
Among the countless black lightning, Hong Heng let out a scream.

It has nowhere to escape under the black lightning shrouded.

Each black lightning bolt can tear part of its body.

The part that was torn off turned into pure energy and was devoured by Lu Shaoqing.

Under the trade-off, Hong Heng became weaker and weaker.

It was afraid, changed back into human form, and begged for mercy, “Gongzi, I was wrong, spare your life!”

“Please, spare your life!”

Hong Heng, who changed back to human form, looked pitiful again.

In the face of black lightning, even if she was the most advanced existence of the Extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon, she had no way to resist it.

The extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon actually gave birth to such an existence, which is no different from humans.

It also made Lu Shaoqing very curious about what kind of level Hongheng was.

But, as Lu Shaoqing said before.

In the face of safety, curiosity dies.

He nodded, “Yes, I’ll release you now.”

Hong Heng’s heart relaxed, and he felt that the power of the black lightning around him seemed to weaken.

She was fierce in her heart, waiting, when I have the opportunity I will definitely kill you.

She had even planned to find the right opportunity to strike at Lu Shaoqing again.

However, as soon as her side was fierce in her heart, when she relaxed slightly, the black lightning above her head fell again.

This time, more in number and more powerful than before.


Hongheng reacted, she was fooled.

In the midst of the rumbling sound, lightning fell, like a knife, constantly cutting off the flesh and blood of Hong Heng.

In the end, the red heng, which was like a cloud, was cut to a small blob.

This small group seems to be its core.

Dark red, constantly wriggling, like a ball of meat.

There are also eyes and a mouth on it.

“I fought with you!”

The voice is no longer a female voice, nor is it like a male voice.

The sharp shouts of neither men nor women made Lu Shaoqing shiver.

Then a terrifying aura began to pervade.

Seeing this, Lu Shaoqing shouted angrily, “Lean, self-detonating soldiers?

“I hate self-detonators the most.”

Lu Shaoqing did not dare to delay, and immediately let the ball of light act.

As soon as his mind moved, a ray of light descended from the sky and shrouded the meat ball.


The color of the meat ball turned white, and then it began to dissipate, and the huge and pure energy diffused, and finally dissipated in Lu Shaoqing’s sea of knowledge.

In fact, it has been devoured by Lu Shaoqing.


The sea suddenly sounded the sound of waves, and then the entire space shook.

The golden ball of light rotated faster, and the golden light spread throughout the sea of knowledge.

Lu Shaoqing sat in the sky with his eyes closed.

His sea of knowledge is expanding, changing dramatically.

If you can see Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense, you will find that his divine sense is increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After cultivating the Divine Shocking Technique, Lu Shaoqing’s divine sense had already become very terrifying.

Now it’s even better.

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Although the previous divine consciousness was powerful, it was still a little worse than the merging period, and now it is a comparable existence.

I don’t know how long it took, but the sea gradually calmed down.

Lu Shaoqing opened his eyes, and there was no wave in his eyes.

This time, not only has his divine consciousness been improved, but his own realm has also been improved.

From the middle six-layer realm to the late seven-layer realm.

Lu Shaoqing exhaled and showed a satisfied smile.

“If only it had been like this all the time, and there would be a few more chicks.”

Lu Shaoqing now very much hopes to have a few more existences like Hongheng.

As long as he defeats and devours, he will step into the merging period just around the corner.

Unfortunately, this kind of thing can only be thought of.

Devouring Hongheng, he also knew Hongheng’s identity and some things.

“The biggest leader of the Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon?”

“The king who came with the meteorite?”

“A big fish, I killed it like that?”

Lu Shaoqing muttered, his face a little surprised.

Hong Heng is the true Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon King and the only king.

Those outside who were outside the city were just a little stronger.

Hong Heng is also the only existence among all the extraterrestrial heavenly demons who has complete consciousness.

As for why the extraterrestrial Heavenly Demon fell into the demon realm, Lu Shaoqing didn’t know.

But guessing how much should have something to do with rampant gods.

Pull the extraterritorial meteorite over, and finally erode the extraterritorial heavenly demon to become his minions.

Hongheng is no exception, becoming the number one horse boy of rampant gods.

Later, Hongheng gradually got rid of the control of the rampant gods and hid here.

As Hongheng said, she is indeed inseparable from being trapped here.

The black mist outside traps this place, and if Hong Heng dares to touch it, it will be eroded again.

So, she needs a carrier to get out of here.

And Lu Shaoqing is undoubtedly the perfect carrier, not afraid of black mist.

So Hongheng did not hesitate to make a move to lure Lu Shaoqing here.

“It’s me who is a loss, if it were someone else, it would definitely be recruited.” Lu Shaoqing couldn’t help but be afraid in his heart.

Lu Shaoqing turned his storage ring again.

This time, I still got a reminder from the little brother of the dead ghost.

Hong Heng is the king of the extraterrestrial heavenly devil, and his strength is undoubtedly the strongest.

Illusion is also a first-class existence, and Lu Shaoqing has been hit twice.

In other words, someone else has long died, I don’t know how many times.

However, once it was recognized, the combat effectiveness was halved and it was easily cleaned up by Lu Shaoqing.

Although it is very dangerous, after devouring Hong Heng, he has gained great benefits.

The realm is raised, and the state of mind is further advanced.


Lu Shaoqing’s right hand opened, and a red filament appeared in the palm of his hand.

Like a parasite, he kept squirming on the palm of his hand, struggling, trying to escape from here.

This is the deepest existence in the body of Hongheng.

When the red heng was devoured to the end, it wanted to escape the moment it appeared.

However, the golden ball of light was imprisoned and fell into Lu Shaoqing’s hands.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t recognize what this thing was, but he had an understanding in his heart, letting him know what it was.


Lu Shaoqing muttered, and finally the ball of light appeared on his head, shrouded in light, the red filament struggled twice, the light flashed, and finally was swallowed.

Lu Shaoqing’s body shook suddenly, his eyes suddenly turned into yin and yang patterns, and the world became a black and white world.

At the same time, the outside world suddenly had a fierce wind, dark clouds, and a huge thunder fell…

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