See your apprentice being overwhelmed by golden lightning.

Shao Cheng instantly felt that he was a hundred years old.

It was as if his strength had been drained.

Muttering, “Silly child, why don’t you hide?”

“Why not try to resist?”

Even if you can’t cope, you should try to resist.

Resist, maybe there is still a chance.

Are you stupid enough to meet lightning and look for death?

Ji Yan’s gaze looked over, “Concern is chaos.”

“He’s not dead.”

Not dead?

Shao Cheng was stunned.

Liu Chi next to him, several demon beasts were also stunned.


Such a big, so thick, such a terrifying lightning fell, and it still couldn’t kill him?

Liu Chi and several demon beasts couldn’t help but secretly shake their heads.

Ji Yan, who is a senior brother, is also concerned about chaos.

All started talking nonsense.

“Let’s recognize reality.” Fierce Chu felt that he should have a big heart, after all, he was also a human who had sweated and shed blood for the demon race.

People have been chopped off, and there is no need to linger.

He comforted Shao Cheng’s master and apprentice, “People cannot be resurrected after death, and mourn.”

Xiao Yi wrinkled his nose and said very unpleasantly, “Big black bear, what do you understand?” Didn’t see it. ”


Fierce Chu took a deep breath, a dead senior brother, his tone was very strong, understandable.

Not angry, not angry.

Not with a little girl.

Qiu showed a sympathetic expression, a look I understood, “It’s normal that it’s hard to accept.”

Xiao Yi said unpleasantly again, “Big dog bear, if you don’t speak, no one will treat you as a dumb.” ”


Also upgraded the title?

Big Bear?

This cannot be tolerated.

Old bear, how can someone call a dog bear?

“Girl,” Fierce Chu glared at Xiao Yi angrily, “I’m kind, don’t take your kindness as a donkey’s liver and lungs.” ”

Cut, kind?” Xiao Yi grimaced at Chu, “You are cursing my second senior brother, less pretending to be a good person here.”

“You’re not just a bear, you’re a bad bear.”

Fierce and angry, all like this, still unwilling to accept the facts?

Your second senior brother, that bastard boy, has already been chopped into slag.

Fierce Chu was about to refute, and suddenly Win Qiqi and Ma Ran exclaimed in unison, “This, impossible!”

At the same time, Lu Shaoqing’s voice came over.

“Depend, it hurts me.”

Fierce Chu followed the prestige and froze suddenly.

He also subconsciously shouted, “No, it can’t be!

He rubbed his eyes again, suspecting that he was injured and old enough to have problems with his eyesight.

But after repeated confirmation, Qiqi had to believe it.

Lu Shaoqing not only did not die, but was still alive.

You can tell by listening to his breathless scolding voice.


“Acquaintances still give such a cruel hand, as for?”

“I didn’t do anything, I didn’t get a single spirit stone, do you need to split me like this?”

“Don’t do business, stare at me all day to split, I call you brother, what else do you want?”

Liu Chi, Fierce Chu, Win Qiqi, and Ma Ran looked at Lu Shaoqing, who pointed at the sky and scolded his mother, all dumbfounded.

The first time I saw such a fierce person.

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What exactly did you eat and grow up?

Liu Chi suddenly felt relieved.

The bastard boy turned out to be not only rude to him, but also rude.

He treats everyone like that.

Even the heavens were scolded by him like this.

He is a mortal, what else does he mind so much?

Xiao Yi said proudly to the murderer, “How is it?” Big Bear, do you have anything else to say? ”

Fierce and angry.

Human beings are rude.

“He still dares to provoke so crazy now, don’t be overly proud, happy and sad.”

Fierce Chu is now desperate for the lightning above to slash Lu Shaoqing to death.

Lu Shaoqing pulled his hair here, and he ate the lightning bolt just now.

Although most of it is absorbed by the mixed balls in the body, the pain is inevitable.

The hair was electrocuted into a wavy head.

The anger in Lu Shaoqing’s heart.

Isn’t it just a filament?

As for the need to chop him like this?

“Is it okay to leave some strength against others?”

“Now that everyone is easy to cultivate, the realm has improved too quickly, when crossing the calamity, you don’t split them a few more times and add a little test to them, how can you withstand their painstaking cultivation?”

In the distance, the crowd was covered with black lines.

It’s so cheap.

Fierce Chu sneered, “Naive, he thought he could communicate with the heavens?

Shao Cheng didn’t believe it either, he couldn’t help but stomp his foot and scolded, “Bastard, what is he doing?” ”

Didn’t chop you to death, don’t know how to keep a low profile?


Another golden lightning fell.

Lu Shaoqing still did not dodge, and was struck again and smashed heavily into the ground.

Lu Shaoqing climbed out and spat out a puff of smoke.

The 100,000-volt thief is particularly energetic.

Lu Shaoqing looked down at his exposed arm, and the hair on it was curly.

However, although he is numb with electricity.

But the golden ball of light in the body is delicious.

Lu Shaoqing looked inside and found that his mixed ball was shining brighter.

As soon as his heart moved, a force came from the golden ball of light, and a lightning bolt actually appeared in Lu Shaoqing’s hand.

Not black, not gold, but a faint red, even a little unreal, there is a feeling of not very real.

Lightning hovered in his hand, like a nimble little snake.

However, the surrounding space is faintly distorted, as if it will collapse at any time.

I rub!

Lu Shaoqing was shocked in his heart, he just absorbed a small rule, how did he become so strong?

After thinking about it, my heart moved again.

Another force emerged from the ball of light, and a golden lightning bolt of the same size appeared.

Both lightning bolts are relatively illusory.

Lu Shaoqing had a realization in his heart that once certain rules were collected, qualitative changes would occur.

Then, Lu Shaoqing’s wrist shook slightly, and a third black lightning bolt appeared in his hand.

And this time the lightning bolt is black.

The black lightning appeared thick, real, a solid lightning bolt.

Black, gold, and red are clearly distinguished, do not interfere with each other, but there is a tendency to faintly want to merge.

Three rays of lightning were in his hand, like a large or small spirit snake hovering in his hand.

Lu Shaoqing looked at the three lightning bolts and fell into sadness.

Sister, this painting style is even more biased.

Although it was sadness, Lu Shaoqing had a feeling that if he wanted to, he could create a terrifying lightning.

Of course, this is also related to his realm strength and internal mixing.

Shao Cheng saw Lu Shaoqing bowing his head and silent, he couldn’t help but worry, “Is he okay?”

“That’s all, hurry up and find a way to get out…”

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