
An even more powerful aura appeared.

A giant black wolf slowly emerged from the darkness.

The breath of the nine-layer realm in the late stage of refining was exactly the same as Liu Chi and Fierce Qi.

It has a huge body, standing up to ten meters tall, with strong limbs, dark claws, and shining cold.

And seeing this black giant wolf, Liu Chi and Fierce Chu whispered almost at the same time.

“Also cang!”

Looking at the giant wolf, Qiu Chu’s face was gloomy, “I didn’t expect that the refining period that fell in the mirage valley was actually him.”

Liu Chi couldn’t help but sigh, “The genius of the wolf clan has become a dark minions.

The two just sighed and looked at each other, “Kill him!” ”

However, this time is not just a monster in the refining period.

There were a total of four monsters in the refining period, and in addition to being recognized, the other three were hidden in the black mist, unable to see the origin clearly.

However, what makes people slightly reassuring is that in addition to Ye Cang, there is no existence of refining the nine layers of Void.

The other three monsters are only the seven-layer realm of the late refining void, one is the five-layer realm of the middle stage of refining the void, and the other is the mid-stage four-layer realm.

The four refining monsters joined forces, and Liu Chi and Fierce Chu suddenly cried and cried for their mother.

“What are they going to do?” Fierce Chu roared, “Want to finish the battle? ”



“Ye Cang, if you die, you will die, don’t die, but also come to plague our demon clan.”

Liu Chi shouted to Lu Shaoqing, “Boy, hurry up and help.” ”

The four refining period monsters were pressed up at once, and a single one could already suppress the fierce fight.

After being eroded by darkness, his strength has also been improved a lot.

Fierce Chu was also suppressed and beaten, and Liu Chi was chased and beaten by three monsters.

The two could only fight and retreat, and at the same time hoped that Ji Yan or Lu Shaoqing would make a quick move.

The two of them were not enough to defeat the four monsters of the refining period.

However, Lu Shaoqing did not immediately make a move, and he said to Ji Yan, “Wait first.” ”

What for?”

After Win Qiqi heard this, he immediately became hairy.

In dealing with monsters, desperately are the seniors of the demon clan, and one is the Taishang elder of the bird clan, who is his own person.

“It’s nothing, just wait.” Lu Shaoqing was strange.

Isn’t this bird girl very flexible?

If the silly bird marries her, will the little bird born follow the silly?

“The monsters of the refining period appeared, and quickly shot and killed them.”

“No rush, no rush.” Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “It’s not time yet.” ”

Not yet?

When will it have to wait?

Win Qiqi died in a hurry, and when the time came, something went wrong, and the first to bear the brunt was Liu Chi and Murder them.

Win Qiqi had even begun to wonder if Lu Shaoqing was going to take the opportunity to kill Liu Chi and the two beasts.

The Terrans, I heard that they are very despicable and shameless, do bad things by any means, and the means are extremely vulgar and shameless.

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Ying Qiqi stared at Lu Shaoqing angrily, and his gaze became more and more unkind.

If it weren’t for a little sanity, she would have done it a long time ago.

Ma Ran also had similar thoughts, and she directly asked Lu Shaoqing, “What are you going to do?”

“The two seniors are dangerous.”

“Can’t die!” Lu Shaoqing still looked unhurried, which made Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran’s suspicions skyrocket.

Xiao Yi came over at this time, and she said to the two, “You two rest assured, my second senior brother has his own opinion.” The

expressions of Win Qiqi and Ma Ran did not change, but they became more and more suspicious.

I’m afraid it’s killing with a knife.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t bother to pay attention to Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran, he and Ji Yan stood together, leisurely watching the battle.

Although Liu Chi and Qiu Chu were defeated.

But the strength of the two is undoubtedly strong.

It was comparable to the existence of the god-like Kunpeng they saw that day.

Facing the giant wolf of Ye Cang, he also changed back to his body, a huge black bear, full of fierce aura.

Every time the bear paw struck, it was like a nuclear bomb exploding, the rumbling sound echoed, and the breath of the explosion swept through.

Thanks to the fact that this is an eighth-level magic weapon, and with the blessing of the formation, otherwise the terrifying power will definitely destroy this place.

Liu Chi also turned into a big bird, his silver-white claws were very eye-catching, flashing in the air, shuttling through the siege of three refining period masters.

Although there are more defenses and fewer attacks, the strong strength shown by Liu Chi also makes the monster dare not underestimate.

Lu Shaoqing muttered, “It is estimated that it will take several days to go on like this.” ”

According to the state of Liu Chi and Qiqi, it will take a while to divide the victory and defeat.

Lu Shaoqing smiled and said to Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran, “Okay, go to rest, wait until they finish fighting.” Win

Qiqi raised his eyebrows, “Wait for them to finish?” When are you guys going to strike? ”

I’m afraid I won’t be killed by a monster at that time, right?

“Little girl, you don’t understand, just look at it.”

Lu Shaoqing’s little girl made Ying Qiqi angry.

She was much older than Lu Shaoqing.

You didn’t know where to line up for reincarnation when I broke my shell.

Seeing that Ying Qiqi was about to explode, Xiao Yi hurriedly shouted to Xiaohong in the distance, “Xiaohong, come here, take them down.”

Xiaohong came over with a bitter face, and Xiao Yi took Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran away, and then said to the two, “You don’t need to be angry, the boss is such a person.”

“What kind of people? Someone who borrows a knife to kill? “It’s not good to win seven seven.

Ma Ran looked at Liu Chi and Fierce Chu worriedly, “The two seniors are under a lot of pressure.”

Xiaohong said, “The boss has his own ideas, and you will know in the end.” Rest assured.

Xiao Yi also said, “That is, you have to get used to the personality of my second senior brother. ”

With the personalities of the two of you, if you don’t change it, the relationship between your father-in-law and daughter-in-law will be very tense after marrying in.”

The point is that you are not yet my second senior brother’s opponent.

If you disobey, you will have to cry later.

Xiaohong agreed with Xiao Yi’s words very much, “That is, Uncle Junior is right, you have to get used to my boss’s personality.” Otherwise, you will only make yourself unhappy.

Ying Qiqi gritted his teeth and snorted, “If something goes wrong with the two seniors, I will definitely not let him go.” ”

Three days passed, and suddenly, there was an angry shout in the distance, and the fierce Chu was fighting against Ye Cang, and suddenly he was attacked by a monster, and blood splashed and flew upside down.

Liu Chi was shocked and wanted to retreat, but was also hit by the chasing and killed, also leaving a large blood mist in the air….

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