The dark clouds in the sky have not yet dispersed, and lightning is still shuttling through the clouds.

The terrifying coercion still pervades heaven and earth.

Shao Cheng didn’t want Lu Shaoqing to be slashed again.

If you continue to chop it down, maybe the next moment the people will be gone.

Liu Chi couldn’t help but speak, “It’s unbelievable.” ”

It can bring golden lightning down from heaven, and it can also carry golden lightning.”

It was the first time he had seen such a person.

The horror of golden lightning can be known even if you don’t experience it yourself.

Anyway, Liu Chi thought that he went up and was beaten, and he was sure that he would be wiped out and would have no chance to reincarnate.

Lu Shaoqing can carry it, and he is still alive.

Human beings are indeed a race favored by the Dao of Heaven, and geniuses and demons are emerging one after another.

While sighing, he also agreed with Shao Cheng’s words, “Brother Shao is right, you have to find a way.”

Qiu Chu snorted and said unpleasantly, “It’s best to lower your head now, don’t drag it so much…” Before

the words were finished, Lu Shaoqing’s shout came from a distance, “Didn’t eat?”

“With some force…”

Fierce Chu’s face turned red, and he almost spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Liu Chi and the others were also speechless.


Shao Cheng was even more angry and wanted to rush over and beat this bastard apprentice fiercely.

God opened his eyes, did not chop you to death, you are already lucky.

You actually dare to provoke back.

You think you’re already invincible?

“Bastard, what does he want to do?”

Shao Cheng stomped his foot in anger, “He’s tired of living, isn’t he?”

Xiao Yi blinked his eyes wordlessly and said to Shao Cheng, “Master, the second senior brother is often like this.

“Master, you have to remind him.”

Ji Yan turned his head and looked over.

When did this girl become so cunning?

When Shao Cheng heard this, he was even more angry, and he often did this?

So angry that he gritted his teeth, “When he comes back, we must teach him a good lesson.” ”

Messing around, how can it make sense.”

“Have you forgotten what you usually said?”

Be strict with others and lenient with yourself.

Ji Yan interjected, “You want to teach him a lesson? It takes a hundred times as hard.

In a word, he immediately hit Shao Cheng to the point that he didn’t want it.

Qianlang died on the mountain stall.

He, who was a master, was already deeply behind his apprentice.

Ji Yan was right, he wanted to teach Lu Shaoqing a lesson, but he really just talked.

Unless Lu Shaoqing took the initiative to come over.

Shao Cheng changed the topic with the trend, “Is he tired of living like this?”

Fierce Chu immediately agreed next to him, “Yes, I’m tired of living.” ”

Grandma Li.

First time to see such rampant guys.

Humanity is really arrogant.

The tail is cocked up, I don’t know how high the sky is and the earth is thick?

Keep your profile low-key, you’re looking for death.

Sure enough, it seemed that he was further angered by Lu Shaoqing.

The dark clouds in the sky rolled again.


Golden lightning fell, shocking everyone.

“Two, two?”

Everyone’s scalp was numb.

Lu Shaoqing was also stunned.

Groove, play big!

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Lu Shaoqing hurriedly shouted, “Wrong, wrong, I was wrong!” ”

Two golden lightning bolts are like two golden dragons descending from the sky.

One left and one right outflanked Lu Shaoqing.

The air cracked again, and countless cracks filled the sky.

From a distance, it looks like a mirror full of cracks.


Lu Shaoqing was once again hit the ground.

Countless thunderbolts raged on the earth, destroying everything in their path.

The earth shook again, this time even more so than before.

The Demon Town Tower swayed, and the light was uncertain.

Finally, the light on the ground went out, and the figure of the white magpie appeared.

As soon as she appeared, she vomited several mouthfuls of blood in front of everyone.

The Demon Town Tower, which had been suppressed here straight, became crooked, looking like it would collapse at any time.


Liu Chi and the others were shocked.

Bai Que’s expression was gloomy, and she looked at the earth like a thunder pond in the distance, her face full of despair.

“The Great Array has broken seven or eight percent, and the rampant gods below will break the seal at any time.”

Rampant gods appeared, and the demon world was in danger.

Everyone was shocked.

The rampant gods broke the seal and appeared, and these people could not resist it at all.


The shaking of the earth slowly stopped, and the golden thunder in the distance gradually dissipated.

After the thunder disappeared, everyone looked and saw no trace of Lu Shaoqing.

The earth over there is crisscrossed by ravines, cracks crisscrossed, as if ploughed.

People, gone?

After everyone watched for a long time, they did not see Lu Shaoqing.

Just when everyone thought that Lu Shaoqing was gone, Lu Shaoqing crawled out from the ground.

This time, he looked even worse and more embarrassed.

The clothes were tattered, like beggars, covered in black smoke.

The hair became an explosive head, and the roots were bent.

Lu Shaoqing got up, but his eyes brightened.

The golden ball of light devoured more lightning, and it bloomed like the sun in his sea of knowledge.

“Come, go on!”

Lu Shaoqing couldn’t care about the paralysis and pain in his body, and continued to roar at the sky, “Use more force, don’t let me look down on you.” ”

And yet!

“Whew…” As

soon as the wind blew, the dark clouds in the sky began to dissipate, and countless lightning bolts disappeared with it.

Heaven and earth return to calm.

Lu Shaoqing was stunned, just like that?


Lu Shaoqing despised it, and finally changed his clothes and came to the bottom of the lake just now.

The huge meteorite has been split to pieces.

Only a stone the size of a head remained in place.

The stones are well angled, and each diagonal is shiny and crystal clear.

The surface is reflective, similar to the diamonds that Lu Shaoqing has seen in his previous life.

Lying there quietly, he exuded a faint coercion.

Lu Shaoqing’s eyes lit up, such a stone is at least a material of level seven or above.

“Sent it!”

Mo Jun jumped out again and stared at the stone with drool, “Boss, I want to eat.”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t say a word to eject it, “Mixed account, I know how to eat, can I think for the boss, I am starving to death.” ”

Grade seven materials, maybe you can use them later.

In case there are no spirit stones to use, it is okay to take them out and exchange them for some spirit stones.

Lu Shaoqing wanted to put it away, but found that it didn’t move.

“Boss, I’ll come…” Without saying a word, Mo Jun immediately lay on the stone and gnawed wildly….

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