Win Qiqi and Ma Ran were shocked.

Just when the two were nervous and worried, Lu Shaoqing’s voice suddenly came from the side.



Seeing Lu Shaoqing’s elated look, Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran couldn’t wait to rush over to clean up Lu Shaoqing.

Which side is it?

People on their side were injured and shouted loudly?

“What is he going to do?” Win Qiqi was so angry that he wanted to hit someone.

Lu Shaoqing’s countless angry gazes, he said to Ji Yan, “Let’s make a move.”

Ji Yan opened his eyes, “Do you want to kill them?” ”

Although there are four monsters in the refining period, there is even a nine-layer realm celestial one.

However, they were in a big array with Liu Chi and Qiqi for several days, and their state was no longer there.

Having repelled Liu Chi and Qiqi, they also suffered considerable losses.

Ji Yan has the confidence that he can kill them alone.

Lu Shaoqing shook his head and ordered in a low voice, “You go to deal with that wild wolf, and when you kill it, take the opportunity to pretend to be injured.” Ji

Yan frowned, “Why?” ”

Let him pretend to be invincible, and Ji Yan is somewhat reluctant.

“I can kill them all.”

“I know you’re awesome, okay?” Lu Shaoqing glared at Ji Yan, “Let you do it, what’s the wordiness?”

“Don’t talk nonsense, hurry up!”

Ji Yan said lightly, “Take a look.” Ji

Yan took a step and came to Liu Chi and Fierce Chu, and a sword light lit up, blocking the four monsters who wanted to beat the falling water dog.

Seeing that there was only Ji Yan, anger flashed in the scarlet eyes of the four monsters led by Ye Cang.


The four monsters roared angrily at Ji Yan, and then swarmed up.

As monsters, they have no decency and integrity, but only obey orders.

They were ordered to wipe out everyone here.

Ji Yan dared to come alone to intercept them, and they didn’t mind tearing Ji Yan to pieces.

Win Qiqi in the distance frowned, “Alone? In

his heart, he was even more dissatisfied with Lu Shaoqing.

If he doesn’t make a move at this time, what is he going to do?

Ma Ran said worriedly, “Can you do it alone?” As

soon as the words fell, Ji Yan stabbed out a sword, a gentle sword, looking as if anyone could dodge it.

However, as the strongest monster, the demon beast also screamed miserably.

The chest was dripping with blood, and Ji Yan stabbed him in the heart.

Thanks to it, it is now a monster, and it cannot die by stabbing the heart.

But it’s enough to make it painful.


He also roared angrily, his eyes full of anger.

Raised his wolf claw and grabbed Ji Yan fiercely, and the three monsters next to him also killed from different directions together.

The wolf’s claws tore through the air, and the space here was incomparably strong, but also faintly cracked.

Whistling, fast as lightning, like Mount Tarzan pressing the top.

The strong sense of oppression turned pale even if it was Win Qiqi and Ma Ran who were far away.

Under this offensive, their Transformation Period instantly disappeared.

Can Ji Yan withstand such an attack?

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The Wuqiu sword vibrate, and the sound of the sword sounded, like a dragon’s groan.

The sword light soared into the sky, and the sword intent turned into a silver-white divine dragon, rushing down into the sky, and rushing straight away.


With a loud bang, the wolf’s claws shattered.

The divine dragon shines brightly, dispelling the darkness, the trend does not decrease, and the straight rush is also gone.

Ye Cang this monster never expected Ji Yan to be so terrifying.

There was no time to dodge, and it hit hard.

From a distance, it was like a divine dragon devouring this monster.

In the scream, Ye Cang’s huge body fell apart.

In the distance, Win Qiqi and Ma Ran were dumbfounded.

I knew that Ji Yan was very strong, but I didn’t expect Ji Yan to be so powerful.

Just two rounds to kill Ye Cang?

Xiao Yi knew why, she explained, “That wild wolf has been fighting for so long, it has long been running out of strength, isn’t it normal to be killed by a sword from a master brother?”

“The remaining three monsters are not his opponents either.”

However, Xiao Yi’s proud words were not finished, and the attack of the three monsters in the distance hit, just like Liu Chi and Fierce Chu, and blood sprayed from their mouths.

Win Qiqi and Ma Ran were shocked, and Lu Shaoqing’s words came at the right time, “Lean, can’t fight, retreat quickly!”

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly ran towards the back, shouting as he ran, “Senior, quickly close the door!”


The remaining three monsters roared, and countless black monsters frantically poured in from the gap.

The white wall of light retreated again and again, but the monsters firmly occupied the gap, and the white wall of light could not be closed at all.

The black mist swept along the gap like a violent wind, constantly eroding.

The aura of the white magpie continued to decline, and soon the place where the Demon Town Tower was eroded was close to seventy percent.

“Go for it!” Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing immediately drank, “It’s a matter of life and death, let’s show all your strength.”

“Don’t be lazy.”

Lu Shaoqing’s words made everyone feel the urge to vomit blood.

Why did you go early?

Ferocious shouted even more, “Damn, boy, you’re out of play.” ”

Take off your hair, I’m here, you’re afraid of a ball!”

Lu Shaoqing held the Mo Jun Sword and murderously rushed towards the three Refining Void Period monsters.

“Senior, wait for me to slaughter them, you will close the door as soon as possible.”

Win Qiqi’s side was full of resentment, “It’s only now that you have to work hard, it’s too late.”

“Alas, Lao Zu mistrusted him. Sure enough, humans are unreliable guys. ”

Abominable humans.

Xiao Yi was not happy, crossed his waist, and said, “Hey, I’m also a human being, who said we can’t be relied on?” Win

Qiqi was full of resentment, and he couldn’t care about the relationship with Xiao Yi, pointing to the distance, “Look, he…” The

terrifying sword intent came over, and what Win Qiqi wanted to say was blocked in his throat.

Countless flames appeared in the sky in the distance, as if the fire of extinction filled the gap on the other side.

Countless black monsters turned into ashes in the firelight, the black mist dissipated, and the eroded place returned to its original state.

Seeing this, the three refining period monsters roared angrily and shot towards Lu Shaoqing one after another.

However, at this time, their strength was greatly lost, and their strength did not exist in ten, and they could not pose any threat to Lu Shaoqing.

Instead, Lu Shaoqing swept with a sword, and the three monsters screamed and flew upside down, and black blood sprayed.

Lu Shaoqing was triumphant and turned back to everyone, “Look, it’s vulnerable!”

However, the next moment, a powerful force shot out like an assassin in the darkness, rushing straight towards Lu Shaoqing.

The white magpie yelled, “Be careful, she’s coming…”

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