppressed monster can already get out of most of the trap and leave here to make trouble outside.

Different from the same one is more terrifying, the realm of the merging period, here in the demon world, who can resist?

Once it strikes, the Demon Town Tower will be uprooted.

And after Bai Que knew about Lu Shaoqing’s experience, he agreed to Lu Shaoqing’s method without saying a word.

“Just do what you say. Whether it succeeds or not, it depends on this time. ”

This makes the murderous side very worried.

Fierce Chu is now more than a thousand years old, and when he was born, the chaos in the demon world had been quelled.

The black monster has been suppressed.

But at that time, there were still some legends about the great turmoil in the demon world.

Various legends have made the murderer have a shadow of the black monster in his heart.

After coming here, I learned more about the strength of the monster, and I was even more worried.

This is also why he is willing to stay here to help the white magpie deal with the black monster.

The goal is to stop the monsters and prevent them from returning.

Deal with black monsters here and slow down the black monster’s erosion of the Demon Town.

Although it is said to be a slow death, it can be delayed for a while, what if there is another way during this time?

And Lu Shaoqing’s method, not to mention the success rate, once it fails, it is to accelerate death.

Fierce Chu has no good impression of Lu Shaoqing, an impolite guy, and he is still a personal race.

“I don’t understand, why would the senior believe in him as a human?” The murderous part of the voice to Liu Chi.

“Aren’t you afraid he’s lying?”

Liu Chi shook his head, “Whether it is true or not, there is no other good way, but to die as a living horse doctor.”

“But I heard Hong Qing kid say that this little bastard still has some skills.”

“His master also said that they also dealt with black monsters and closed the cracks.”

Although Liu Chi was very angry with Lu Shaoqing, he had more confidence in Lu Shaoqing than Chu.

“When the master is sure, he must say good things for his apprentices.” Who doesn’t want to earn some face?

However, this is something that Bai Que decides, and it is useless to oppose it.

Win Qiqi and Ma Ran were stunned on the side, how long has it been since he came here, and this guy has become someone trusted by Bai Que’s senior?

Let the senior Bai Que willingly obey his orders.

This guy, looking unreliable, why is there such a charm?

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It just so happened that Lu Shaoqing’s gaze also looked at the two, he smiled slightly, and said to Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran, “There are some things that trouble you two…” After

everything was ready, the battle resumed.

Once again, the wall of light opened a gap, and the black monster once again roared towards the gap.

Like a black tide, it rushes in, and I can’t wait to drown this place.

Xiao Yi took Big White, Little White and Little Black, as well as Win Qiqi and Ma Ran, one person and five beasts to deal with the black monster.

Shao Cheng and Xiaohong were injured and were kicked by Lu Shaoqing to heal their injuries.

Ji Yan, Liu Chi, and Ji Chu were asked to stand still.

Then Lu Shaoqing ran away and disappeared from everyone’s sight.

Looking at the densely packed monsters that kept pouring in, Liu Chi and Qiu Chu couldn’t understand what Lu Shaoqing was going to do.

There is a steady stream of monsters, although the strength is not strong, most of these monsters are demon realm cultivators who have failed to enter the mirage valley.

There is a refining period, and more Jiedan and Yuan Ying are the main forces, and occasionally the level of the Transformation God will emerge.

For Xiao Yiji, it was not an easy task.

In particular, these monsters are very cunning, and those in the realm of the gods will hide in them, and suddenly kill, it is easy to catch them off guard.

The battle was only half a day away, and Xiao Yi felt a great pressure.

The line of defense sometimes had to back a little.

The situation is not good.

Fierce Chu was asked to watch from the side, unable to shoot, and the more he looked at him, the more annoyed he became.

“What are we doing here? Do you just watch?

“Could it be that we will have to wait until a monster with a refining period appears before we are allowed to strike?”

Fierce Chu cursed, very unhappy, “I’ve been here for hundreds of years, and I haven’t seen a monster in the refining period.

“Although these monsters are not very strong, they are enough to exhaust people to death.”

“Moreover, if we don’t make a move, the monster must have some suspicion, does he think that the monsters are brainless and unconscious existences?”

“Black Magpie is not that stupid.”

The more he scolded, the more unhappy he became, “What a shit method, he thinks too simply.”

Liu Chi also shook his head slightly, and he said to Ji Yan, “Ji Yan Gongzi, do you think his method is useful?” ”

Ji Yan has full confidence in his junior brother,” he said just do it and listen to him. ”

What does this blind trust mean?

You are a master brother, don’t you have your own independent ideas?

Come in until now, everything listens to that bastard boy, you didn’t plug in a word, is there a master brother like you?

Is it really good for you to be a master brother like this? Ridden on the head by the junior brother.

“Be careful not to be burdened by him.”

When Ji Yan heard this, he looked directly at him and said again, “Just don’t drag him down.” ”

I wipe!

Fierce and crazy, humans are not cute at all, really rude.

In the future, when I have the opportunity, I must eat a few humans.

“What did that kid do?” Liu Chi asked.

“Are you going to be lazy, or do you want to escape?”

In the distance, Bai Que watched Lu Shaoqing’s actions, and when she saw the materials in Lu Shaoqing’s hand appear, she showed a strange expression on her face, “You, in the array?” ”

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