
Two terrifying forces swept again, and under the continuous impact, Bai Que vomited blood again.

She felt herself hurt even more.


Bai Que shouted in his heart, knowing that this was the case, he should not trust humans.

No wonder it is always said that human beings are despicable and untrustworthy.

If the predecessors stay, they should listen.

Bai Que covered her chest here, and she already felt her strength decline rapidly.

Now her strength has dropped to the appearance of the early stage of refining.

If she continues to be injured, she will fall to the realm of Transformation God sooner or later.

Falling to the realm of the god of transformation, the chance of the rampant god getting out of trouble is greater.

“Boom…” The

terrifying explosion sound continued to echo, spreading and transmitting around.

After a few breaths, the aftermath of the battle slowly disappeared.

The figures of Ji Yan and Black Que reappeared in everyone’s sight.

The surface of the black magpie’s body was scarred, and there was still a black feather left on its head.

In the end, she still didn’t use both feathers.

Seeing this scene, everyone was surprised in their hearts.

The power of Ji Yan’s sword has decreased?

“Ha, ha…” Black Que laughed, although her voice was hoarse, everyone could hear her smugness.

“You are indeed very strong, but, haha…” Although

Black Que did not finish speaking, everyone understood what she meant.

Ji Yan’s strength has declined.

That sword was no longer as terrifying as it was just now, and it could pierce the Demon Township Tower.

Everyone looked at Ji Yan.

The white clothes on Ji Yan’s body were almost completely dyed red, and not much was white.

He was also not lightly injured.

Black feathers are the black magpie’s must-kill hole card, but they are not so easy to crack.

This time he did not cut off the feather, and the power of the black feather was eaten by him.

Seeing Ji Yan like this, Ji Chu was relieved, “This is normal.”

“The sword just now is too terrible, it is impossible to keep coming out.”

Ji Yan’s strength is not the realm of refining the nine layers of the void, but the strength he shows surpasses the realm of refining the nine layers of the void.

He had no confidence at all to be able to beat the plan.

It hit him hard.

Liu Chi also nodded and said worriedly, “The situation is not good.” ”

Although Black Que is injured, her condition is much better than Ji Yan.

After a few laughs, Black Que’s tone was full of resentment, “This time, I see how you still resist.” She

was full of hatred, and she couldn’t wait to use her pair of bird claws to tear Ji Yan to pieces.


She turned into a black lightning bolt again.

She cut through the air, as if breaking the calm lake, setting off earth-shattering waves and surging.


This time, her speed slowed down.

Although fast, compared to the speed that was almost like teleportation before, her speed is now like a child’s running.

Like Liu Chi and Qiqi, they can capture the trajectory of black magpies.

The black magpie turned into a black shadow, like a sharp sword tearing through the air and killing Ji Yan.

In the face of the attack of the black magpie, Ji Yan just stood quietly in place, motionless.

Everyone who saw this scene couldn’t help but shake their heads.

A thought arose in my mind at the same time.

It’s over.

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They all thought that Ji Yan was seriously injured and had no time to react.

Liu Chi said to Qiu Chu, “Let’s get ready.”

“Even if she fights our old life, we must defeat her and let the seniors recover.”

He nodded heavily.

He had already put his life and death on the line if he stayed here.

However, he was also cunning, and he whispered, “When her vigilance relaxes, we will strike together.” As

for when his vigilance would be relaxed, he didn’t say, but Liu Chi understood.

The moment Black Que hit Ji Yan, it was the most relaxed.

In this way, Ji Yan’s life and death are unpredictable, but it is the best opportunity for the two of them.

Liu Chi did not have any opposition, and at this point, any step advantage could determine the outcome of the battle.

In order to be able to defeat Black Magpie, he could only sell Ji Yan.

Black Que saw that Ji Yan did not make any movement and became excited.

She stared at Ji Yan deadly, and roared secretly in her heart.

Close, near….

This time, she must tear Ji Yan to pieces.

However, when her gaze met Ji Yan’s gaze, her heart jumped.

Ji Yan’s gaze stared at her, his gaze clear.

Such a gaze made Black Que have a bad thought in his heart.

But at this time, she had already killed in front of Ji Yan.


Black Magpie roared again, suppressing the uneasiness in his heart and exerting his strength fiercely.

Next moment!

A bright light flashed, stung the black magpie’s eyes.

A blue figure appeared from behind Ji Yan, like a shrew cursing the street, scolding and cursing, “Bastard, also said master, don’t you want me to wipe your ass?” ”


The swaying long sword, like a mortal battle, pierced straight into the chest of the black magpie.

The sword light was like a dragon, and the erupting sword intent enveloped the black magpie.


The black magpie who was attacked by the sneak attack screamed, and after being jumped off a large piece of flesh and blood, and spilling a large piece of black blood, it quickly collapsed.

“Three-haired bird, black magpie, don’t run!”

“Let me rip off your bird feathers.”

“Black or something, it’s the most annoying…”

Lu Shaoqing shot out from behind Ji Yan and chased after the black magpie.

This scene stunned Bai Que and other monster beasts.

Only Xiao Yi had a calm face.

Especially Xiao Yi, who smiled happily.

The two senior brothers really have a clear heart, and they don’t need to say anything at all, and they have a tacit understanding.

Alas, so, Sister Yunxin, Sister Meng Xiao, they have to work hard and work hard.

The white magpie’s forehead was bruised.

Three-haired bird?

Black Magpie?

Do you want to add an extra white magpie?

Also, pickpocket feathers?

Do you want to rip off my clothes?

Humans, indeed, hate it.

No manners at all.


Seeing Lu Shaoqing appear, Bai Que and the others hurriedly turned their gaze to the other side.

Lu Shaoqing had just gone to deal with the three monsters of the refining period.

Because the battle between Ji Yan and Black Que attracted their attention, they completely forgot about Lu Shaoqing and the three monsters.

By the time they looked, the three refining period monsters had already disappeared, as if they had never appeared…

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