Lu Shaoqing checked it and found the reason why the meteorite could not be taken out.

Meteorites have been combined with large underground arrays.

As if taking root and germinating, it became one with the Great Array.

If you want to take it, you have to crack the big array.

At the same time, a patch of black had appeared underneath.

A stalemate with red forms a standoff.

It seems to be pure black, exuding a strange aura.

Lu Shaoqing only glanced at it and knew that this was being eroded by the rampant gods of suppression.


Lu Shaoqing muttered.

The rampant god made two preparations.

Erode the Demon Tower, but also erode the meteorite.

I intend to grasp both hands together.

The extraterritorial Heavenly Demon King Hongheng later got rid of the control of the rampant gods

, but it seems that without Lu Shaoqing’s appearance, it is estimated that Hongheng will be eroded again sooner or later.

Lu Shaoqing also felt the state of the large array, which was already a candle in the wind.

“It seems that the suppression will not last long.”

Lu Shaoqing sighed.

The golden lightning not only slashed him, but also affected the Great Array of Suppressing Rampant Gods.

How long the large array can support now, even Lu Shaoqing is not sure.

“Trouble, it’s better to take Master home and forget it.”

“Rampant gods or something, I can’t care. The main thing is that it can’t be beaten. ”

Lu Shaoqing didn’t plan to continue to help deal with the rampant gods.

Even if the injury is suppressed and the peak strength is not restored, the rampant god is at least in the merging period.


For the safety of life, it is better to hurry home.

Lu Shaoqing patted Mo Jun and pulled Mo Jun back.

“Gone, can’t finish eating.”

Although this meteorite is very heartwarming, not only can it not be taken away, but it is also something that suppresses the rampant gods.

Take it, or eat it, and the rampant gods below are estimated to break out of the shell immediately.

Can’t afford to mess with, can’t afford to mess with.

Mo Jun chewed with a big mouth, each holding a large piece in his hand.

In just a short time, the head-sized meteorite has been gnawed by it to half of it.

There are still a few bites to gnaw the black area.

Looking at the black area seems to start spreading.

Lu Shaoqing didn’t dare to stay longer, stepped on it, and the surrounding dirt rumbled and buried the place.

No matter how you look at it, there is a kind of thief with a weak heart and destroying corpses.

Lu Shaoqing returned to everyone.

Without saying a word, Shao Cheng immediately rushed over and slapped Lu Shaoqing.

“Bastard, looking for death?”

Lu Shaoqing touched his head and muttered, “Isn’t this okay?” Shao

Cheng was angry.

“And say? When you have something, you regret it too late.

After speaking, he wanted to slap Lu Shaoqing, but Lu Shaoqing hurriedly dodged.

With so many people, it will be faceless to fight again.

“Master, are you angry about something? Came to the demon world, it has been so long, your heart has not yet been settled?

Ji Yan said coldly, “I can’t settle down, I almost scared him to death just now.”

Shao Cheng disagreed with Ji Yan’s statement, “How can I be scared to death, I am just worried about this bastard kid.”

Lu Shaoqing shook his head, looking disappointed, “Master, I’m also your apprentice, so you have so little confidence in me?”

“No, Junior Sister will write 100,000 words of experience at that time, and you have to tutor her.”

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Shao Cheng’s face immediately changed.

Saying that it is tutoring, in fact, is also asking him to write along.

Shao Cheng glared at Lu Shaoqing, I really thank you.

I haven’t seen you for so long, just give me this hand when you meet?


Shao Cheng wanted to hit people even more.

Lu Shaoqing said to Ji Yan, “Do you agree?” Ji

Yan nodded, “That’s how it should be.”

“Since you have tutored, add tens of thousands of words.”

Lu Shaoqing smiled and agreed very much, “That’s right, let’s make up a round number, 150,000 words.”

Shao Cheng’s face collapsed on the spot.

The two apprentices joined forces, and even the master could not resist.

He looked at the little apprentice, unloveable, “What did you do?” ”

What the hell did you do to anger people and provoke both of them.

All of his own apprentices are better than blue.

The little apprentice can provoke two senior brothers at once, and he is even better than himself.

I didn’t dare to provoke the two of them at once.

Speaking of sad things, Xiao Yi immediately burst into tears, and she didn’t want to speak.

I thought that finding the master, with the master’s help to intercede, could reduce some of the experience.

Unexpectedly, she was just watching from the side, and the disaster fell from the sky, adding another 50,000 words.

I’m wronged.

Xiao Yi wanted to hold Shao Cheng and cry.

Lu Shaoqing ignored the two, his gaze fell on the Demon Town Tower, and his eyebrows were raised, “What’s going on?”

“Get a leaning tower, are you going to make a tourist attraction?”

“Genius business acumen, seniors are mighty, when the time comes, don’t forget to divide my points when you earn spirit stones.”

Bai Que couldn’t help it, “Why didn’t you get killed by lightning?” ”

The Demon Town Tower is broken, the large array is broken, and the rampant gods will get out of trouble at any time.

With all these pressures, Bai Que could no longer bear it.

What seniors, to hell with it.

I’m just an instrument spirit, and I just want to curse now.

“What the hell did you do?”

Bai Que huffed, and the seniors of this level were angry, just like a little girl.

The voice was sharp, ready to bite, “You tell me clearly.” ”

It doesn’t matter if you split you, it doesn’t matter if I split you to ashes.

Split you into ashes, and my demon world can also erect a monument for the descendants of my demon clan to admire.

But you guy, you didn’t get killed by lightning.

It also hurt me.

Thunder will not kill you, it will cut me, and the great array will collapse.

What’s going on?

Bai Que only hated that she was not in the period of fit, otherwise she would have to hang Lu Shaoqing well and torture her.

Everyone also looked at Lu Shaoqing, and the people and beasts present wanted to know what happened.

Under everyone’s gaze, Lu Shaoqing showed a sad look, sighed faintly, and then spread his hands, looking very innocent, “I don’t know.”

“I didn’t do anything and died unjustly.”

“You don’t know? You didn’t do anything?

The first one couldn’t help it, and roared, “Do you treat us all as fools?

“You didn’t do anything, there will be lightning slashing you?”

You little bastard has definitely done something that hurts heaven and reason, otherwise God can’t see it.

Lu Shaoqing looked at Qiu Chu and said a little angrily, “My eldest brother, just kid me, can’t you?”

“Your big brother? Who? ”

Heavenly Dao….”

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