“Your eldest brother is Heavenly Dao?”

Fierce laughed angrily.

“It’s your big brother, then I’m still his dad.”

Lu Shaoqing was angry, “Depend, big black bear, did you take advantage of my head?”

After speaking, he roared at the heavens, “Big brother, split him.” ”

The golden ball of light in the body is quietly running.


A bolt of lightning fell from the sky and smashed straight on the murderous head.


Even Lu Shaoqing was secretly surprised in his heart.

Your sister, really?

Lu Shaoqing knew that the mixed ball in his body was definitely a little bit out of touch with the above.

When crossing the robbery, you can ask the above to give face.

Absorbed that red rule, more face-giving?

And everyone else was dumbfounded.

Even Ji Yan was secretly surprised.

Did his junior brother touch the ass of Heavenly Dao and reach some kind of deal?

Xiaohong couldn’t help but ask Xiao Yi, “I’ll go, uncle, what has the boss done all these years?”

Xiao Yi herself was also shocked, but she already had immunity, and she said happily while admiring the expressions of the people around her, “There are more things to do, and I will tell you when I have time.” Win

Qiqi and Ma Ran both knelt again.

Kneel down and worship.

Can someone actually communicate with Heavenly Dao?

Is this something that people can do?

As for the murderer, he was already scared half to death.

Normal cultivators are 100% in awe of the Heavenly Dao.

Even those who shout all day against the sky.

“You, you…”

Fierce Chu looked at Lu Shaoqing, and his heart was shocked and angry.

This bastard kid is terrible.

Lu Shaoqing glared at him, “So, you treat me with respect.”

“Heavenly Dao is my brother, and all of you are covered by my brother.”

“If you know each other, obediently hand over your spirit stone to honor my brother.”

He stretched out his hand to Qiu Chu and beckoned, “Take it, I’ll keep it for my brother.”


Another bolt of lightning fell, this time on Lu Shaoqing’s head.

Electrocuted his hard-to-smooth hair again.

“I’m going, I’m sick! Cut the wrong person!

Lu Shaoqing was like a dog with a quick eye, raised his head and roared at it, “What’s wrong with me ordering spirit stones?”

“You’re clear, I’m starving to death.”

The dark clouds in the sky completely dissipated, and the sky was clear.

Shao Cheng was so frightened that he rushed over and slapped Lu Shaoqing.

“Shit, shut up for me.”

Shao Cheng was once again scared to death.

Lu Shaoqing touched his head and muttered unpleasantly, “It chopped me, and I am not allowed to scold him?”

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“Are only the governors allowed to set fires, and the people are not allowed to light lamps?”

“Split me again and again, all dissipated, and you have to chop me, chop people around me a few times, isn’t it good?”

Bai Que, Liu Chi, and even Qiu Chu were thoughtful after listening to it.

Shao Cheng also understood, and immediately slapped Lu Shaoqing again, “Bastard, were you talking nonsense just now?”

“The black cloud above is still there, and the falling lightning is just a coincidence?”

“It’s bad luck to stay with you.”

Lu Shaoqing flatly denied, “No, Heavenly Dao is my brother.” ”

Mess, this kind of thing, don’t talk nonsense.” Shao Cheng raised his hand viciously, “Be in awe of the Heavenly Dao.” Fierce

Chu put down his heart and secretly sighed with relief.

It scares me to death old bear.

Lu Shaoqing saw all the thoughtful expressions of Bai Que and the others, and he said, “Master, let’s get out of here.” ”

It’s too dangerous here, and the rampant gods don’t know when they will come out, or sneak away first.”

Bai Que frowned and asked again, “What the hell did you do?”

Lu Shaoqing spread his hands and said honestly, “I really don’t know, it’s better than, senior, you ask about it?”

After speaking, he pointed to the sky.

Bai Que was helpless, she asked a fart.

Even if Tiandao was conscious, she didn’t dare to ask.

Taking a deep breath, she suppressed her anger and bowed deeply to Lu Shaoqing, “Gongzi, I hope you can help me.”

Lu Shaoqing hurriedly jumped to the side and shook his head repeatedly, “Senior, you think too highly of me.”

“Now in this situation, there’s nothing I can do.”

“You better find someone else.”

Bai Que was disappointed in her heart, and she said, “Gongzi, don’t you want me to teach them? ”

At this time, you can only take Xiaohong and them as a condition.

“No hurry, no hurry,” but Lu Shaoqing waved his hand, “Wait until you have time.” So be it. ”

It’s too dangerous here, of course, run as fast as you want.

As for letting Bai Que teach something, Lu Shaoqing would only let Xiaohong and them stay here if he confirmed that it was safe.

Now, hurry up and slip away.

After speaking, he rushed to the sky as soon as possible and said to Shao Cheng, “Let’s go, let’s get out of here.” Watching

Lu Shaoqing and his group leave.

Liu Chi, Fierce Chu, Ying Qiqi, and Ma Ran looked at Bai Que, “Senior, what should I do now?”

Looking at the distant Lu Shaoqing, Bai Que looked distressed, she only knew why the heavens sent thunder.

Seeing that she was coming towards Lu Shaoqing, she was actually hurt the most.

She felt that she was a patient now, but she couldn’t even figure out what she was sick with.

I don’t know the cause and can’t prescribe the right medicine.

She let out a long sigh, “The current situation is already very bad, and I don’t know how long I can suppress the rampant gods.”

“The only way is to mend the Great Array.”

The only way Bai Que could think of was this.

The large array under his feet was an eighth-level large array, which was slashed by golden lightning.

However, if you want to repair the Great Array, you must spend huge manpower and material resources, and the entire demon world must unite.

“It’s a pity, if only they were willing to help.”

Lu Shaoqing helped solve the black magpie and the crack, so that Bai Que had trust in Lu Shaoqing in his heart.

The first time he encountered such a special human, Bai Que felt that he would be the savior of the demon race.

However, this murderous words did not like to hear, “Senior, we can solve it without their help.”

“Any supplies needed to repair the Great Array, we will find them.”

Liu Chi nodded, his eyes fierce, “The demon clan must be unified…”

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