Lu Shaoqing didn’t raise his head, “Yes, otherwise what am I doing here?” When

Bai Que heard this, his expression became even more strange.

“You, don’t you know I’m good at formations?”

Lu Shaoqing looked up, “Hey, senior, are you a spider spirit or a moth monster?”

Bai Que’s forehead jumped, and he gritted his teeth and said, “I am a finch clan.” ”

If you hear my name, you can tell what I am.

Spider spirits, moth monsters?

Who taught you such a name?


Subsequently, he continued to bury his head in the formation.

“Oh?” The white magpie’s urge to hit people became stronger.

She gritted her teeth and said, “You want to use the formation to deal with the black magpie?

“If that’s the case, I advise you not to bother with it.”

Bai Que’s faint tone was full of confidence, even with a bit of pride, “I am good at formations, and in your human words, I surpass formation masters.

“The same goes for the black magpie.”

“No matter what big array you put down, you can’t deal with her, and it’s easy to startle the snake.”

“Unless, you arrange an eighth-level large array.”

“But, can you?”

The eighth-level large array, not to mention the extremely high formation attainment, the materials alone are enough to make people retreat.

Now this eighth-level large array is a gathering of the power of the entire demon world to successfully arrange.

After Bai Que finished speaking, he found that Lu Shaoqing stopped again and looked at himself with the gaze of looking at an idiot.

The blue tendons on his forehead came out, and Bai Que gritted his teeth, “What kind of eyes are you?”

Lu Shaoqing sighed, “Senior, did you cut off all your brains when you cut off the dark body?” ”

That’s pretty pathetic.”

After speaking, before Bai Que could react, he fumbled a few times in his storage ring, and finally took out a few dried fruits.

Bai Que still didn’t react, looked at the dried fruit in front of him, and subconsciously asked, “What for?”

“This is a first-level spirit fruit nuclear brain, well, function, brain tonification.”

“I often let my junior sister eat it, it seems to have some effect, you try?”


The white magpie finally couldn’t help it and roared, “Abominable human! Bai

Que, who was an instrument spirit, was furious, and the surrounding space shook, as if a pair of big hands were constantly rubbing the surrounding space, squeezing towards Lu Shaoqing madly.

“Don’t think I don’t dare to clean you up.”

The huge force formed a storm in the air, roared down, and slammed towards Lu Shaoqing fiercely.

Lu Shaoqing stood in place, holding the nuclear brain fruit in his hand, without moving.

There is not the slightest look to resist.

Finally, when the huge force was about to hit Lu Shaoqing, it suddenly decreased by half.

The rest of the force crashed into Lu Shaoqing, and Lu Shaoqing was unharmed, but instead brushed his hair and muttered, “Don’t blow my hairstyle.” The

white magpie was so angry that he vomited blood.

She stomped her foot in anger, damn it, damn it.

Bai Que has grown so big, he has seen people of all forms, and the hateful guys have also seen it, but it is the first time that a hateful guy like Lu Shaoqing has seen it.

Moreover, she couldn’t help Lu Shaoqing.

Lu Shaoqing was the only hope for her.

How many years had she not felt such a grievance?

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In the past, she was a goddess in the demon world, invincible across the demon world, who dared to do this to her?

Here, a hateful human dares to do this to her.

the bird.

Bai Que huffed and left, but Lu Shaoqing laughed proudly.

“Hey, I’m afraid you’re staying here, what if your thoughts are common?”

Lu Shaoqing waved his big hand, and a lost array emerged.

The aura turned into a white cloud and filled the air, hiding Lu Shaoqing’s traces.

For a long time, the angry white magpie appeared, she looked at the diffuse clouds, and snorted, “This is my place, do you think that I can’t see what you are doing like this?” ”

This is the interior of the Demon Township Tower, and she is an artifact.

This is her world.

As long as she wants, there are no secrets here.

Her heart moved, and she immediately went to see what Lu Shaoqing was doing inside.


Just through the fog, a sign was erected.

It reads, “Who looks at who is a dog!” ”


The white magpie was so angry that he vomited blood.

Does this little bastard know that she would do such a thing?

Bai Que was so angry that her teeth itched and she wanted to see it, but her self-esteem as a senior made her have to dismiss this idea.

After all, she is a finch, not a dog.

A few days later, the white fog cleared and Lu Shaoqing reappeared.

Bai Que had been waiting outside for a long time, and after seeing Lu Shaoqing appear, his murderous eyes stared at Lu Shaoqing deadly.

Lu Shaoqing greeted Bai Que with a smile, “Senior, have you eaten?” ”

Have you eaten?

Bai Que’s mind first thought of the nuclear brain that Lu Shaoqing said.

The anger in my heart suddenly came out again.

However, she took a deep breath, continued to maintain a superior posture, and after silently saying in her heart a few times not to meet him in general, she asked coldly, “What formation did you arrange?” ”

The Lost Array arranged by Lu Shaoqing covered the area for hundreds of miles, and now after coming out, it is very calm and there is no fluctuation.

Without feeling it herself, she really didn’t know what formation it was.

Lu Shaoqing was shocked, “Didn’t you peek?” ”

The white magpie is furious, and he actually questions my character?

“What did you say?”

Bai Que drank angrily, “Don’t think that if you think it’s useful to me, I won’t dare to clean you up?” ”

Don’t dare, don’t dare,” Lu Shaoqing was very well-behaved, nodding repeatedly, “What the senior said is extremely true.”

“Seniors want to know, just look at it.”


Bai Que snorted coldly, such an attitude was almost the same.

However, Lu Shaoqing said at the next moment, “Senior, you are not afraid that the two of you will have a common heart, and then Black Que will also know?”

As soon as these words came out, Bai Que instantly dismissed the idea of watching.

She and Black Que didn’t say that they knew each other’s thoughts completely, but some thoughts were still clearly felt.

“What are you going to do?” Bai Que said coldly, “But I tell you, if you want to use the formation against her, don’t dream stupidly.”

“Try it, what if it works?”

Lu Shaoqing smiled, and then returned to everyone’s side, seeing Xiao Yi they were shaking, the defense line had retreated a lot, Lu Shaoqing shouted to Ji Yan, “Are you watching the play next to you?” ”

Shoot and let the monster know how good you are…”

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