
side of the Demon Tower.

Bai Que felt the crack being closed, and her face was beaming.

Tell the crowd the news.

Everyone was overjoyed.

However, everyone’s expressions were different.

The people on Shao Cheng’s side, Ji Yan, and Xiao Yi were very calm, with a natural expression on their faces.

Lu Shaoqing made a move, and they never doubted its outcome.

And Liu Chi, Fierce Chu, Win Qiqi, and Ma Ran were happy, showing unnatural expressions.

They never expected that Lu Shaoqing could really do this.

The problem that had plagued Bai Que for hundreds of years was solved by Lu Shaoqing.

To a small extent, Lu Shaoqing is Bai Que’s lifesaver.

In a big way, Lu Shaoqing is the lifesaver of the demon race.

“Big black bear, how’s it going?” Xiao Yi asked proudly, “Are you still questioning my second senior brother?” ”

Fierce Chu’s face is ugly, his face is black, and he really looks like a big black bear.

But he is also a person who can afford to put it down.

He has an opinion about Lu Shaoqing, but he will not deny Lu Shaoqing’s credit.

He said unpleasantly, “Even if I have eyes, I don’t know Tarzan.” The

tone was tough, but the attitude was soft.

Seeing this, Shao Cheng immediately reprimanded Xiao Yi with a smile, “It’s not big or small.”

Then he said to the murderer, “Seniors don’t have to be like this, that kid won’t care, don’t pay attention to it.” Everyone

was speechless.

You said this before Qiqi spoke, and there were still people who believed it.

Although Xiao Yi was reprimanded, he laughed so much that he was happy.

She calculated with her fingers, and then asked Shao Cheng, “Master, when the second senior brother returns, shall we return to the sect?”

Shao Cheng nodded, “It’s time to go back.” ”

I came here in the demon realm thinking that I could quickly improve my strength, but I couldn’t catch up with the two apprentices.

Shao Cheng also gave up.

Let it be.

Anyway, the apprentices have a chance.

The demon world is so dangerous, it’s better to go back quickly.

You can’t put your apprentices in danger because of yourself.

Liu Chi looked at Xiaohong, “How many of them?” ”

Little Red’s talent goes without saying.

Even if the blood is not smooth, but the talent is amazing, it is the future treasure of the bird clan.

And the two little guys of Dabai and Xiaobai are also a batch of fierce.

The same is the treasure of the beast race.

As for Xiao Hei, the looming coercion made Liu Chi’s heart beat faster from time to time.

Whether it is the bird tribe or the beast clan, these little guys are the treasures of the demon clan.

The future is the mainstay of the demon race.

Liu Chi didn’t want them to follow back.

Bai Que’s thoughts were similar to Liu Chi’s, and she said lightly, “Let them stay here, I’ll teach them well.” ”

Being able to sacrifice his life to suppress here, Bai Que needless to say about the heart of the demon clan.

Xiao Yi spread his hands, “I have to ask my second senior brother about this.”

“But you have to ask them, if they want to stay here, they will stay, otherwise no one can force them.”

Xiaohong said, “I’m willing to stay.”

“I want to cultivate well and help the boss grab the spirit stone in the future.”

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Follow the boss and don’t suffer losses, but the boss’s strength has increased too fast.

In the demon world, there are exercises that are more suitable for demon beast cultivation.

Bai Que was silent, and Liu Chi was speechless.

The two became deeply worried.

This guy won’t be the scourge of the demon race in the future.

And Ying Qiqi and Ma Ran had bright eyes and smiled unconsciously.

Everyone was talking here, and as time passed, everyone felt that something was wrong.

A day or two passed, and Lu Shaoqing was still not seen back.

The crack has already closed, what about Lu Shaoqing?

Bai Que felt it, and her face suddenly sank, “People, it’s gone!” ”


Everyone came to the location where the crack was, which had already recovered as before, and Lu Shaoqing was nowhere to be seen.

“What about people?”

Shao Cheng frowned, extremely worried.

Bai Que felt it carefully, and finally she shook her head, “He is no longer here in the Demon Township Tower.”

“Where did you go?” Shao Cheng was even more worried, and even wanted to curse, “Bastard boy, always do things like this, can’t you say a word?” ”

It’s really tiring to be the master of the bastard boy.

Xiao Yi couldn’t help but guess, “Second Senior Brother won’t go into the crack, right?” ”

Is there anything good in it?”

Shao Cheng was speechless, “What is he going to do?” Where is there anything but rampant gods? Ji

Yan affirmed, “He should have fallen into it.” ”

There is no benefit, Lu Shaoqing will definitely not enter the crack.

Besides, what good can there be in the cracks?

A rampant god inside was enough for Lu Shaoqing to avoid.

With Jiyan’s understanding of Lu Shaoqing, he must have entered involuntarily.

Shao Cheng was nervous, “Shouldn’t it be dangerous?” ”

Rampant god, this is the existence of the Mahayana period, and a breath can blow that bastard boy to death.

Ji Yan looked at the location where the crack disappeared, and didn’t know what he was thinking, and after a while, he said, “If an ordinary person goes down, he must die, and if he goes down, it’s hard to say.”

“At least, better than anyone else’s chance of survival.”

Ji Yan even wanted to say that except for Lu Shaoqing, everyone else would have to die.

“Master, what now?” Xiao Yi also tensed up.

The second senior brother won’t want to break into the dragon’s den alone and kill the rampant god in one fell swoop, right?

What is the difference between breaking into the dragon’s den alone and going to the lair of the gods?

It can even be said to be more dangerous.

The existence of the Mahayana period, this is the most powerful existence that this world can accommodate.

No matter how strong it is, it has to soar.

Whether it is the thirteen states of the human world, or the cold star of the demon world, or here in the demon world, the Mahayana period can be called a god-like existence.

Xiao Yi did not think that his second senior brother was so good that he could kill the Mahayana period.

Go in to find the rampant god, I am afraid that it is not to improve the food for the rampant god.

Where is Shao Cheng any way, he is also bitter, whenever these things, his master seems very powerless.

“Let’s go out and see the situation first.”

Shao Cheng thought for a while, and said to Bai Que, “Senior, I still want to open the door.” ”

This is very simple for the white magpie who has regained control of the Demon Township Tower.

Without even having to move, open the door directly in front of them.

After everyone came out, suddenly there was a fierce wind around them, dark clouds in the sky, and silver snakes rushing around.

It was as if the sky was falling, and a huge sense of oppression enveloped everyone…

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