
feathers on the black magpie’s head floated, and the aura of destruction continued to diffuse.

“Click, click…” The

surrounding space cracked under this breath of destruction.

Even if this was the inside of an eighth-level magic weapon, it was difficult to withstand this terrifying aura.


Black Magpie gulped.

The black feather that floated trembled violently.

The aura of destruction erupted, sweeping towards Ji Yan like a raging wave.

Mighty, heaven and earth trembled.

Ji Yan felt a huge threat, in addition to the sacrifice god, the black magpie in front of him could be said to be the most terrifying existence he had encountered so far.

This is the Demon Township Tower, even if it is controlled by Bai Que, this is still her home field, and her strength has been increased, as if invincible.

At this time, Ji Yan did not dare to keep his hand.

Wuqiu’s sword was slowly handed out.

Unleashed his sword.

At this moment, everyone’s eyes felt the sting.

The sharp aura emanated from Ji Yan’s body, and the strong light was dazzling.

Liu Chi and Fierce Chu, the two late-stage existences of the Void Refining Void, once again felt numb.

“Sure enough, it’s the breath of the avenue.”

“Avenue rules, the ultimate edge.”

The two of them want to scold their mother a little, normal people, who will comprehend the rules of the avenue during the refining period?

At least the fit period is eligible.


Who will grasp this rule?

Xiao Yi hurriedly said to Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran, “Don’t look!”

“Close your eyes!”

“Why?” Ma Ran was curious.

Win Qiqi and Ma Ran didn’t believe it, and looked at it directly.

When he saw that Ji Yan’s sword was like a sword slashed out from an immortal above the nine heavens, the aura and power on it exceeded the ability of the two of them to bear.


The two screamed in unison, as if they had been struck by a sword, and almost passed out.

“This, this…” The

two then understood why Xiao Yi would let them stop looking.

Ji Yan’s sword occupied everyone’s hearts.

In the feeling of everyone, the breath of destruction turned into a black demon bird, coming from hell, wanting to destroy the world.

And this sword of Ji Yan turned into a divine dragon, exuding a sharp aura like the sun, which made people dare not look at it directly.


The divine dragon and the demon bird collide heavily.

The terrifying aura made the world tremble violently.

Everyone’s faces changed wildly, and they rushed towards the distance at the first time.

The terrifying aura made them dare not resist.


However, it was indeed the white magpie that was injured first.

The blood spewed out by the white magpie stained the veil red, and her eyes were shocked and she cried out in disbelief.

“No, it can’t be!”

The terrifying fluctuations quickly receded, and everyone hurriedly looked in the direction of the battlefield.

I saw a scene that made their scalps tingle again.

Black Magpie’s body was almost split in half, and the right half of her body had been split, leaving only a part of the bottom connected.

Although it did not die, it has already been hit hard.

In the air, a black feather that had broken in two.

What is even more frightening is that behind the black magpie, a neat and smooth crack is revealed.

Behind the rift came the breath of the demon world.

The space of the eighth-level magic weapon was cut through by Ji Yan’s sword.

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This scene stunned everyone.

Whether it is a white magpie or a black magpie, they are stupid.

As an instrument spirit, they themselves knew how strong the eighth-level magic weapon really was.

Here, even if it is the fit period, it may not be able to fight well.

Ji Yan can.

It can be seen from this how terrifying the sword that Ji Yan just now was.

“Ah…” After

a long time, the black magpie screamed.

She was almost split in half, and the regular power on the wound continued to attack, constantly eroding her and making her painful.

She barely allowed her body to heal, but it was difficult to expel the power above for a while.

Black Que felt as if countless sharp swords were placed in her body, constantly stabbing around her body.

“Damn, damn it!”

The black magpie’s eyes were even redder, and he was mad with hatred.

She glanced back at the rift behind her.

The rift slowly disappeared, but the Demon Zhen Tower was still injured.

Whether it was her, or Bai Que, they felt their strength plummet.

They are the spirit of the instrument, and the Demon Suppression Tower is their root.

Ji Yan’s sword pierced the Demon Township Tower, causing more damage than cutting the black magpie into ten segments and eight segments.

“I’m going to let you die!”

The black magpie’s wings spread out, and the two black feathers on the top of its head stood up again.

Bai Que raised his eyebrows, and hurriedly drank, “Do you want to die together?” ”

Again, the consequences are not something she can bear.

If you don’t die, the Demon Tower will also be hit hard, and the best result is also a rank drop.

At that time, both the white magpie and the black magpie may fall asleep or even die.

And such a result is not what the white magpie wants.

The Demon Township Tower was injured and broken, unable to maintain the Great Array.

At that time, the rampant gods will come out of trouble, and the demon race will be finished.

Bai Que only hated himself for not being able to move the battlefield outside.

It’s okay to break down outside.

Black Magpie’s expression also changed, although she was eroded and controlled by rampant gods.

But she has an independent mind and is not the kind of brainless dark monster.

She also doesn’t want to smash her body here.

Immediately regaining her sanity, she withdrew her feathers.

Bai Que breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, in this regard, Black Magpie thinks the same as her.


As soon as Bai Que’s side breathed a sigh of relief, he felt a sharp breath.

She turned her head and was about to vomit blood.

Ji Yan raised his sword and once again used that sword.

Humans, really not reliable!

The white magpie roared in his heart.

She persuaded Black Magpie here, but Ji Yan wanted to use that sword.

This sword will definitely cause damage to the Demon Town Tower again.

Bai Que wanted to grab Ji Yan and yelled and asked him which side he was.

Black Que’s side never expected that Ji Yan would actually use this trick again.

By the time she reacted, Ji Yan’s sword had already slashed up.

The terrifying sword light, the sharp sword intent surged towards her like a terrifying wave.

“Damn it!”

The breath of death made Black Magpie’s soul tremble, and greeted Bai Que loudly, “Despicable me! ”


At the moment of death, Black Magpie couldn’t care about anything.

The two black feathers above his head stood up again, and the aura of destruction erupted again…

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