Lu Shaoqing looked at Bai Que proudly, “Senior, it seems that you have no other choice.” ”

The white magpie is angry.

Qiu Chu was even more furious, “Bastard boy, you are joking with the fate of the demon world.

“Oh, you call it again?” Lu Shaoqing was not accustomed to being fierce, “If you call me again, I will strike.”

“Isn’t it just here for hundreds of years?” It takes a little longer. ”

Fierce Chu is even more angry, I really want to slap Lu Shaoqing to death with a bear paw.

Liu Chi stopped Qiu and signaled him not to speak.

He looked at Shao Cheng, intending to use his friendship with Shao Cheng to impress Shao Cheng, “Brother Shao, it’s too risky to do that, you persuade them.” ”

Before, he called Shao Cheng the boy, but now he has become Brother Shao and treats him as a peer.

Bai Que also looked at Shao Cheng, hoping that Shao Cheng would come forward.

If he could, the white magpie didn’t want to risk it either.

As Qiu Chu said, it is a matter of the fate of the demon race, and it is not to be careless.

However, Shao Cheng smiled slightly, “Their decision is my decision.” The

smile was peaceful and friendly, but the tone was firm.

So angry that he cursed in his heart, what kind of sect is it?

The master does not have the appearance of the master, the master brother does not have the appearance of the master brother, and the second apprentice does not have the appearance of the second apprentice.

Bai Que and Liu Chi were also speechless.

Believe in your apprentice so much, aren’t you afraid of being pitted to death?

After a pause, seeing Bai Que they were silent, Shao Cheng said to Bai Que, “Senior, you believe him.”

“As I said, what he does has always been reliable.”

Having such trust in Lu Shaoqing once again impressed Bai Que.

There is no way, and the white magpie can only die as a living horse doctor.

Seeing that Bai Que agreed, Lu Shaoqing smiled and said, “Open the gap.”

“This time, you two go up.”

As the gap was opened, the monster surged again.

Xiao Yi and several people were still sent to block.

Win Qiqi and Ma Ran felt strange.

How many more of them will fight?

In the end, it is not enough to force the enemy back, and then let the refining period shoot to repel the monster.

Since this is the case, it is better to let them strike directly and let these little cultivators of the Transformation God Period have a good rest.

Win Qiqi said unpleasantly, “I’ll fight once the next day and treat us as iron men.”

Ma Ran said in a low voice, “There is no way, the ancestors listen to him, what can be done?” Speaking

of this, Win Qiqi was even more angry, “Why listen to him?”

“The method is too risky, in case it fails, can he afford it?”

Seeing that his ancestor had no choice but to obey a hairy boy.

It’s a humbling feeling.

It’s not cool to think about.

But as the ancestor Bai Que listened to Lu Shaoqing, they could only hold it when they were unhappy.

Ma Ran persuaded, “Qiqi, don’t be angry, didn’t you see how many of them are together?”

“At least, he treats them equally.”

Ying Qiqi turned her head to look at the one person and three beasts fighting next to her, and she couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi, “Your second senior brother is like this, aren’t you angry?” ”

These days, the relationship between Ying Qiqi, Ma Ran and Xiao Yi has grown by leaps and bounds, and they have almost become sisters.

“What’s so angry?” Xiao Yi asked rhetorically, “Isn’t this a normal thing?” ”

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Senior brother, the second senior brother are all contributing, where does she, who is a junior sister, dare to be lazy.

“Besides, it’s good for us.”

“Benefits?” Win Qiqi wanted to laugh.

She is almost exhausted to death, and she says the benefits?

She sneered, “Sister Xiaoyi, you are saying this.”

Xiao Yi protested, “How many times have I said that I am Xiaohong’s senior uncle, if you don’t call me senior uncle, you also have to call me senior.” ”

Really, do you still want to marry?

Win Qiqi just wanted to say something, when there was a sudden fluctuation next to him.

She turned her head and saw that Xiao Bai’s aura skyrocketed, and had recovered her body, a great white ape.

Although it has not yet reached the height of his father’s generation, his height of about 20 meters is enough to make people feel a great sense of oppression.

Its breath surged and its body shone brightly, as if every white hair was shining.


Win Qiqi was stunned.

Xiao Yi smiled, “Look, this is the benefit.”

Ma Ran’s eyes widened, like a naïve child, and her pale green skirt made her look a little cute, “Really?

Xiao Yi nodded and said proudly, “Of course, we are all breaking through in battle. Win

Qiqi was not convinced, did not believe it, and scoffed, “What a joke, but it was just a coincidence.”

As soon as the words fell, there was also a fluctuation on Xiao Hei’s body.

Win Qiqi was stunned again, this slap in the face also came too quickly, right?

Ma Ran’s eyes widened and his eyes were full of adoration, “It’s really powerful.” Win

Qiqi was angry and hard-mouthed, “It’s just a coincidence.”

Ma Ran mentioned Xiaohong, “Xiaohong is also like this, several times.” When

Win Seven Seventy-One was speechless, she couldn’t refute it.

In the end, he was indignant and vented his frustration on the swarming monsters.


With a roar, spiritual power roared out, transforming into powerful wind spells, and a huge storm swept through the darkness, tearing through countless black monsters.

In a fit of anger, he swept away a large number of black monsters.

Win Qiqi finally felt a little more comfortable in his heart, hmph, these monsters, really annoying.


“Roar!” Suddenly, a roar came from the darkness, like a demon king sleeping in the darkness awakening.

Terrible coercion quickly pervaded.

Before Win Qiqi could react, an invisible force struck from the darkness like lightning.


Ying Qiqi’s chest collapsed, and a mouthful of blood spurted out violently.

Xiao Yi couldn’t come to the rescue, and his heart jumped when he watched on the side.

In this way, it will not cause the one to follow the small, right?

A black figure appeared, the size of an ordinary human being, exuding a terrifying aura.

“Sure enough, there is a refining period!”

Xiao Yi was shocked, and without saying a word, he covered his chest and turned around and ran, “Run!”


The monsters of the refining period roared, and more monsters surged out.

Liu Chi and Fierce Chu appeared, sneering contemptuously, “In a period of refining, you dare to be presumptuous here?” Before

the words fell, two more breaths appeared, and Liu Chi and Murder’s smile froze…

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